How Merkel will steal September's 'election' and became DDR 2.0 chancellor again


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
DDR 2.0 federal 'election' will be more rigged and crooked as always. Govid-1984 scamdemic helps to 'win' the united communists of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts ( there is almost no principal difference between each )
Although only tiny amount of places in ICUs are occupied her regime is in 24/7 panic mode due to alleged rising of 'incidence' - the amount of positive fake PCR tests.
You can know how many nukes are hiding in Germany, but don't know how many CT lcycles contains any PCR test because after 17 any test is false positive. DDR 2.0 uses 35 - 45 cycles so it has always an needed amount of 'infections'. Moreover her 'cabinet' demands any traveler coming to DDR 2.0 must do the criminal test, so the number of symptom-less 'infected' skyrocketing.
More as 50% morons let already inoculate themselves, there are only few deaths related to the fake virus ( no one has proved its existence until now )
Nevertheless new lockdowns and voting per mail are coming to 100% surety.
Merkel knows antivaxxers vote for AFD, but jabbed dumbassess for the united commies. Be pretty sure clever Merkel let only inoculated go and vote personally. Antivaxxers will be prohibited to show themselves in polling spots. Due to the high 'incidence' of the 'Killer-Virus.' ( by the way mortality of which isn's higher as 0,16%, lower as by the common flu )
They became obliged to vote per mail only, so be sure all their votes get rigged and diverted to CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts .
Finally Merkel 'rethinks' her decision to leave and will stay for the fifth term. Why she refuses to run officially now? Because she afraid she will be attacked for their ruinous 'politic' of the last fifteen years.She found another scapegoats.
Now she relaxes and laughs how chancellor candidates of another parties must let beat themselves for her 'policy'
Look how communist MS presstitutes worldwide will cheer her 'sudden' decision to stay.

US elections went the same way. No way they can ever be honest and transparent again. Ain't gonna happen.
I'm not sure how anyone actually believes any upcoming elections will right any wrongs.

The chosen ones will be selectively placed into positions that matter. Eff.... We The People
How do you think That moron in NY got "elected"? Schumer? McConnel?

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