Alterations of the bible through history

'Literal' to me includes all the levels of meaning; I think he just doesn't understand what 'literal' is re biblical books, and conflates it with 'basic' terms or something. Not that he is interested in the complexities or literature,he's just a fashion victim falling for the marketing scams that promote the lie that 'smart' people are all non-beleivers or something.

The hard line fundamentalists.. Dispensationists and Dominionists insist that people who don't believe like them are not Christians but hellbound.
You are mistaken. Read it--those events have not occurred yet or Gods kingdom would be here. This sick world is ruled by satan.

That's the Scofield heresy.. John of Patmos makes it very clear who he's writing to and when this happens.

Stick with the scripture.
There are at least four 'Voices' used in biblical composition. I think you're just confusing them among each other. For instance, the reference in Mathew 7:23 points back to Psalm 6. John I:I is pointing out there are several 'names' of God in the scriptures, i.e. several points of view are from one source.

NKJV of John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Orthodox Jewish Bible​

Yochanan 1:1 :Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:3], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with, etzel, Mishle 8:30;30:4) Hashem, and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13 i.e., the Ma’amar Memra]​

The OJB uses 'Elohim', which is a plural form of reference, used throughout the bible from Genesis on.

In the Hebrew language--Elohim is not a name. NEVER plural for the true living God--This is fact.

Your version John 1:1 in plain english with the error in the last line makes the second line read--And God was with God-- that is more than 1 God.
That's the Scofield heresy.. John of Patmos makes it very clear who he's writing to and when this happens.

Stick with the scripture.
You have been lied to. Har-mageddon has not occurred yet, it is coming. Gods kingdom would be in full control, and promises no resident will ever say i am sick. RUN from your teachers.
You have been lied to. Har-mageddon has not occurred yet, it is coming. Gods kingdom would be in full control, and promises no resident will ever say i am sick. RUN from your teachers.

Neither Daniel nor Revelation are prophecy.. They are history. Study up on Har mageddon. Look to scripture not Hal Lindsey.
This sick world is ruled by satan.
Not my world--and by that I mean the tiny portion of which I am an actual part. It has been my experience when following The Way Jesus laid out, our personal lives, our personal households are the lights not hidden under a basket--and we can see these lights everywhere; they are kind of like yeast spreading through dough. On this planet, this is the world in which Jesus said we can live. When things go wrong, the Divine spark is always present.

Yes, we can look at the planet and despair, but when we keep our eyes open for God's presence in the portion of the world in which we actually live, the perspective is different. (Until we turn on the news. ;) )
I share and try to help ALL my brothers and sisters. And exactly what is wrong by wanting to enter Gods kingdom in your view?
Do you choose good over evil because you want to enter this hypothetical kingdom, or because you believe in doing what's right?
Do you choose good over evil because you want to enter this hypothetical kingdom, or because you believe in doing what's right?

One does good for its own sake.. in hopes that it helps make the world a better place.
In the Hebrew language--Elohim is not a name. NEVER plural for the true living God--This is fact.

Your version John 1:1 in plain english with the error in the last line makes the second line read--And God was with God-- that is more than 1 God.

Wrong again. God as a plural is used in many verses from the Pentateuch onward, as are at least two other 'voices'. If you want to just make up crap about what trinitarians claim then just cite the Jewsih scholars who make up crap as well; their cult is directly an invention of the post-exilic Pharisees so you will be right at home in your Xian bashing fallacies.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [g]all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

That is no error, and neither is John 1:1. John 1-18 has a specific purpose.

The rest of the structure of John:

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There could be a possibility of some greater intelligence but there's no way it could be something relating to the Christian superstitious nonsense.

And furthermore, their religion is evil in that it supports human slavery. Bibles need a rewrite every50 years or so.

But I do note that nobody will face the humiliation that comes with claiming to be a 'literal' believer.
Christianity, like every other religion is a human invention and therefore has all the good and evil humanity has always displayed.
Not my world--and by that I mean the tiny portion of which I am an actual part. It has been my experience when following The Way Jesus laid out, our personal lives, our personal households are the lights not hidden under a basket--and we can see these lights everywhere; they are kind of like yeast spreading through dough. On this planet, this is the world in which Jesus said we can live. When things go wrong, the Divine spark is always present.

Yes, we can look at the planet and despair, but when we keep our eyes open for God's presence in the portion of the world in which we actually live, the perspective is different. (Until we turn on the news. ;) )
I would say that the world you live in is not tiny. The kingdom of God is everywhere.
Neither Daniel nor Revelation are prophecy.. They are history. Study up on Har mageddon. Look to scripture not Hal Lindsey.
History huh. Then Gods kingdom is in full control of all creation, No more war, sickness, starvation, etc---You missed something somewhere. It has NOT occurred yet, but its getting very close. I dont know any Hal Lindsey.
I advise finding better teachers.
Not my world--and by that I mean the tiny portion of which I am an actual part. It has been my experience when following The Way Jesus laid out, our personal lives, our personal households are the lights not hidden under a basket--and we can see these lights everywhere; they are kind of like yeast spreading through dough. On this planet, this is the world in which Jesus said we can live. When things go wrong, the Divine spark is always present.

Yes, we can look at the planet and despair, but when we keep our eyes open for God's presence in the portion of the world in which we actually live, the perspective is different. (Until we turn on the news. ;) )
Jesus said Satan is the ruler of this system.
Wrong again. God as a plural is used in many verses from the Pentateuch onward, as are at least two other 'voices'. If you want to just make up crap about what trinitarians claim then just cite the Jewsih scholars who make up crap as well; their cult is directly an invention of the post-exilic Pharisees so you will be right at home in your Xian bashing fallacies.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [g]all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

That is no error, and neither is John 1:1. John 1-18 has a specific purpose.

The rest of the structure of John:

Every Hebrew on the planet will tell you the same exact thing about the word Elohim. Its your teachers who twist it.
The same goes with I am that i am. It is not in the OT in the Hebrew writings. More like-I will be what i will be. Your teachers twist that as well, when Jesus answered the pharisees that he lived before Abraham. Trying to say Jesus was saying he was God, but he did not.

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