Alterations of the bible through history

The bible does not say how old the earth is. The history of mankind in its pages is about-6041 years.
No, not directly but it tells us with the begots and begats.

And the history of humans is a lot more than 6000 years. Why would you mention anything about 6041 years?
You aren't saying what parts you believe are literal.

Why I think your ideas or preaching are rejected, could be something to do with you. So why don't you have a go on this forum and see if anybody is buying?
I expect to be rejected, it will get worse than that soon. The bible teaches--Gog of Magog comes to kill the true believers( the leaders i think) in these last days.
There are 1000,s of pages. If you have a direct question about something i will be glad to share my thoughts.
They rejected Jesus-FIRST--so what can one expect. Jesus said those following him would be hated.
I expect to be rejected, it will get worse than that soon. The bible teaches--Gog of Magog comes to kill the true believers( the leaders i think) in these last days.
There are 1000,s of pages. If you have a direct question about something i will be glad to share my thoughts.
They rejected Jesus-FIRST--so what can one expect. Jesus said those following him would be hated.
You sound like a nice person.
I think I would rather just put our differences on religious belief aside.
In the OT-- The tetragrammoton appeared in Hebrew scripture nearly 7000 x. This was the 4 constenants of Gods personal name--YHWH--( Jehovah)- After God inspired his writers to put his name in those places, wicked men with no right to do so, removed it and replaced it with-GOD or LORD( all capitols)-- Which caused much confusion on earth. God put his name there because he wants it there. The wicked keep it out and condemn to the core the bible translators who put it back--figure that one out. Their scholars know 100% it belongs there. It altered ones reading.

Trinity translation-Greek lexicon.-- At John 1:1 in the second line-The Logos was with HO Theos, ( 3rd) and the Logos was Theos.-- The true living God called-Ho Theos in the NT. Jesus( Logos) was not called HO Theos in the last line--just plain Theos--he was not being called The God. a god( small g) is 100% correct.--Other translations in history did not call Jesus God capitol G in their translations, but trinity scholars reject those translations because it exposes them as blind guides.

God worship history undeniable Facts= From Moses on up until this very day--The Israelite religion-teach, serve and worship-YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God. The same God that was taught to Jesus and every bible writer while they attended those places of worship.
A man called-Terrillion was considering God being a trinity in the 2nd century while the true God -a single being God was being served by all claiming to follow Jesus.
Then the religion that came out of Rome held councils, At the first council of Nicea-NO trinity was being taught. It was added at another council. In their own encyclopedia it states--The assimilation of a trinity in a christians life happened near the end of the 4th century.
The religion that came out of Rome--Would not let anyone but upper clergy read the written word of God until about the 1500,s. It was kept in latin until then. Once men were allowed to read Gods written word, they clearly saw something wrong in that religion, for centuries have been trying to make corrections to the errors allowed in but failed because the translations were altered, now we have 34,000 different trinity based religions= a mass of confusion. Gods word clearly teaches--Unity of thought-no division.( 1Cor 1:10)= a single religion on earth has the real Jesus.
Do you know these facts?
The authors did the best they could. Modern interpratations of other stories like the Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, etc. are also different from their original forms. Don't be a gatekeeper; just let people enjoy things however they like.
I expect to be rejected, it will get worse than that soon. The bible teaches--Gog of Magog comes to kill the true believers( the leaders i think) in these last days.
There are 1000,s of pages. If you have a direct question about something i will be glad to share my thoughts.
They rejected Jesus-FIRST--so what can one expect. Jesus said those following him would be hated.

Gog and Magog invaded Palestine in 624 BC.
Gog and Magog invaded Palestine in 624 BC.
There were people in the Nile valley about 300,000 years before Noah built the boat. Good grief, are we supposed to be back in the dark ages instead of the 21st. century?
There were people in the Nile valley about 300,000 years before Noah built the boat. Good grief, are we supposed to be back in the dark ages instead of the 21st. century?

LOL..Before Adam and Eve, Sumer had agriculture, irrigation a written language and sailboats.
The authors did the best they could. Modern interpratations of other stories like the Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, etc. are also different from their original forms. Don't be a gatekeeper; just let people enjoy things however they like.
Eternal life is on the line. Jesus sends his true followers out to help others get out of the darkness. Luke 10--Acts 20:20--This has ended( removal of the constant feature) 42 months after= Har-mageddon. It was removed in March 2020.
Eternal life is on the line. Jesus sends his true followers out to help others get out of the darkness. Luke 10--Acts 20:20--This has ended( removal of the constant feature) 42 months after= Har-mageddon. It was removed in March 2020.
You're only in this for eternal life? Pretty selfish.
You're only in this for eternal life? Pretty selfish.
Perhaps not. (Ironic because this talks about alterations of the Bible through history.) This comes across most clearly in the Gospel of John, but in Jesus time, the Hebrew for "eternal life" was on living a life that focused on God and that which had eternal importance (meaning yesterday, today, tomorrow, all throughout time). For example, going to work and deciding what to do in matters of eating and dressing have no eternal importance. Loving God and our fellow man, keeping the Commandments all have eternal importance--which includes having importance now as well.

The Kingdom of God is eternal, and Jesus noted that tax collectors and prostitutes entered the Kingdom of God ahead of some who were well off.

Call me even more selfish, because I am not waiting for death for Eternal Life/The Kingdom of God. It is a great place to be, to live, right now today.
Perhaps not. (Ironic because this talks about alterations of the Bible through history.) This comes across most clearly in the Gospel of John, but in Jesus time, the Hebrew for "eternal life" was on living a life that focused on God and that which had eternal importance (meaning yesterday, today, tomorrow, all throughout time). For example, going to work and deciding what to do in matters of eating and dressing have no eternal importance. Loving God and our fellow man, keeping the Commandments all have eternal importance--which includes having importance now as well.

The Kingdom of God is eternal, and Jesus noted that tax collectors and prostitutes entered the Kingdom of God ahead of some who were well off.

Call me even more selfish, because I am not waiting for death for Eternal Life/The Kingdom of God. It is a great place to be, to live, right now today.
I like that :thup:
But we do know that there are many Christians who believe in a literal translation of their bibles.
Define "many"

Because the Catholic church certainly doesn't, nor do many Protestants, and that's at least 70-80% right there who don't believe in some literal translation.

My guess is that you're exaggerating to make your attack easier.
So you aren't one of the 'literal' believers.
statistics say there are lots of them still left and I'm just wondering if anybody on this forum will claim to be one?
Hardly any reason to accuse me of hairsplitting, etc.

You'll find that it's mostly intellectuals asking the question. Or at least shoving in the faces of Christians. Christians try to do the same with atheists and they just end up getting honesty.

Most of you claiming to be 'atheists' aren't really atheists, just pagan materialists out trying to pose as 'rationalists', and mostly failing at it.

Ad, as for 'literal' beleivers, most realize that the books accepted by canon weren't written by morons or con artists and works of literature that operate on several levels of meaning and expression, including multiple 'Voices'; most of the 'atheist' poseurs have no clue about that and merely run around parroting assorted nonsense they read somewhere and liked the sound of it, and have no real idea of what they're babbling about.
John 1:1 alters-true God worship. If one is NOT serving the true living God, then they are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily, making them a worker of iniquity ( Matthew 7:21-23= judgement scenario) these do NOT want to hear those words from Jesus as judgement. It just takes believing Jesus over errors. Most refuse because of Errors.

There are at least four 'Voices' used in biblical composition. I think you're just confusing them among each other. For instance, the reference in Mathew 7:23 points back to Psalm 6. John I:I is pointing out there are several 'names' of God in the scriptures, i.e. several points of view are from one source.

NKJV of John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Orthodox Jewish Bible​

Yochanan 1:1 :Bereshis (in the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem [YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIS 1:3], and the Dvar Hashem was agav (along with, etzel, Mishle 8:30;30:4) Hashem, and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! [Psa 56:11(10); Yn 17:5; Rev. 19:13 i.e., the Ma’amar Memra]​

The OJB uses 'Elohim', which is a plural form of reference, used throughout the bible from Genesis on.
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Define "many"

Because the Catholic church certainly doesn't, nor do many Protestants, and that's at least 70-80% right there who don't believe in some literal translation.

My guess is that you're exaggerating to make your attack easier.

'Literal' to me includes all the levels of meaning; I think he just doesn't understand what 'literal' is re biblical books, and conflates it with 'basic' terms or something. Not that he is interested in the complexities or literature,he's just a fashion victim falling for the marketing scams that promote the lie that 'smart' people are all non-beleivers or something.

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