Altas Shrugged


Does it get any better?
Jan 6, 2009
This could be an excerpt from the book.

The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes
By George Russell

Published April 20, 2012

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

The main goal of the much-touted, Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, scheduled to be held in Brazil from June 20-23, and which Obama Administration officials have supported, is to make dramatic and enormously expensive changes in the way that the world does nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, "a fundamental shift in the way we think and act."

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

--More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

--New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

--Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

-- Major global social spending programs, including a "social protection floor" and "social safety nets" for the world's most vulnerable social groups for reasons of “equity.”

Read more: The tab for U.N.
This could be an excerpt from the book.

The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes
By George Russell

Published April 20, 2012

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

The main goal of the much-touted, Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, scheduled to be held in Brazil from June 20-23, and which Obama Administration officials have supported, is to make dramatic and enormously expensive changes in the way that the world does nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, "a fundamental shift in the way we think and act."

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

--More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

--New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

--Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

-- Major global social spending programs, including a "social protection floor" and "social safety nets" for the world's most vulnerable social groups for reasons of “equity.”

Read more: The tab for U.N.

I think this is too frightening for most people to even comment on.
Everybody always insists that it will never happen. Yeah, right.
This could be an excerpt from the book.

The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes
By George Russell

Published April 20, 2012

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

The main goal of the much-touted, Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, scheduled to be held in Brazil from June 20-23, and which Obama Administration officials have supported, is to make dramatic and enormously expensive changes in the way that the world does nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, "a fundamental shift in the way we think and act."

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

--More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

--New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

--Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

-- Major global social spending programs, including a "social protection floor" and "social safety nets" for the world's most vulnerable social groups for reasons of “equity.”

Read more: The tab for U.N.
We may need a cyber version of Ragnar Danneskjold.
This could be an excerpt from the book.

The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes
By George Russell

Published April 20, 2012

The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

The main goal of the much-touted, Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, scheduled to be held in Brazil from June 20-23, and which Obama Administration officials have supported, is to make dramatic and enormously expensive changes in the way that the world does nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, "a fundamental shift in the way we think and act."

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

--More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

--New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

--Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, 'brown' technologies and newer, greener ones."

-- Major global social spending programs, including a "social protection floor" and "social safety nets" for the world's most vulnerable social groups for reasons of “equity.”

Read more: The tab for U.N.

What a crock of fucking shit. Tell the fine folks at the UN to bend over and shove Rio +20 up their worthless asses.
The UN are the ultimate central planning wannabes. Screw 'em. Atlas is indeed shrugging.
Out of the u.n. NOW. Let the rest of the world play it's "One World Government" games. Then if we drop out they don't have enough money to take over the world.
I have been sick of this crap for decades. Making up things to tax us for, it's going to continue to spiral out of control. While the liberals cheer as America turns into a horrible place to live.
Out of the u.n. NOW. Let the rest of the world play it's "One World Government" games. Then if we drop out they don't have enough money to take over the world.

If only we could get an administration in office that would have the balls to cut the ties. Will most likely never happen.
Isn't it interesting how the UN holds these things in places like Rio, Paris, Amsterdam, etc., and never Botswana, Uruguay or Lithuania?

Lithuania is blonde haired, blue eyed and white. They were among the first to recognize the former Soviet Union as only a paper tiger and stood up to stare down the Russian Bear, along with the Poles, the East Germans, the Hungarians and the Czechs on the Soviet Union's road to Pereistroika.
Lithuania's history has been largely uneventful except that they are located geographically on the prime invasion route between Russia, Poland, and Germany, therefore the people share a lot of genetic similarity with members of those other three nations. Before the Soviet Union fell, the goods produced in Lithuania were very much in demand for their technical expertise and superiority over the other goods available in the USSR. One major defense firm here, 7-10,000 employees, that was intimately involved in the US's development of the moon suit and other elements of the Apollo Space program in the late 60's and early 70's employed four Lithuanians out its six total supervisory personnel overseeing the manufacture of the company's experimental development components.

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