Alt-Right- largest terrorist threat on American soil.


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2017
New York
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.
Alt right has a race problem, like this murder does.
Proves nothing more than there are nut jobs all over. That won't prevent the lame stream media and all its supporters and acolytes from using one isolated occurrence as a cause celebre to "illustrate" their narrative.
Isolated occurrence?

Where ya from? Mars?
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.
Alt right has a race problem, like this murder does.
The alt-right is about race, idiot.

That doesn't mean that killing white left wing politicians and media personnel wouldn't help white people infinitely more than killing some random Arab baby or black student.
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.

If this young officer had been murdered by a jihadist, you'd be screaming to the world about Muslim terrorists but right wing terrorism is a far larger threat in the United States.
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.

If this young officer had been murdered by a jihadist, you'd be screaming to the world about Muslim terrorists but right wing terrorism is a far larger threat in the United States.
How so? How many bodies do you count? Let's be honest for once in your life, you want to associate militant extremists with conservatives to shut us up so you can have global socialism.
Mr Collins, 23, was visiting friends at the College Park campus when he was stabbed in the chest with a knife.
The victim was commissioned as a US Army lieutenant two days earlier.
He was set to graduate from Bowie State University on Tuesday.

Local police asked the FBI to help in the investigation after discovering Mr Urbanski belonged to a Facebook group called "Alt-Reich Nation".
The online community featured disparaging content about African Americans, women, Jews and others, according to University of Maryland Police Chief David Mitchell.

District Court Judge Patrice Lewis said there was "clear and convincing" evidence he "is an absolute danger to the community".

University of Maryland President Wallace D Loh said in a statement the attack had "shocked, saddened, and angered our community and beyond".

Dr Artie Lee Travis, Bowie State's vice-president of student affairs, said he hopes the investigation moves forward.

"Hate has no place in America," he said.
"Hate has no place on a college campus, where young minds are coming together to try to change the world."

'Alt-Reich' member charged in fatal stabbing of black student - BBC News
Real alt-right "terrorism" would be bombing BBC studios and assassinating prominent globalist politicians.

If this young officer had been murdered by a jihadist, you'd be screaming to the world about Muslim terrorists but right wing terrorism is a far larger threat in the United States.
Do you even know how many whites have been killed by racist blacks over the past 5 years?

Like those officers in Texas? Or those reporters killed on live tv?
What is this thread trying to accomplish? To try and convince that terrorists come in all colors and religions, maybe. That could be right. Caucasians have always had their share of bad guys, but when they do bad things they eventually get caught and put in jail. Not much we can do about the born and raised here till they commit a crime, but why import more potential criminals from third world countries. Especially muslims, who tolerate no other religions, and cause trouble in what ever country they go to? Look at Europe for example.
I of course do not condone murder.

But there is something seriously wrong with the picture when blacks can routinely murder whites (I have known cases myself) with hardly a word by the media, or even encouragement in some quarters, while every incident of the opposite, however rare, is given immense coverage.

Why do you people not recognize the real threat of black murderers? Do you want to die at the hands of one?

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