Alt-Lite journalist Arrested Just Prior to Release of Her Expose on Deep State, 'Shadow Net'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Her movie she put together is pretty impressive for an amateur, and it ties in separate threads of information into a web of lies and deceit wrapping around john Brennan and a group of his contracting friends related to CGI and Global Strategy group.

Update: While weaver's arrest appears to be for unrelated charges according to the Daily Dot...
When speaking to the Daily Dot via phone Saturday morning, a Portage County Jail administrator said that Weaver is being charged with alleged “robbery, tampering with evidence, obstruction justice, and domestic violence.”
When asked about the claim that Weaver was arrested for exposing the deep state, the administrator laughed. Conspiracy theorists believe a type of shadow government exists and is working to undermine President Donald Trump and his agenda.
Meaww also reports Weaver’s husband was arrested.
...we still can't help but wonder about the curious timing?
In an article Friday at activist post, Spiro Skouras wrote that he also “contacted the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and they confirmed Millie Weaver is in their custody. They also confirmed that she was served a secret indictment.

Her boyfriend has also been arrested for similar charges.

What a bunch of Deep State Horse Kaka.

This is the documentary, and I found it thought provoking, though I dont know how much fact there actually is in it.

Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

Her movie she put together is pretty impressive for an amateur, and it ties in separate threads of information into a web of lies and deceit wrapping around john Brennan and a group of his contracting friends related to CGI and Global Strategy group.

Update: While weaver's arrest appears to be for unrelated charges according to the Daily Dot...
When speaking to the Daily Dot via phone Saturday morning, a Portage County Jail administrator said that Weaver is being charged with alleged “robbery, tampering with evidence, obstruction justice, and domestic violence.”
When asked about the claim that Weaver was arrested for exposing the deep state, the administrator laughed. Conspiracy theorists believe a type of shadow government exists and is working to undermine President Donald Trump and his agenda.
Meaww also reports Weaver’s husband was arrested.
...we still can't help but wonder about the curious timing?

Her boyfriend has also been arrested for similar charges.

What a bunch of Deep State Horse Kaka.

This is the documentary, and I found it thought provoking, though I dont know how much fact there actually is in it.

Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

The timing of her arrest IS a bit suspicious, isn't it?
Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

The timing of her arrest is a bit suspicious, isn't it?

Yeah, she is fucking with some big people, the kind AG Barr hesitates to indict.

If this is true, that a private company run by Brenan and friends is piping data from the FISAs to their own databases, man, that is illegal as all fuck.
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Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

The timing of her arrest is a bit suspicious, isn't it?

Yeah, she is fucking with some big people, the kind AG Barr hesitates to indict.

If this is true, that a private company run by Brenan and friends is pipping data from the FISAs to their own databases, man, that is illegal as all fuck.

It sure IS illegal, Jim. THAT'S probably why they're scared to death of her documentary.
Her movie she put together is pretty impressive for an amateur, and it ties in separate threads of information into a web of lies and deceit wrapping around john Brennan and a group of his contracting friends related to CGI and Global Strategy group.

Update: While weaver's arrest appears to be for unrelated charges according to the Daily Dot...
When speaking to the Daily Dot via phone Saturday morning, a Portage County Jail administrator said that Weaver is being charged with alleged “robbery, tampering with evidence, obstruction justice, and domestic violence.”
When asked about the claim that Weaver was arrested for exposing the deep state, the administrator laughed. Conspiracy theorists believe a type of shadow government exists and is working to undermine President Donald Trump and his agenda.
Meaww also reports Weaver’s husband was arrested.
...we still can't help but wonder about the curious timing?
In an article Friday at activist post, Spiro Skouras wrote that he also “contacted the Portage County Sheriff’s Office and they confirmed Millie Weaver is in their custody. They also confirmed that she was served a secret indictment.

Her boyfriend has also been arrested for similar charges.

What a bunch of Deep State Horse Kaka.

This is the documentary, and I found it thought provoking, though I dont know how much fact there actually is in it.

Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

It was a plot to set up Millie. The So-called ex-agents in the video wanted to create a video to make it seem as if Roger Stone working for the Deep State. And so they had arrested Millie before the video was finished so that Millie will not see the full video. Then these agents had added their parts into it after they has gotten Millie out of the way. And then release the video making it seem as if the Infowars crew approved its content. And now these agents has Millie's children in their care. I guess they are going to bring out MK ultra and use it on her children while both Millie and her husband are in custody.
They cannot touch her kids once they cross state line. Then they will have to go through many channels to extradite her children back to Ohio. But it will have to be up to the governor of that state to have them taken back.
It’s no surprise to anyone paying attention, that our government and it’s two political party are criminal operations. Sadly, too few Americans are paying attention.
Her movie she put together is pretty impressive for an amateur, and it ties in separate threads of information into a web of lies and deceit wrapping around john Brennan and a group of his contracting friends related to CGI and Global Strategy group.

Update: While weaver's arrest appears to be for unrelated charges according to the Daily Dot...
When speaking to the Daily Dot via phone Saturday morning, a Portage County Jail administrator said that Weaver is being charged with alleged “robbery, tampering with evidence, obstruction justice, and domestic violence.”
When asked about the claim that Weaver was arrested for exposing the deep state, the administrator laughed. Conspiracy theorists believe a type of shadow government exists and is working to undermine President Donald Trump and his agenda.
Meaww also reports Weaver’s husband was arrested.
...we still can't help but wonder about the curious timing?

Her boyfriend has also been arrested for similar charges.

What a bunch of Deep State Horse Kaka.

This is the documentary, and I found it thought provoking, though I dont know how much fact there actually is in it.

Her arrest kind of gives her more credibility.

The timing of her arrest IS a bit suspicious, isn't it?

What is more suspicious is why no Jewish lawyers are suing Cuomo for killing 30000 old people in nursing homes
They can hold a person up to 72 hours without any charges. They always have them arrested right before the weekends because the court system is shutdown. They do this to make them sweat. But they are going to keep on doing this to her until she meets up with Big Bertha as her cell mate. which she is going to teach her about the facts of life.

As a general rule: If you're placed in custody, your "speedy trial" rights typically require the prosecutor to decide charges within 72 hours.

This whole shenanigan is a PSYOP operation against Alex Jones. They are trying to set him up so that they can shut him down right before the election. So that they can have total control of the narrative. But Alex response wasn't what they expected.
Something in that movie documentary, Shadow Gate is most likely classified confidential but they are not telling Millie. But they are trying their best to get Alex Jones to admit that he was behind making this documentary so that they can have him arrested for releasing U.S. government top secret classified information out to the public.
But Millie seems like a bright person. That she should see that they are playing om her intelligence. These PSYOP agents comes onto your doorstep like a wounded dogs so that you can let them in. And once they are in, theyb takes control of your household.

I believe that they are going to link this film Shadow Gate to Putin. Making it seem as if Putin has already started interfering into our election. Hacking into government files to retrieve information on certain political leaders. But they has Millie under their control by having her sign a form while incarcerated. That the lawyer that the so-called ex-agent Torre has appointed to her to handle her case. Which that lawyer could have Millie tob plead guilty to a crime she hasn't committed. And Pres.Trump cannot do anything about it, or else they will say it shows that he is working with Putin.
They are doing all of this very quickly. An over-nighter. Trying to hurry up and add this to their excuse to claim that Pres.Trump has rigged the election.
Pres.Trump better ignore the Shadow Gate incident. Even if Millie cries and beg for help.
Being locked up makes a person strong and vigorous. It builds up will power.


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