Alt left insanity gender fluidity and the oppressive shadow of marriage


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Alt-Left Insanity: Gender Fluidity and the ‘Oppressive Shadow of Marriage’

One of the reasons we call liberals the alt-left is their opposition to anything traditional or normal — like free speech, patriotism or marriage.

Marriage has been a particular target of the left for many years. Forget the campaign for gay marriage. The left hates the institution, but it’s easier to wreck it from within than without. As The Establishment puts it, “marriage sits at the red-hot heart of our, ahem, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.”


And these lunatics can't figure out why everyone else sees them as mentally ill. These Anti Trumpers seriously need to move out of the Country get lost some where form their own country and stop forcing their made up bs down the throats of those who still have a brain left.
I can tell that you went to church today, such a loving thread...

Do you guys have any reasonable conclusions at all? I mean, people don't get married like they used to and it's not because of anything else other than some wack job conspiracy that a political party is coordinating an attack on marriage because that's profitable...or something.
Hillary 2020!!!

If you don't want her to run in 2020, you are a racist homophobic misogynistic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist!

I'm with her...again....

Hillary Clinton/Maxine Waters 2020!!
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Do you guys have any reasonable conclusions at all? I mean, people don't get married like they used to and it's not because of anything else other than some wack job conspiracy that a political party is coordinating an attack on marriage because that's profitable...or something.
When people wake up out of the zombie matrix maybe they will be intelligen tenough to comprehend what and why the destruction of American and the family has been purposely engineered.

A number of socialists and communists have often said that to destroy a nation, first destroy the family.

Over the past 60 years, the family structure in America has been attacked and eroded. The number of fatherless homes is epidemic. The number of homes with un-wed couples is growing at an alarming rate, even within Christian circles.

Vladimir Lenin: 'Destroy the Family, You Destroy the Country'
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Hillary 2020!!!

If you don't want her to run in 2020, you are a racist homophobic misogynistic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist!

I'm with her...again....

Hillary Clinton/Maxine Waters 2020!!

I wouldn't vote for this pos bitch if you paid me. She's married to a rapist, hangs out with rapist and suck the dumbasses into her matrix lmao.
Do you guys have any reasonable conclusions at all? I mean, people don't get married like they used to and it's not because of anything else other than some wack job conspiracy that a political party is coordinating an attack on marriage because that's profitable...or something.
When people wake up out of the zombie matrix maybe they will be intelligen tenough to comprehend what and why the destruction of American and the family has been purposely engineered.

A number of socialists and communists have often said that to destroy a nation, first destroy the family.

Over the past 60 years, the family structure in America has been attacked and eroded. The number of fatherless homes is epidemic. The number of homes with un-wed couples is growing at an alarming rate, even within Christian circles.

Vladimir Lenin: 'Destroy the Family, You Destroy the Country'

Yes, but just because someone made an obvious statement doesn't mean there is a secret plot to change the minds of millions.

That's the connection you're missing and a wild one at that.
Do you guys have any reasonable conclusions at all? I mean, people don't get married like they used to and it's not because of anything else other than some wack job conspiracy that a political party is coordinating an attack on marriage because that's profitable...or something.
When people wake up out of the zombie matrix maybe they will be intelligen tenough to comprehend what and why the destruction of American and the family has been purposely engineered.

A number of socialists and communists have often said that to destroy a nation, first destroy the family.

Over the past 60 years, the family structure in America has been attacked and eroded. The number of fatherless homes is epidemic. The number of homes with un-wed couples is growing at an alarming rate, even within Christian circles.

Vladimir Lenin: 'Destroy the Family, You Destroy the Country'

Yes, but just because someone made an obvious statement doesn't mean there is a secret plot to change the minds of millions.

That's the connection you're missing and a wild one at that.

The only ones who can think that are those who do not have any understanding of " Psychological warfare" and it is a proven tactic that can and does work on masses of people.
It's easy to pull off people can't connect how it is done, the way it is done.

To put in more understandable terms , what do you think they do when creating many commercials to get people to buy something they get trained psychologist, or former FBI, CIA analyst to go in and create ways that will make people want to buy something.

I'm talking the huge companies not mom and pop down the street, or even semi well known companies.

It is used via TV, MUSIC, MOVIES, MEDIA........... why do you think you see images of pop corn, soda, candy when you go to the movies it makes most ppl want to buy something that's another small small form of how it is used.

You really should stop making yourself look so stupid by learning how to click those little links for the Original source stooge.
How many kinds of DUFUS are you?

1 - The OP links to Infowars.

2 - The News Buster article is also linked to Infowars.

What exactly is a "DUFUS", dumb ass?

Infowars has been proven to me that it's only like 100 times more accurate than the lamestream Operation Mockingbird for the programmed leftard doofus such as yourself, "newbie".

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975)
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You really should stop making yourself look so stupid by learning how to click those little links for the Original source stooge.
How many kinds of DUFUS are you?

1 - The OP links to Infowars.

2 - The News Buster article is also linked to Infowars.

What exactly is a "DUFUS", dumb ass?

Infowars has been proven to me that it's only like 100 times more accurate than the lamestream Operation Mockingbird for the programmed leftard doofus such as yourself, "newbie".

Aren't they great at making up their own bs. LMAO.

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