Almost Persuaded

one is a forgery, one is not ...

* Hint - of those making the claim for their religion.

You intrigue me. I desperately want to know what you have to say.

This is all I have got:
"The Bible is bad."
"Religions who claim Jesus is the Messiah are bad."
"The religion of antiquity is good."
"There are seven words somewhere that hold the keys to everything."

Did I miss anything? I am assuming you are a bad communicator and am desperately hoping that you reveal something else about your theory. If I start a thread titled, "Religion of Antiquity" could you give us a lesson?
Being labelled a Christian is a privileged status here in the United States. I am already observed in real life as a Christian. I have 100% of the benefits afforded to someone who is viewed as a Christian.

In the online world there are no advantages to being labelled as a Christian. You have no goodies to withhold from me to convince me to covet a privileged status. An online support group doesn't go far at all. You have nothing to offer me. I do not have to bow to you. You may believe in God and you may act like a god in real life by bullying people but that doesn't work online.

I am not scared of you calling me no Christian. You may think I am lying but it is the truth. I don't need you to classify me as a Christian.
You must realize no one can judge you. Only God can do that.
If you have problems with some of the bible's more incredulous tales join the club.
What counts is how you treat your fellow human beings and if you have love for God realizing realizing how we are all His children.
Live your life with joy because your searching for God surely shows you will one day find all the answers.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.

Trivia: The 2008 - 2011 = strong faith is understandable from my pov. From 2007 - 2011, many articles came out against evolution.

When I was a kid, I just looked at the beauty of nature and thought and felt there had to be a God. This has never wavered. As I got older, I started understanding the complexity of nature. It had nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible, I didn't understand, and its reading and learning came much later. Anyway, you may have had faith in God, but it has been lost to Satan. If you believed in God, then there was also Satan who remained hidden. Thus, we find that people end up following what they believe or their worldview. People cannot help believe what they believe. This is something we all learned from this forum. It's just like atheism leads to communism, albeit the secular humanists will deny it.

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22

The false prophets of atheism were predicted way back in the Book of Mark. Since Israeli history from the Old Testament proves that people are devout for a short while then go their own way again, then are devout for a while and then go their own way again, forever ad nauseam then this was a logical prediction for the author of Mark.

People are guaranteed to leave the faith. It is proven historically.

The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.

"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect." Mark 13:22

I don't think it says what you state in your first sentence. It is referring to a possibility of being misled, warn against false prophets, and to be aware of them and be able to tell the difference.

A false prophet is a person who spreads false teachings or messages while claiming to speak the Word of God. This makes it important to understand the source. We also have to distinguish the motivation of the prophet. Usually, the false ones are motivated by self-interest, desire for attention and be popular, and financial gain and greed.

Atheism is only part of the false prophets. There is nothing to state that atheism leads to temporary faith in God. We had Satan in the garden of Eden, paganism, false prophets placed inside the church, yes people, strong persuaders, charismatic people, witchcraft, fake science, and more. All of these try to tempt us away from God.
"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect." Mark 13:22

I don't think it says what you state in your first sentence.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
All I'm saying is lots of "good Christians" contradict each other and argue over what makes for a Christian and not.

A false prophet is a person who spreads false teachings or messages while claiming to speak the Word of God. This makes it important to understand the source. We also have to distinguish the motivation of the prophet. Usually, the false ones are motivated by self-interest, desire for attention and be popular, and financial gain and greed.

Atheism is only part of the false prophets. There is nothing to state that atheism leads to temporary faith in God. We had Satan in the garden of Eden, paganism, false prophets placed inside the church, yes people, strong persuaders, charismatic people, witchcraft, fake science, and more. All of these try to tempt us away from God.
Indeed and we all must decide for ourselves what will lead to ever lasting life under God.
I'm not telling anyone there is this or that path to God and I'm not listening to anyone who tells me he knows the way.

God gave me a good brain and the sense to reason with it. There must be a reason why.
The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.

I just wanted to add from what I've read of your posts. You use the Bible against God when the situation goes against your subjective values. For example, you discussed Romans and homosexuality being a sin and Leviticus and being against homosexuality. However, you could not agree with what God said, said he was wrong, and then what you believed which was going against God. It's no wonder you became atheist. These parts confused me when reading the Bible, so I just let those parts be and continued on with the other parts. Eventually, I understood the meanings of the confusing parts.
The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.

I just wanted to add from what I've read of your posts. You use the Bible against God when the situation goes against your subjective values. For example, you discussed Romans and homosexuality being a sin and Leviticus and being against homosexuality. However, you could not agree with what God said, said he was wrong, and then what you believed which was going against God. It's no wonder you became atheist. These parts confused me when reading the Bible, so I just let those parts be and continued on with the other parts. Eventually, I understood the meanings of the confusing parts.

The Bible is very useful for many purposes. It is best to learn it. The people who wrote were atheist. Nobody ever considers that all religions are started by atheists.

The Bible was intended to be read by believers. It was intended to create believers out of the unsuspecting masses.
one is a forgery, one is not ...

* Hint - of those making the claim for their religion.

You intrigue me. I desperately want to know what you have to say.

This is all I have got:
"The Bible is bad."
"Religions who claim Jesus is the Messiah are bad."
"The religion of antiquity is good."
"There are seven words somewhere that hold the keys to everything."

Did I miss anything? I am assuming you are a bad communicator and am desperately hoping that you reveal something else about your theory. If I start a thread titled, "Religion of Antiquity" could you give us a lesson?
best to just requote the quote you chose in response secularism ...

For false christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

it would seem it is you that believes both are false, the deity and christianity - I'm only agreeing with you about christianity ... the spoken religion of antiquity is sound whether to appease a deity or not by its design, proving its worth unlike the dependancy of christianity.

your appeal for the social construct christianity represents, sinfulness is reprehensible.
The point of Christianity is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Do you do that?
I can quote the religion of antiquity if that is what you are asking
You intrigue me. I desperately want to know what you have to say.

This is all I have got:
"The Bible is bad."
"Religions who claim Jesus is the Messiah are bad."
"The religion of antiquity is good."
"There are seven words somewhere that hold the keys to everything."

Did I miss anything? I am assuming you are a bad communicator but I am desperately hoping that you will reveal something else about your theory. If I start a thread titled, "Religion of Antiquity" could you give us a lesson?

I want to read a book about the religion of antiquity.

Could you write one?
The point of Christianity is to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Do you do that?
That is pretty good way to live. But then there are people who take advantage of that. There are political philosophies that start the same without the God part. But somehow we end up with people who take advantage of what you typed anyway. It might work but we all would live with what the system could produce. And would we accept less comforts for more people living better?
The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.

I just wanted to add from what I've read of your posts. You use the Bible against God when the situation goes against your subjective values. For example, you discussed Romans and homosexuality being a sin and Leviticus and being against homosexuality. However, you could not agree with what God said, said he was wrong, and then what you believed which was going against God. It's no wonder you became atheist. These parts confused me when reading the Bible, so I just let those parts be and continued on with the other parts. Eventually, I understood the meanings of the confusing parts.

The Bible is very useful for many purposes. It is best to learn it. The people who wrote were atheist. Nobody ever considers that all religions are started by atheists.

The Bible was intended to be read by believers. It was intended to create believers out of the unsuspecting masses.

>>The people who wrote were atheist.<<

It couldn't be because these were unrelated people in different walks of life who wrote it over a period of fifteen hundred years. It started with the first peoples, the Jews.

The people who were atheist wrote the anti-Bible which practically no one knows exists. It is there for all of us to read, but it is hidden as the anti-Bible of Evolution.

I discussed Satan's anti-Bible of Evolution that he wrote through the help of atheist scientists since ancient times. I do not think these scientists got together and said we will contradict the word of God. No scientist in their right mind would do that. Just th fact you claim the bible that it was written by atheists shows that you are referring to the anti-Bible. Satan's rebellious nature cannot help but do this.

Here are some things that are opposite off the top of my head that he has had written for his autobiography.

Said it first in the Bible over 1500 years (can not change) >>>>> Said it throughout the years (hypothesis and theories can change)
Universe >>>>> Multiverse
Creation ex nihilo (supernatural creation in 6 days) >>>>> Universe ex nihilo, i.e. big bang (defies laws of physics, infinite temperature and density, all is set up in 20 mins); Before this, it was eternal universe
6,000 yrs old Earth and universe >>>>> 4.5 B yrs old Earth and 13.7 B yrs old universe
Created Adam and Eve >>>>> Humans evolved from monkeys
Created birds 4th day; dinosaurs 5th day >>>>> birds evolved from dinosaurs
Clear explanation of how universe and Earth formed and science backs it up >>>>> Wild hypothesis of infinitely hot and dense unseen particle called singularity; Some event called big bang triggered a cosmic expansion in microseconds that formed the basis for our universe; not clear explanation of what happened
Life can only create life >>>>> Life forms through abiogenesis (based on spontaneous generation that was proven false by creation scientist Dr. Louis Pasteur)
Started with void >>>>> Started with infinitely hot and dense unseen quantum particle
God is timeless and spaceless >>>>> Quantum particles pop in and out of existence
God is light, i.e. EMS or light >>>>> Things happen through dark energy, dark matter
Universe is bounded and has a center >>>>> Universe is boundless and does not have a center
Earth is special >>>>> There is nothing special about the Earth
Heaven (upward direction) >>>>> Hell (downward direction)

Sorry for the poor formatting.

Is This Evidence For Satan?
The popular teaching that "getting saved" is magic and protects people from unbelief is stupid and proven false by Mark 13:22.

The concept of getting saved isn't even a Biblical concept. It is a tradition that started in the United States mid 1800's unless you count Noah getting saved from the flood.

I just wanted to add from what I've read of your posts. You use the Bible against God when the situation goes against your subjective values. For example, you discussed Romans and homosexuality being a sin and Leviticus and being against homosexuality. However, you could not agree with what God said, said he was wrong, and then what you believed which was going against God. It's no wonder you became atheist. These parts confused me when reading the Bible, so I just let those parts be and continued on with the other parts. Eventually, I understood the meanings of the confusing parts.

The Bible is very useful for many purposes. It is best to learn it. The people who wrote were atheist. Nobody ever considers that all religions are started by atheists.

The Bible was intended to be read by believers. It was intended to create believers out of the unsuspecting masses.

>>The people who wrote were atheist.<<

It couldn't be because these were unrelated people in different walks of life who wrote it over a period of fifteen hundred years. It started with the first peoples, the Jews.

The people who were atheist wrote the anti-Bible which practically no one knows exists. It is there for all of us to read, but it is hidden as the anti-Bible of Evolution.

I discussed Satan's anti-Bible of Evolution that he wrote through the help of atheist scientists since ancient times. I do not think these scientists got together and said we will contradict the word of God. No scientist in their right mind would do that. Just th fact you claim the bible that it was written by atheists shows that you are referring to the anti-Bible. Satan's rebellious nature cannot help but do this.

Here are some things that are opposite off the top of my head that he has had written for his autobiography.

Said it first in the Bible over 1500 years (can not change) >>>>> Said it throughout the years (hypothesis and theories can change)
Universe >>>>> Multiverse
Creation ex nihilo (supernatural creation in 6 days) >>>>> Universe ex nihilo, i.e. big bang (defies laws of physics, infinite temperature and density, all is set up in 20 mins); Before this, it was eternal universe
6,000 yrs old Earth and universe >>>>> 4.5 B yrs old Earth and 13.7 B yrs old universe
Created Adam and Eve >>>>> Humans evolved from monkeys
Created birds 4th day; dinosaurs 5th day >>>>> birds evolved from dinosaurs
Clear explanation of how universe and Earth formed and science backs it up >>>>> Wild hypothesis of infinitely hot and dense unseen particle called singularity; Some event called big bang triggered a cosmic expansion in microseconds that formed the basis for our universe; not clear explanation of what happened
Life can only create life >>>>> Life forms through abiogenesis (based on spontaneous generation that was proven false by creation scientist Dr. Louis Pasteur)
Started with void >>>>> Started with infinitely hot and dense unseen quantum particle
God is timeless and spaceless >>>>> Quantum particles pop in and out of existence
God is light, i.e. EMS or light >>>>> Things happen through dark energy, dark matter
Universe is bounded and has a center >>>>> Universe is boundless and does not have a center
Earth is special >>>>> There is nothing special about the Earth
Heaven (upward direction) >>>>> Hell (downward direction)

Sorry for the poor formatting.

Is This Evidence For Satan?
It couldn't be because these were unrelated people in different walks of life who wrote it over a period of fifteen hundred years.

really, and they (whoever that may have been) spent the entire 4th century writing the christian bible where not one original document from the period of its discussion is found to exist to verify anything they "included" in their book ... or was left for posterity in an etching or clay relief for verification at a later date -

no, there is not a satan, bond just a bunch of political hacks that wrote a political document disguised as a religion they attributed to the 1st century - and you are one of them.

and is what has always been wrong since that time to the present day.
I don't care either way

This is the truth. Take it or leave it.

I remember in August 2011 sitting in a particular chair and believing that I was exactly where God wanted me to be at that moment.

Just because I was dishonest to myself in the past doesn't give me an excuse to continue creating delusions in my mind.

There have been times in my life that I believed God told me this or that. Truth be told, God never said anything to me at all.

"God" and I have had an on again off again relationship.

1990-1996 = strong faith
1996-2001 = weak faith
2001-2005 = strong faith
2005-2008 = ehh, not sure
2008-2011 = strong faith
2011-present = no faith, I am tired of the cycle

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord on April 13, 1990 when I was 11 years old. The only things I have experienced are frequent moments of intellectual and emotional ecstasy. I have 0 evidence of any of it. It is all faith. That is all it is. I have faith my car will start but that is fair. It started yesterday. I have that the Bible works but that is fair. It worked in my past. I have faith in my light switch but that is fair. It worked yesterday. Faith in a God that has done nothing in 29 years is kindly absurd. Admitting that I have been an idiot for 29 years isn't easy. I think that is why many people stay. Nobody likes to admit that they are an idiot. Well, I am an idiot.

Your cycle of faith/no faith is the conundrum all believers face, it is a part of the journey. Even the Israelites did the same. On again, off again. This is something you have to work out for yourself. I wish you the best of luck

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