Almost Got Rear Ended Today By an Idiot Texting


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
I am sitting at a red light on my bike this morning - around the corner comes a dumbass and I see he's texting. Had I not been looking in my rear view mirror to see what was coming, I would not have been able to "gun" it and accelerate out of his way. This texting stuff is something I believe should be illegal nationwide. That and cell phone use. Seems every time I have a close one on my bike it's some idiot on a cell phone.
Im glad you are ok!!!!!!

Yes alot of ppl ARE BLITHERING IDIOTS and dont care about anything!!!

Its good you happend to look into the mirror! (Ya should have followed the car afterwards and bitched them out for this careless act)
[ame=]‪PSA Texting while Driving U.K. Ad [HD]‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
We worry about our daughter and her friends driving and texting...tho it is illegal here in CA with BIG fines (as it should be).

In CA texters might be more responsible drivers. At least they're doing something other then trying to screw over other everyone else on the road.

Everyone else is constantly cutting you off or trying to pass you on the right going 90 miles an hour. If you try to leave a safe following distance between you and the car in front you'll never get anywhere because every fuck on the road will cut in front of you.

CA traffic is what invented road rage.

Maybe this explains why there are so many libs in CA........and Mexicans.
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We worry about our daughter and her friends driving and texting...tho it is illegal here in CA with BIG fines (as it should be).

In CA texters might be more responsible drivers. At least they're doing something other then trying to screw over other everyone else on the road.

Everyone else is constantly cutting you off or trying to pass you on the right going 90 miles an hour. If you try to leave a safe following distance between you and the car in front you'll never get anywhere because every fuck on the road will cut in front of you.

CA traffic is what invented road rage.

Maybe this explains why there are so many libs in CA........and Mexicans.

Thank you for making this partisan.
I think texting and driving is already illegal in certain states, I know on Military bases you cannot talk on your cell phone or text while driving.
Texting while driving is illegal in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I travel daily through both states and I can't tell you how many drivers I see texting. I mean really, do they think they're conversation is more important than their life or the lives of others? I guess not. Dumbasses.
I am sitting at a red light on my bike this morning - around the corner comes a dumbass and I see he's texting. Had I not been looking in my rear view mirror to see what was coming, I would not have been able to "gun" it and accelerate out of his way. This texting stuff is something I believe should be illegal nationwide. That and cell phone use. Seems every time I have a close one on my bike it's some idiot on a cell phone.

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