All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

It's a free county, mostly, but he should still be dragged in for ripping off the taxpayers.

And ask Hannity why it's big deal. He tossed Bundy out like a shoe covered in radioactive dog poop.

If it isn't a big deal to you than why even talk about it?

The reality is, the Federal Government and the left wing establishment in this country lost the argument on the Bundy/BLM issue, so like always they throw out the word "racist!" to stifle dissent to their arguments and agenda.

How do you assume that they lost the argument, the FACTS speak for themselves. Do you think that they would have won the argument by having a "Waco/Ruby Ridge" incident?

The facts are clouded. I keep at them and won't stop. That aside it appears one more time no one seems to care about truth.

Pity. The government selling out the desert on a pay to play to pollute to me is probably one of the most insane things I have ever witnessed. And yet, here we are.

Have to tell you, I'm heartbroken. They are just parcelling out the desert for pennies, Damage done. You can't reclaim it.

This is the sin.
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Defending Slavery? You are, just like Bundy is.

no Bundy i'm looking at the slavery of today versus the slavery of yesteryear and don't see a whole lot of difference....actually worse today in many aspects....especially with the rampant drug problems and daily killings.....

supply the masses with their opiates. the democrats have it down to a science. and they know how to dangle the carrot too. that little ray of hope that if you vote for them things will get better. but it never does. no matter who is in office, the life of the poor is the same.

AYUP democrat voters are weak kneed.
It's a free county, mostly, but he should still be dragged in for ripping off the taxpayers.

And ask Hannity why it's big deal. He tossed Bundy out like a shoe covered in radioactive dog poop.

If it isn't a big deal to you than why even talk about it?

The reality is, the Federal Government and the left wing establishment in this country lost the argument on the Bundy/BLM issue, so like always they throw out the word "racist!" to stifle dissent to their arguments and agenda.

How do you assume that they lost the argument, the FACTS speak for themselves. Do you think that they would have won the argument by having a "Waco/Ruby Ridge" incident?

Come on now. Every democrat candidate was screaming at Washington going "harry you mother ^&$(cker" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
If it isn't a big deal to you than why even talk about it?

The reality is, the Federal Government and the left wing establishment in this country lost the argument on the Bundy/BLM issue, so like always they throw out the word "racist!" to stifle dissent to their arguments and agenda.

How do you assume that they lost the argument, the FACTS speak for themselves. Do you think that they would have won the argument by having a "Waco/Ruby Ridge" incident?

The facts are clouded. I keep at them and won't stop. That aside it appears one more time no one seems to care about truth.

Pity. The government selling out the desert on a pay to play to pollute to me is probably one of the most insane things I have ever witnessed. And yet, here we are.

Have to tell you, I'm heartbroken. They are just parcelling out the desert for pennies, Damage done. You can't reclaim it.

This is the sin.

The fact is that Nevada ceded that land to the Federal government when they became a state in 1864. In 1934 (and prior to) the Government regulated that land for grazing cattle (Taylor Grazing Act of 1934), subsequent to that there were other Acts that codified the original Act. The grazing rights were only Leases and not deeds. Bundy's farm is his land by a Deed. If I had land and there was Federal land adjacent to it and I wanted to access it or utilize it, I could just use it at will, I would have to pay a fee if they required me to do so. Why should other ranchers pay the fees and live by the rules and Bundy should be exempt? I think the fact that he states he would pay two entities (Clark County and State of Nevada) who have NO title to the land, shows that he's only blowing a smoke screen.
Report: Nevada would benefit from transfer of federal lands

A new report analyzing the financial ramifications of a takeover of some of Nevada’s millions of acres of federal lands suggests the state would benefit from such a transfer.
A transfer of 4 million acres of U.S. Bureau Land Management land could bring in anywhere from $31 million to $114 million a year, based on a review of four Western states that have significant amounts of trust lands under their control, the report says.
The preliminary draft report from the Nevada Public Land Management Task Force was prepared with the assistance of a consultant and will be reviewed Thursday by the Legislative Committee on Public Lands when it meets in Tonopah.

The task force was created by the 2013 Legislature to evaluate the feasibility of the state taking control of some of the federally controlled public lands in Nevada. A final report is due from the task force by Sept. 1.
The discussion of such a public lands transfer has received heightened interest since the recent cattle grazing dispute between Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM.
Demar Dahl, an Elko County rancher and chairman of the task force, said the analysis by Intertech Services Inc. shows that a transfer is not only economically feasible but even beneficial to Nevada.
“The way those numbers turned out it looks like we can surely afford it,” he said. “Not only afford it but the state could make a lot of revenue having the land and managing it ourselves.”
The revenues would come from the sale and lease of the resources on the lands, including through mining and grazing, Dahl said.
In recent comments U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., said he supports the work of the task force.

But not everyone is on board with the effort.

In a presentation to the task force in November, David von Seggern, chairman of the Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club, asked how the state would replace the hundreds of federal workers now working in Nevada.
He questioned whether Nevada has the financial resources needed to meet the demands for firefighting or assisting in activities that would support mining, grazing and energy production.
According to the draft report, 81.1 percent of Nevada is under the control of various federal agencies. The analysis looked at the states of Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico and Utah where federal lands make up less of the total, from 34.7 percent in New Mexico to 66.5 percent in Utah.
The analysis looked at acres of “state trust lands” controlled by the states. Nevada has only 3,000 acres of such lands, while Arizona has more than 9 million acres and New Mexico has nearly 9 million trust land acres.
State trust lands were granted to states upon statehood and were set aside primarily to support public schools.

Dahl said Nevada just didn’t do a good job of evaluating the potential benefits of statehood back in 1864 and so ended up with few trust lands.
“The state was controlled by mining interests that did not reside in the state,” he said. “They saw an advantage to statehood and went into it blind.”
But von Seggern noted in his testimony that Nevada originally received 4 million acres in trust lands for the public schools. It is difficult to trace the benefit of the now disposed trust lands to the state school system, he said in his presentation.

Jim Lawrence, who works for the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, said Nevada did receive about 4 million acres of random sections of land upon statehood. The state’s congressional delegation in 1880 persuaded Congress to let Nevada officials instead designate which lands they wanted in exchange for reducing the total acreage by half.
The trust lands were then sold off to private individuals as a way of trying to entice people to move into the state, he said.
According to the task force report, the five-year average net revenues to the four states from 2008 to 2012 from the trust lands ranged from $518.8 million in New Mexico to $41.9 million in Idaho.

In 2012 the state of New Mexico distributed $544 million from the trust land revenues to its public school system, $9 million to the University of New Mexico and nearly $3 million to New Mexico State University, among other beneficiaries.
Looking at the four state models, the analysis came up with the range of $31 million on the low end to $114 million with a transfer of the 4 million BLM acres to the state of Nevada.

The task force is recommending a phased-in transfer of public lands, starting with lands in the original railroad corridor across Northern Nevada and lands already identified for disposal by federal agencies. Other priorities are lands designated by the secretary of Interior as solar energy zones, land designated by the BLM as suitable for geothermal leasing but not yet leased, and lands authorized for disposal in current federal legislation.
The task force is not supportive of transferring lands controlled by the U.S. Departments of Energy or Defense, current wilderness areas, national conservation areas, lands managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or the National Park Service.

Dahl said it will likely take action by Congress to allow for the transfer of public lands on such a scale. Nevada is working with Utah officials on the issue.
“I think if we can get enough states to pass legislation saying we want our land, and we all go together to Congress, I think we can get it done,” he said.

Report: Nevada would benefit from transfer of federal lands | Las Vegas Review-Journal
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party."

Intellectually honest people are able to see the broad questions and positions raised by both examples of Sherrod and Bundy. However, what’s more sad than the refusal to openly discuss the issues – is how quickly the conservative right is willing to throw Bundy to the wolves based solely on the New York Times and Media Matters opinion.

A progressive opinion intended purposefully to avoid that painful conversation the professional left constantly claim no-one is willing to have.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge

It's still racist.

The context doesn't make it any less racist.

Jesus tap dancing Christ! I am SO damned glad that we have the Nazis on the left to keep us informed about what we CAN and CAN NOT say in this country any longer. Hell, even Bill Maher says the left is now full of shit.

You guys are digging a hole for yourselves that you will NEVER crawl out of.

Bill Maher Hammers ?Political Correctness Nazis? In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals | Video |

Late-night comedian Bill Maher hammered “political correctness Nazis” during a blistering monologue on his HBO program Friday night.

“When Gwyneth Paltrow said her divorce was a ‘conscience uncoupling,’ even I wanted to jump in the truck, crank up the Lynyrd Skynyrd and shoot up a farmer’s market,” Maher joked.

“And as a comedian I don’t like it when the political correctness Nazis hound me to censor every joke and apologize for every slight and when I have to learn how to pronounce words like chai and quinoa — I just want to shove a head of kale up their a**,” the comedian, known for being an outspoken liberal, added.

Maher continued on his rant.

“They mean well, but sometimes when I’m at Whole Foods I don’t want to sign petitions and give to charity,” he said.

“I also for example think it’s ridiculous that Facebook has now decided that we have to choose, in our profile, from 56 different genders, including transgender, cisgender and, of course, brucegender,” Maher added.

The late-night host even revealed that he once almost ate at Chick-fil-A just to spite all the demonstrators protesting the fast-food chain.

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A,” he said. “But then I remembered — it’s Chick-fil-A.”

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A.”
Finally, Maher concluded his rousing monologue, expressing annoyance that some atheists will sue to have public displays of Christianity removed.

“Even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes,” he said. “Like when they sued to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for f***s sake, we are atheists not vampires. If you can’t handle seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.”

My God - Even Bill Maher, the most despicable human on the planet now calls you twats "Nazis"

Guess your own side is turning against you. :D
No Pete, you don't have to feel guilty, babe. You can think slavery was the best thing to happen to the black man if you like. Do you, like Cliven, feel that blacks were better off under slavery than "subsidized"?

Do you only care about the slavery inflicted on blacks that ended up here? There are blacks enslaved RIGHT NOW all over the world. Do you care?

Do you think black people who're dependent on government and living in prisons are "free"? You have no idea what slavery is do you?
So let's look at the views of Conservative America

The evil Gubmint offering programs that provide food and shelter, education, jobs programs, healthcare, employer incentives makes negroes into "slaves". Why anyone in this country who needs help is nothing more than a slave

What do Conservatives offer as an alternative? Picking Cotton

David Horowitz was a democrat for most his life. He said the Democrats were in full control of the social services programs for inner cities, etc for past 100 years. He said the results can be seen in Detroit, Michigan. ( huge fail ) Horowitz said the agenda was never to help the black people but to keep them in their place. ( Democrat Byrd was a KKK clans man ) Who are the racists? Did you know Margaret Sanger - founder of planned parenthood - was a racist and that it was her plan to place planned parenthood clinics in low income black neighborhoods? She said black people were like weeds that needed to be removed... Sanger was a democrat.

According to a Black Marine who is being ignored by mainstream media this morning- he knows Clive Bundy and said he agrees with him and thought the same things himself. He said Clive Bundy isn't a racist. Something to consider for those who are willing to accept the truth once they hear it.

David Horowitz is absolutely 100% correct. We have been "giving" since this country started. The democrats exist by "giving" - still, all these years later, there are as many supposed "poor" people as there has always been in this country.

Democrats (Liberal Nazis) are full of shit. Just like lawyers - they enslave with their bullshit. Look at Detroit - democrat forever and a shithole. Chicago - Democrat forever and a shithole. On and on and on. Everything a Liberal Nazi touches - he destroys.

Well Nazis - this is one "Negro" who has never taken a handout from anyone and YOU in particular. Go pound sand and eat fecal excrement.
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge

It's still racist.

The context doesn't make it any less racist.

Jesus tap dancing Christ! I am SO damned glad that we have the Nazis on the left to keep us informed about what we CAN and CAN NOT say in this country any longer. Hell, even Bill Maher says the left is now full of shit.

You guys are digging a hole for yourselves that you will NEVER crawl out of.

Bill Maher Hammers ?Political Correctness Nazis? In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals | Video |

Late-night comedian Bill Maher hammered “political correctness Nazis” during a blistering monologue on his HBO program Friday night.

“When Gwyneth Paltrow said her divorce was a ‘conscience uncoupling,’ even I wanted to jump in the truck, crank up the Lynyrd Skynyrd and shoot up a farmer’s market,” Maher joked.

“And as a comedian I don’t like it when the political correctness Nazis hound me to censor every joke and apologize for every slight and when I have to learn how to pronounce words like chai and quinoa — I just want to shove a head of kale up their a**,” the comedian, known for being an outspoken liberal, added.

Maher continued on his rant.

“They mean well, but sometimes when I’m at Whole Foods I don’t want to sign petitions and give to charity,” he said.

“I also for example think it’s ridiculous that Facebook has now decided that we have to choose, in our profile, from 56 different genders, including transgender, cisgender and, of course, brucegender,” Maher added.

The late-night host even revealed that he once almost ate at Chick-fil-A just to spite all the demonstrators protesting the fast-food chain.

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A,” he said. “But then I remembered — it’s Chick-fil-A.”

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A.”
Finally, Maher concluded his rousing monologue, expressing annoyance that some atheists will sue to have public displays of Christianity removed.

“Even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes,” he said. “Like when they sued to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for f***s sake, we are atheists not vampires. If you can’t handle seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.”

My God - Even Bill Maher, the most despicable human on the planet now calls you twats "Nazis"

Guess your own side is turning against you. :D

"My" side? Of what?
It's still racist.

The context doesn't make it any less racist.

Jesus tap dancing Christ! I am SO damned glad that we have the Nazis on the left to keep us informed about what we CAN and CAN NOT say in this country any longer. Hell, even Bill Maher says the left is now full of shit.

You guys are digging a hole for yourselves that you will NEVER crawl out of.

Bill Maher Hammers ?Political Correctness Nazis? In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals | Video |

Late-night comedian Bill Maher hammered “political correctness Nazis” during a blistering monologue on his HBO program Friday night.

“When Gwyneth Paltrow said her divorce was a ‘conscience uncoupling,’ even I wanted to jump in the truck, crank up the Lynyrd Skynyrd and shoot up a farmer’s market,” Maher joked.

“And as a comedian I don’t like it when the political correctness Nazis hound me to censor every joke and apologize for every slight and when I have to learn how to pronounce words like chai and quinoa — I just want to shove a head of kale up their a**,” the comedian, known for being an outspoken liberal, added.

Maher continued on his rant.

“They mean well, but sometimes when I’m at Whole Foods I don’t want to sign petitions and give to charity,” he said.

“I also for example think it’s ridiculous that Facebook has now decided that we have to choose, in our profile, from 56 different genders, including transgender, cisgender and, of course, brucegender,” Maher added.

The late-night host even revealed that he once almost ate at Chick-fil-A just to spite all the demonstrators protesting the fast-food chain.

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A,” he said. “But then I remembered — it’s Chick-fil-A.”

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A.”
Finally, Maher concluded his rousing monologue, expressing annoyance that some atheists will sue to have public displays of Christianity removed.

“Even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes,” he said. “Like when they sued to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for f***s sake, we are atheists not vampires. If you can’t handle seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.”

My God - Even Bill Maher, the most despicable human on the planet now calls you twats "Nazis"

Guess your own side is turning against you. :D

"My" side? Of what?

There's the love America want to turn the clock back so we can once more be free side, and the Anti-America want to burn it all to hell so we can re-build it as a marxist socialist hell hole side.
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Jesus tap dancing Christ! I am SO damned glad that we have the Nazis on the left to keep us informed about what we CAN and CAN NOT say in this country any longer. Hell, even Bill Maher says the left is now full of shit.

You guys are digging a hole for yourselves that you will NEVER crawl out of.

Bill Maher Hammers ?Political Correctness Nazis? In Scathing Rant Aimed at His Fellow Liberals | Video |

Late-night comedian Bill Maher hammered “political correctness Nazis” during a blistering monologue on his HBO program Friday night.

“When Gwyneth Paltrow said her divorce was a ‘conscience uncoupling,’ even I wanted to jump in the truck, crank up the Lynyrd Skynyrd and shoot up a farmer’s market,” Maher joked.

“And as a comedian I don’t like it when the political correctness Nazis hound me to censor every joke and apologize for every slight and when I have to learn how to pronounce words like chai and quinoa — I just want to shove a head of kale up their a**,” the comedian, known for being an outspoken liberal, added.

Maher continued on his rant.

“They mean well, but sometimes when I’m at Whole Foods I don’t want to sign petitions and give to charity,” he said.

“I also for example think it’s ridiculous that Facebook has now decided that we have to choose, in our profile, from 56 different genders, including transgender, cisgender and, of course, brucegender,” Maher added.

The late-night host even revealed that he once almost ate at Chick-fil-A just to spite all the demonstrators protesting the fast-food chain.

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A,” he said. “But then I remembered — it’s Chick-fil-A.”

“You know, I once almost ate at Chick-fil-A. Just because so many people were telling me I shouldn’t eat at Chick-fil-A.”
Finally, Maher concluded his rousing monologue, expressing annoyance that some atheists will sue to have public displays of Christianity removed.

“Even atheists make me roll my eyes sometimes,” he said. “Like when they sued to have a cross taken down from a building. Oh for f***s sake, we are atheists not vampires. If you can’t handle seeing a cross now and then, you picked the wrong country.”

My God - Even Bill Maher, the most despicable human on the planet now calls you twats "Nazis"

Guess your own side is turning against you. :D

"My" side? Of what?

There's the love America want to turn the clock back so we can once more be free side, and the Anti-America want to burn it all to hell so we can re-build it as a marxist socialist hell hole side.

When were we more free? What era would you like to "turn the clock back" to?
How do you assume that they lost the argument, the FACTS speak for themselves. Do you think that they would have won the argument by having a "Waco/Ruby Ridge" incident?

The facts are clouded. I keep at them and won't stop. That aside it appears one more time no one seems to care about truth.

Pity. The government selling out the desert on a pay to play to pollute to me is probably one of the most insane things I have ever witnessed. And yet, here we are.

Have to tell you, I'm heartbroken. They are just parcelling out the desert for pennies, Damage done. You can't reclaim it.

This is the sin.

The fact is that Nevada ceded that land to the Federal government when they became a state in 1864. In 1934 (and prior to) the Government regulated that land for grazing cattle (Taylor Grazing Act of 1934), subsequent to that there were other Acts that codified the original Act. The grazing rights were only Leases and not deeds. Bundy's farm is his land by a Deed. If I had land and there was Federal land adjacent to it and I wanted to access it or utilize it, I could just use it at will, I would have to pay a fee if they required me to do so. Why should other ranchers pay the fees and live by the rules and Bundy should be exempt? I think the fact that he states he would pay two entities (Clark County and State of Nevada) who have NO title to the land, shows that he's only blowing a smoke screen.

Geeze louise. I believe the man has to pay his fees. :D

It's me though Phoenix Ops. I'm pissed off at a couple of levels here.

First off. An election year. The only reason they put off the Janet Reno method of conflict resolution is that we were watching.

Second off. We really could trace back to a Reid.

The facts are clouded. I keep at them and won't stop. That aside it appears one more time no one seems to care about truth.

Pity. The government selling out the desert on a pay to play to pollute to me is probably one of the most insane things I have ever witnessed. And yet, here we are.

Have to tell you, I'm heartbroken. They are just parcelling out the desert for pennies, Damage done. You can't reclaim it.

This is the sin.

The fact is that Nevada ceded that land to the Federal government when they became a state in 1864. In 1934 (and prior to) the Government regulated that land for grazing cattle (Taylor Grazing Act of 1934), subsequent to that there were other Acts that codified the original Act. The grazing rights were only Leases and not deeds. Bundy's farm is his land by a Deed. If I had land and there was Federal land adjacent to it and I wanted to access it or utilize it, I could just use it at will, I would have to pay a fee if they required me to do so. Why should other ranchers pay the fees and live by the rules and Bundy should be exempt? I think the fact that he states he would pay two entities (Clark County and State of Nevada) who have NO title to the land, shows that he's only blowing a smoke screen.

Geeze louise. I believe the man has to pay his fees. :D

It's me though Phoenix Ops. I'm pissed off at a couple of levels here.

First off. An election year. The only reason they put off the Janet Reno method of conflict resolution is that we were watching.

Second off. We really could trace back to a Reid.
He hasn't paid his fees.
Nobody cares you are pissed off.
Election year is irrelevant..
And no you couldnt.
I have news for you boys and girls, Bundy is NOT a racist.

And you Libs who are gloating have a ton of crow to eat.

” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk. Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party."

Intellectually honest people are able to see the broad questions and positions raised by both examples of Sherrod and Bundy. However, what’s more sad than the refusal to openly discuss the issues – is how quickly the conservative right is willing to throw Bundy to the wolves based solely on the New York Times and Media Matters opinion.

A progressive opinion intended purposefully to avoid that painful conversation the professional left constantly claim no-one is willing to have.

Cliven Bundy Controversial Remarks ? FULL CONTEXT VIDEO (With Transcript) | The Last Refuge's was when he said it, it was the next and it will be tomorrow. ..

Ah the "it's worded poorly excuse", which may have worked had he not doubled down on his racist comment.

It's fun watching some of you go down with the ship..
Bundy is clearly a lousy speaker. He mumbles too much, lacks charisma, etc.
He should have stayed on message.

But because he's no politician, he shoots from the hip a lot, which I like.

It is unfortunate that Democrat-corrupted media has struck again....
But I don't know why anyone on Bundy's side should back away now.

Especially when what Bundy is quoted as saying - is actually less racist
than the racist things Obama & Holder said at the NAACP only a week ago.

And no one can dispute the NAACP is a racist organization by definition either.
So politicians should not even speak there, unless they endorse racism.
Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

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