All Women Are Taught To Be Liars


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Women will lie about anything to get what they want from a man. Prove me wrong.
I was raised by two preacher's kids, with a great uncle and great grandfather as ministers... and school teacher wives, the girls in the family just don't lie, especially the eldest. :eyeroll:
Women are incapable of being honest with themselves, much less a man.
Those of our faith are expected to read from the good book and understand what the words mean. In the book of Micah, It says "to walk humbly with God." Humility is taught in other parts of the Bible as well, and Christ insisted that his disciples had to "wash each other's feet." We do that for the children we raise too, although such a thing often goes ignored.
Interesting too that the OP claims women are TAUGHT to be liars. Really then who does the teaching?
Interesting too that the OP claims women are TAUGHT to be liars. Really then who does the teaching?

It's got to be that special lecture when the girls all go to the auditorium.

Oh you know they can't do that anymore. It's "people with periods" now, not just girls. But I digress.

Back to all women are liars and someone taught us that

I don't mind being lied to ... as long as they're pretty lies.
Women will lie about anything to get what they want from a man. Prove me wrong.

When every woman in the world told you that you would never get laid - ever - they were telling you the truth.

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