All those jobs and immigrants


Gold Member
Feb 12, 2017
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

pick lettuce for 15 an hour and pay 10 bucks a head - brilliant dumb fuck logic.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

I am quite sure that's what he is afraid of. Especially the poor having jobs would mean an escape from the democrat plantation.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

I am quite sure that's what he is afraid of. Especially the poor having jobs would mean an escape from the democrat plantation.

Don't pretend boy to know what I'm thinking, why don't you also turn the gun on yourself punk.

You have to be so aggressive because you know I am correct.

It will be amazing when Americans will get to have more well paying entry level jobs. No more democrat oppression needed.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

pick lettuce for 15 an hour and pay 10 bucks a head - brilliant dumb fuck logic.

You're too stupid to even pick lettuce son. They can come here legally or not at all.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
Debbie, in the simplest terms the problem is scabbing.

With a surge of immigrants, all of the low-wage jobs that pay a bit more than minimum wage will be taken by legal immigrants who will gladly work for the existing minimum and there will be no shortage of illegals who will work for below minimum -- thus putting hundreds of thousands, eventually millions, of Americans out of work.

Also, there is a common belief that all immigrants, both legal and illegal, are uneducated dummies who are capable of nothing more than sweeping floors and cleaning toilets. That is a mistake. Some of these people are well-educated and willing to start at the very bottom in some organization with intentions of moving upward as familiarity increases. And they will -- at much smaller wages than a similarly qualified native American would demand. And I'm talking about everything from barbers to engineers.

These migrants are a threat.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure

You open borders idiots should just move away. Well not to Mexico though, they'll throw your in jail for getting there illegally. Dumbass.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
A lot of these jobs are seasonal. Maine can't survive its tourist season without them. Most people have steady jobs, or make most of their money in the summer doing stuff like construction and fishing, which earn a WHOLE lot more than cleaning hotel rooms or working in a take-out joint's kitchen. Last year some businesses literally couldn't open because the visas had been cut back and people who had been coming every year for years couldn't get here.
It's not just picking lettuce.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

No you are a dumb fuck and you are proof that american's won't work for minimum wage. Yet, you want people off govt assistance the same ones that won't take these jobs. You definitely have fucking shit for brains punk.

1. Have done those jobs in the past!

2. Many construction companies hire illegals because they can pay them less while gaining more profit!!

3. I knew of one company that imported Filipino Nurses that worked under other nurses licenses while waiting approval and were paid less money while the nurse with the license signed off on the paperwork...

Now before you claim it never happens or it is rare, well hate to tell you it happens a lot!

So not all illegal workers are working in hotels, at farms or in sweat shops!
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure

Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

pick lettuce for 15 an hour and pay 10 bucks a head - brilliant dumb fuck logic.

Hahaha...Boy oh people sure love your 21st century slaves don’t you?
A couple wetback from Mexico, Central or South America has the iQ, ambition or decency to fall into the H-2B category. Nobody really gives two shits about other “immigrants”....we’re just burnt the fuck out on filthy thirdworlders dropping their litters of criminal, dependent filth in the laps of good people.
Why does the fact that REAL Americans won’t work for shit wages and offer blowjobs for employment bother you lowlifes so much?
Do you understand anything about economics?
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

pick lettuce for 15 an hour and pay 10 bucks a head - brilliant dumb fuck logic.

Why not use migrant labor like we've always done?
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
You're a dumb fuck.

People won't do those jobs because employers want the cheap labor.

Eliminate the cheap labor and AMERICANS will do the jobs.

pick lettuce for 15 an hour and pay 10 bucks a head - brilliant dumb fuck logic.
That is Dept Labor issue...............who issues temp agro visa's for farmers who actually do it legally........

To the the other news of Trump ticked off at the woman from DHS makes sense.............
youre an idiot - bitch about not taking low paying jobs, and not wanting them.. then bitch about mexicans taking low paying jobs away from you.

You have no clue how an economy works, do you?

5 Mexicans and one American chasing 1 job = pay goes WAY down.

5 employers chasing one worker = $$$$ for worker.

Now, tell us again how bringing in illegal mexicans to get paid shit wages helps AMERICANS!!!

DUMB FUCK. You don't understand business or economics. Please NEVER vote.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure

I'm going to post my experience with amnesty for the hundredth time here.
You can believe it or not I dont really care.

When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up about 3% of the workforce.
By the time I bailed in 2010 they made up around 75% of the workforce which of course kept wages stagnant.
If you can't recognize the connection I cant help you. Maybe you dont live in a border state so you haven't seen it first hand.

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