All Relevant Conspiracy Neatly Summarised


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Crikey .
I had not realised things were so dire .
Fortunately this chap, alleged to be a Joshua , has made life easy by telling all .
This is most definitely true Conspiracy and , at this level , a definite minor Art form .
Reminds me of people here like Nazi Winkle , Toomuchbooze and Decrepitus . Little details like Professor Sarah Harper being a Jesuit Tranny are divine in their sincerity and utter madness -- Who the eff is she ?

I quote :-
During this lax period of the Covid-19/Mark of the Beast holocaust- two things are happening –
(1) the vaccinated are being brain-damaged to the point that their self-will to resist the beast will be removed – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – ´The Path to Living Hell ——Dr.-Sucharit-Bhakdi:7 +++ Covid19 The Biodefense Mafia —

(2) the most powerful natural drive is the sex drive – hence normalisation has been allowed to resume so that the majority vaxed (70+%) might have sexual relations with the non-vaxed and make them infertile ( +++ [Professor Sarah Harper is no doubt a Jesuit Tranny : ]) – since population reduction is the main goal of the ruling in-bred peodo bastards that make up the black nobility (Rockerfellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Hapsburgs etc.).
These are the Kings of Earth who will be but 10 when the Antichrist Kingdom is soon established in its fullness and will give their power to help the beast in his final war against the Lord Jesus Christ and his saints. [KJV 1611]
Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, & the Kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make warre against him that sate on the horse, and against his army.

I make no apology for content or format . I simply pass on the divine revelation .
Ironically a case can sensibly be made for both points but not in the way used by Joshua .

Can you out perform this without simply being silly -- like , our The Wanker is reptilian -- true , but as yet unproven ?
Can you out perform this without simply being silly -- like , our The Wanker is reptilian -- true , but as yet unproven ?
doubtful , but i'll give it a go Lu>


These lizard people at one time lived on earth in unison with people and other creatures. Eventually, at one point, they decided to go undercover and hid from the appeared reality. This is reflected in Genesis when Adam and Eve come into contact with the serpent. Then, in the rest of the bible, reptiles are talked of little except for in comparison to Satan in the Book of Revelations





doubtful , but i'll give it a go Lu>

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These lizard people at one time lived on earth in unison with people and other creatures. Eventually, at one point, they decided to go undercover and hid from the appeared reality. This is reflected in Genesis when Adam and Eve come into contact with the serpent. Then, in the rest of the bible, reptiles are talked of little except for in comparison to Satan in the Book of Revelations

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Excellent reply but I was hoping that this secret would not be lightly tossed to the Sheeple for ridicule .
It took me years to find out that one of my neighbours was one of them, but it was retired six feet under long ago and can play no further part in the foul plot against us .

More seriously I find this subject highly interesting because it is so unlikely ( insane?) as to make you wonder how the likes of David Ike can keep a straight face when telling us all about it .
Which leads me to think that David and others are deliberate inserts and part of controlled opposition .
That is , this and their narrative deflects from real matters surrounding past or present Alien contacts .
In the same way that they Fake most UAP sightings to hide the real ones .And then apply ridicule as and when judged appropriate .
Intriguing discussion area .
The items you have written and quoted from, came from here;

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – The Covid-19 vaccinated are slowly being brain-damaged to the point that their self-will to resist orders [from the beast (Antichrist / Pope)] will be totally removed​

This seems, to me, to be a very purposeful disinformation campaign, to get out ahead of a VERY damaging video and transcript, of which, yes, I DO suggest everyone on this forum watch and read/scan the transcript of.

I only watched the first half hour so far, but it pretty much checks out. The only thing he left out so far, is that the "ONE HEALTH," agenda is not just among global organizations, it is also embedded in US governmental agencies.

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), created a One Health Office in 2009, becoming the first United States federal agency to have an office dedicated to this field. . . ."

(From a previous post.)

"This one is an hour long, but, IMO, it is the most important issue you can be updated on, even more so than the war or the economy.

Soon, the US will not have national sovereignty, and it will even affect the first Amendment. It will even affect what is in your food.

Apparently, they have already passed some of this into law with the last NDAA. Likewise, the globalists have been talking about redefining the international treaty as either a "compact," or an "agreement," so that either diplomats or a simple majority can make it law in various "democracies."

I can't stress enough how important this content is. It will not be covered in the MSM.

Interview 1789 - The One Hell Agenda on CHD TV

Corbett • 03/12/2023 • 19 Comments

"via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D. return to “Good Morning CHD” to discuss the latest updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments + Zero Draft Pandemic treaty, highlighting the latest meetings that took place from February 20 - 24, and laying particular emphasis on the proposed “One Health Approach” — a broad new landscape of interconnected and interdependent relationships with humans, animals and the environment. Touted as an ‘non-colonial’ solution to the current ‘anthropocentric’ view on the ecosystem, the proposed solutions are anything but holistic. New fast tracked mRNA products for livestock raise concerns of equity for animal rights, considering no adverse events reporting system structure for animals currently exists. As the reality of global vaccine passports draws nearer, is the “One Health Approach” really a "One Hell" power grab for all living beings and plants on earth, and will world domination of public health will now be sold to the public under the guise of “anti-colonialism”? Watch this episode featuring the movement’s most fascinating duo on CHD.TV to find out!"

The One Health Agenda With James Corbett​


Previous editions of Meryl and James' monthly conversation

HR Working Group Feb 20-24, 2023 — Second Meeting Of The Working Group On Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005)

World Health Organization Pushes For Global Vaccine Passports

Fourth Meeting Of The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) For A WHO Instrument On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response

WHO Moves Forward With Plans To Target “Misinformation” “Infodemics” Through International Pandemic Treaty

World Health Organization Pushes For Global Vaccine Passports

The Future Of Livestock Vaccines

Court Takes Half-Step Toward Animals Suing

MRNA Vaccines For Livestock? - Questions For Corbett #097

Corbett Report — CRISPR

Upton Sinclair’s ‘The Jungle’ — The Corbett Report

The Proposed Amendments To The International Health Regulations: An Analysis

Intergovernmental Negotiating Body On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response Parallel Session 6

Working Group Breakdown

Proposed Amendments

2023 NDAA [Signed December 2022]

Bill Gates — How To Prevent The Next Pandemic

One Health Basics - CDC

CDC's One Health Office: What We Do

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched To Address Health Threats To Humans, Animals, Plants And Environment

One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) And The Quadripartite"

I will finish watching your the video later. . . as obviously, you meant for folks to NOT WATCH it. IF folks would rather READ the transcript of it? WITH THE END-NOTES and sourcing. . which is more than the MSM give us? Here is where they can get it. What you wrote? None of that garbage is in there, clearly.

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia​

Tyranny comes, wearing the cloak of biosecurity and biodefense​

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doubtful , but i'll give it a go Lu>

View attachment 837168

These lizard people at one time lived on earth in unison with people and other creatures. Eventually, at one point, they decided to go undercover and hid from the appeared reality. This is reflected in Genesis when Adam and Eve come into contact with the serpent. Then, in the rest of the bible, reptiles are talked of little except for in comparison to Satan in the Book of Revelations

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Watch the video. This member is a disinformation agent. The posted text has nothing to do with the video. I posted the actual transcript of the video in my last post. Here it is again.


grand socio-political chronology Mr B.......

so alongside the absurd , we've details that one would need connect to make an argument

the string of dominoes alone exceeds the normal human , nor any courts capacity to declare evidence

devil in the details and all.....


grand socio-political chronology Mr B.......

so alongside the absurd , we've details that one would need connect to make an argument

the string of dominoes alone exceeds the normal human , nor any courts capacity to declare evidence

devil in the details and all.....
View attachment 837181

. . . and you know, I like that video platform, but sometimes with those larger videos, the quality suffers.

The least he could do, if he is going to create a spoof on the forum, is give us quality content, eh? wut wut?

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia​

badger2 There are a lot of scientific papers in the Endnotes of the transcripts on this, that you might be interested in, if you haven't come across them. I have a feeling, a lot of this is based on RFKjr. book though. If not, some of it might come as new.
. . . I have long been wondering what is the most effective supplement to take to combat this disease of the endothelium.

". . . Both are theoretically preventable with N-Acetylcysteine and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide supplements, which act as molecular precursors to replenish glutathione and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and which the FDA are actively trying to take off the market so that they cannot be sold as over-the-counter supplements.283, 284, 285, 286 There is a paper in MDPI entitled Severe Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress and Oxidant Damage in Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19: Implications for GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation that provides a rationale for treating COVID-19 patients with glycine and N-Acetylcysteine.287"

Hmmmm. . . interesting.

If big pharma's henchmen don't want you to have it???

The items you have written and quoted from, came from here;

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – The Covid-19 vaccinated are slowly being brain-damaged to the point that their self-will to resist orders [from the beast (Antichrist / Pope)] will be totally removed​

This seems, to me, to be a very purposeful disinformation campaign, to get out ahead of a VERY damaging video and transcript, of which, yes, I DO suggest everyone on this forum watch and read/scan the transcript of.

I only watched the first half hour so far, but it pretty much checks out. The only thing he left out so far, is that the "ONE HEALTH," agenda is not just among global organizations, it is also embedded in US governmental agencies.

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), created a One Health Office in 2009, becoming the first United States federal agency to have an office dedicated to this field. . . ."

(From a previous post.)

"This one is an hour long, but, IMO, it is the most important issue you can be updated on, even more so than the war or the economy.

Soon, the US will not have national sovereignty, and it will even affect the first Amendment. It will even affect what is in your food.

Apparently, they have already passed some of this into law with the last NDAA. Likewise, the globalists have been talking about redefining the international treaty as either a "compact," or an "agreement," so that either diplomats or a simple majority can make it law in various "democracies."

I can't stress enough how important this content is. It will not be covered in the MSM.

Interview 1789 - The One Hell Agenda on CHD TV

Corbett • 03/12/2023 • 19 Comments

"via CHD.TV: James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D. return to “Good Morning CHD” to discuss the latest updates on the WHO’s IHR proposed amendments + Zero Draft Pandemic treaty, highlighting the latest meetings that took place from February 20 - 24, and laying particular emphasis on the proposed “One Health Approach” — a broad new landscape of interconnected and interdependent relationships with humans, animals and the environment. Touted as an ‘non-colonial’ solution to the current ‘anthropocentric’ view on the ecosystem, the proposed solutions are anything but holistic. New fast tracked mRNA products for livestock raise concerns of equity for animal rights, considering no adverse events reporting system structure for animals currently exists. As the reality of global vaccine passports draws nearer, is the “One Health Approach” really a "One Hell" power grab for all living beings and plants on earth, and will world domination of public health will now be sold to the public under the guise of “anti-colonialism”? Watch this episode featuring the movement’s most fascinating duo on CHD.TV to find out!"

The One Health Agenda With James Corbett​


Previous editions of Meryl and James' monthly conversation

HR Working Group Feb 20-24, 2023 — Second Meeting Of The Working Group On Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005)

World Health Organization Pushes For Global Vaccine Passports

Fourth Meeting Of The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) For A WHO Instrument On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response

WHO Moves Forward With Plans To Target “Misinformation” “Infodemics” Through International Pandemic Treaty

World Health Organization Pushes For Global Vaccine Passports

The Future Of Livestock Vaccines

Court Takes Half-Step Toward Animals Suing

MRNA Vaccines For Livestock? - Questions For Corbett #097

Corbett Report — CRISPR

Upton Sinclair’s ‘The Jungle’ — The Corbett Report

The Proposed Amendments To The International Health Regulations: An Analysis

Intergovernmental Negotiating Body On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response Parallel Session 6

Working Group Breakdown

Proposed Amendments

2023 NDAA [Signed December 2022]

Bill Gates — How To Prevent The Next Pandemic

One Health Basics - CDC

CDC's One Health Office: What We Do

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched To Address Health Threats To Humans, Animals, Plants And Environment

One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) And The Quadripartite"

I will finish watching your the video later. . . as obviously, you meant for folks to NOT WATCH it. IF folks would rather READ the transcript of it? WITH THE END-NOTES and sourcing. . which is more than the MSM give us? Here is where they can get it. What you wrote? None of that garbage is in there, clearly.

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia​

Tyranny comes, wearing the cloak of biosecurity and biodefense​

Of course I know the full background but though you may not choose to agree publicly the underlying subject matter is far too complex and detailed for this chat site .
Far better to let them at least be aware of a narrative that has been tampered with , than be completely clueless of the subject matter when it finally hits the average person .
For the vast bulk of people here their knowledge of the One Health Agenda is zero . As is James Corbett whom I have mentioned several times as a Must for reading and watching -- level headed and eminently scrupulous in his assessments .
We need a ground revolution to smash the UN , WHO , CDC , WEF etc etc and that first needs the Sheeple to be taken to the truth step by step because , left to their own devices , they will dismiss it as far fetched wild conspiracy along with talk of Reptilians , Flat Earth and existing Alien contact-- a few examples .
We need a ground revolution to smash the UN , WHO , CDC , WEF etc etc and that first needs the Sheeple to be taken to the truth step by step because , left to their own devices , they will dismiss it as far fetched wild conspiracy along with talk of Reptilians , Flat Earth and existing Alien contact-- a few examples .

This? Treating folks like dupes, children and morons? Is completely unnecessary.

It is far better to intelligently inform folks about what is going on, and then provide quick, simple, easy to follow advice, which can by done by anyone, to prevent all of it from happening.

It is really that easy.

Get the information out there. If enough people apply the solutions, we will remain a free people with liberty. If not? We will descend into the long good night of a perpetually global totalitarian, technocratic dystopian nightmare - forevermore.

By then. . . I expect I will be nearing either very old age, or death. . . so meh. It will be the problem of the next generation. I won't be guilty of not having done my best to prevent it all.
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I think we already are in that long good night. Everything just happens in slow motion. The Deep State has prevailed, and the people are too long indoctrinated to regain control, even that's even possible.
I think we already are in that long good night. Everything just happens in slow motion. The Deep State has prevailed, and the people are too long indoctrinated to regain control, even that's even possible.
But suppose your premiss is wrong ?
That is , the Deep State is made up of at least two separate factions with one fronted by a certain Mr Trump .
That would put an entirely different complexion on matters and without doubt if he had a significant following within the military .

I strongly believe your conclusion is premature , and hopefully mistaken -- mainly because of the alliance between this front asset and the so called White Hats .

Alternatively Deep State is far from world wide and Russia and China with lots of other support will rip north America to pieces .

Or both .
This? Treating folks like dupes, children and morons? Is completely unnecessary.

It is far better to intelligently inform folks about what is going on, and then provide quick, simple, easy to follow advice, which can by done by anyone, to prevent all of it from happening.

It is really that easy.

Get the information out there. If enough people apply the solutions, we will remain a free people with liberty. If not? We will descend into the long good night of a perpetually global totalitarian, technocratic dystopian nightmare - forevermore.

By then. . . I expect I will be nearing either very old age, or death. . . so meh. It will be the problem of the next generation. I won't be guilty of not having done my best to prevent it all.
I still have not lost all hope of idealistic solutions .
But because 90% of all people are stupid and /or gullible, I think history shows that they are only force led .
And let's face it , losing as many stupid and/or gullible people as possible is a very enticing proposition . Perhaps it is the best route to follow but handled 100% differently -- like gently smothering a dying person in dreadful pain with a pillow , rather than stabbing them dozens of times .
I still have not lost all hope of idealistic solutions .
But because 90% of all people are stupid and /or gullible, I think history shows that they are only force led .
And let's face it , losing as many stupid and/or gullible people as possible is a very enticing proposition . Perhaps it is the best route to follow but handled 100% differently -- like gently smothering a dying person in dreadful pain with a pillow , rather than stabbing them dozens of times .
Yep. I called it.

You are a disinfo agent... . clearly on the payroll those fine misanthropic people, like those folks over at the Globe of Rome, and other folks that think like the Rhodes Scholars in Biden cabinet.

"He is President of the Laboratory for Interactive Learning and widely known as a coauthor of The Limits to Growth. . . "
"Commissioned by the Club of Rome, the findings of the study were first presented at international gatherings in Moscow and Rio de Janeiro in the summer of 1971.[2]. . . "

You are a disinfo agent... . clearly on the payroll those fine misanthropic people, like those folks over at the Globe of Rome, and other folks that think like the Rhodes Scholars in Biden cabinet.
Very droll , though you ought to let the less discerning know that your post ( number18) is sophisticated humour .
Too detailed to be believable if you understand disinformation theory and practise .

In fairness , I guess the nut jobs could buy my support as I have scant collective regard for my fellow Sheeple . Six zeros minimum .

But me pruning out the cancers and culling the weak and miserable from "our own army" does not in itself show support for the enemy .
Quite the opposite if you are pragmatic and interested in efficiency and final results .

But at least you have earlier perhaps reminded a few people of some of the better ways of clearing out your immunity system ( NAC etc ) if they were stupid and/or gullible enough to have had one or more Killer Shots .

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