All moderates, moderate republicans and civilized people


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate some on institutions that we need and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.
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VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.

If you're a moderate and will vote Democrat, have the guts pussy to call yourself a Democrat.
I will never vote for a party that first and foremost feels we have problems
because we just don't spend enough.
The Democrat's and their followers never,never and will never make a move to see where the enormous revenue
that the Federal government already collects goes.
Their first move is always to tax more and spend more.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.

If you're a moderate and will vote Democrat, have the guts pussy to call yourself a Democrat.

Call Trump and volunteer for his campaign STAT!
Translation: Vote for a known criminal, because we want free stuff.

That's pretty much Matthew's mantra. Vote Democrat because they'll provide me with things I should be providing for myself but choose not to.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.

If you're a moderate and will vote Democrat, have the guts pussy to call yourself a Democrat.

Call Trump and volunteer for his campaign STAT!

Not a Trump supporter.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate some on institutions that we need and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.
GO PLAY WITH YOUR LEGOS you stupid gullible infrastructure obsessed freak
Translation: Vote for a known criminal, because we want free stuff.

That's pretty much Matthew's mantra. Vote Democrat because they'll provide me with things I should be providing for myself but choose not to.

Like police?
Like being a first world science power?
Like roads?
Like Clean air, water and food or do you want to turn this nation into india???
Like not having slavery?

Government should do these things. If you want to live in a third world dump then move.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate some on institutions that we need and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.
sorry matt,unlike you i wont vote for dracula because satan is do realize you are still going to be fucked right?....
Translation: Vote for a known criminal, because we want free stuff.

That's pretty much Matthew's mantra. Vote Democrat because they'll provide me with things I should be providing for myself but choose not to.

Like police?
Like being a first world science power?
Like roads?
Like Clean air, water and food or do you want to turn this nation into india???
Like not having slavery?

Government should do these things. If you want to live in a third world dump then move.

Like healthcare and college. Those are just a few of the things Democrats believe one group should provide to another if one can't afford it.

If you want something I have but can't afford, work for it and earn it or do without regardless of the consequences. No one owes you shit despite what the left tells you.
Also it isn't conservative to want a government that doesn't do the basics of society that it has done for 10,000 years. It is anarchist.

An anarchist wants no government. Conservatives don't have a problem with government doing what that government is authorized to do. Last time I looked, healthcare and college tuition aren't delegated powers of the federal government.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.

If you're a moderate and will vote Democrat, have the guts pussy to call yourself a Democrat.

Call Trump and volunteer for his campaign STAT!

Not a Trump supporter.

That's a shame. How about Ted Cruz? Whatever candidate you support, make sure you volunteer.
VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!! The extremist republicans want to defund infrastructure, science, r&d and education without any reason outside of their blind hatred of government. They have no plans to reform or govern responsibly as they have been taken over by a mixture of libertarians and anarchist. They want to abolish our ability to enforce our laws protecting our environment, air, water and food!!!!

All very republican ideas straight back to TR and Nixon!!!! These people are unrepublican and are threat to our future as a first world power. Sorry, but if I wanted this I'd move to a third world country...

They call us Rino's and say we don't belong in the party as we don't march in lock step for their extremist anti-government ideas. Well, I say we do exactly that!!! This will be the first election of my life that I'll hold my nose and vote democrat.

Maybe then the republicans will moderate and become sensible. I beg all moderate republicans to vote for Hillary or Bernie...I know it will be hard but it is the right thing to do.

If you're a moderate and will vote Democrat, have the guts pussy to call yourself a Democrat.

Call Trump and volunteer for his campaign STAT!

Not a Trump supporter.

That's a shame. How about Ted Cruz? Whatever candidate you support, make sure you volunteer.

I really haven't picked.

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