All Libertarians are drug abusers and should be investigated by the DEA.


Apr 25, 2011
Central PA
I think that with all the talk of Dems being Commies incognito, we should perhaps throw that sames finger pointing mentality towards our brothers of the Libertarian Party.

After all, we are no longer fellow countrymen, right? We are all mortal enemies...the separation being our political leanings.
I think that with all the talk of Dems being Commies incognito, we should perhaps throw that sames finger pointing mentality towards our brothers of the Libertarian Party.

After all, we are no longer fellow countrymen, right? We are all mortal enemies...the separation being our political leanings.

Dont be pissed because those numbers were cut at the midterms.

Plus it was democrats that asked that drug enforcement be absent at their convention.
All Libertarians are drug abusers and should be investigated by the DEA.

Yeah....sure....."cowboys" investigating wannabe-cowboys.....that's gonna happen.



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Don't have a clue what you're talking about. I was referencing dumb assumptions about political parties that have been brought up on the message board. So, I thought that there should be a new one.

They want drugs legalized, so they must be neck deep into the lifestyle. Just like Dems would like to see a Universal Health Care they must be Commies....according to the right.
Can you name a position that Democrats differ with the Communist party on?
I think that with all the talk of Dems being Commies incognito, we should perhaps throw that sames finger pointing mentality towards our brothers of the Libertarian Party.

After all, we are no longer fellow countrymen, right? We are all mortal enemies...the separation being our political leanings.

Dont be pissed because those numbers were cut at the midterms.

Plus it was democrats that asked that drug enforcement be absent at their convention.
I'm shocked! :lmao:

The only thing that the Democrats have in common with "democracy" are the first seven letters of the names.

Otherwise, the Democrats believe in a ONE PARTY system and ONE PARTY rule.

Anybody who disagrees with these facts are either ignoramuses or liars.

What a crock of shit. I disagree and I am neither. A vote is the mechanism of Democracy. Totalitarianism is the product of a Dictatorship. They don't call them "Banana Democracies" for a reason.
I think that with all the talk of Dems being Commies incognito, we should perhaps throw that sames finger pointing mentality towards our brothers of the Libertarian Party.

After all, we are no longer fellow countrymen, right? We are all mortal enemies...the separation being our political leanings.


I'm a libertarian and I don't use drugs (on a regular basis)....

I drink beer and will MAYBE take a hit of weed every 2 weeks or so. I certainly don't buy weed and 9/10 I will refuse it when it's offered...

I'm good with my beer...

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