Post your Swing State prediction map...4/17/2012


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
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Possible tie map: 2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

Another possible tie map:

Different possible tie map:

Another different possible tie map:

And yet another different possible tie map:

Obama 269
Romney 269

EDIT - I was doing this by hand, but I discovered the site software will do it for you.

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Go to 2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College, click the states until they match your prediction, then click the "Share Map" button and copy the URL that appears under the heading New! Share your Map.

Paste it into your post along with the electoral totals and your projected winner.

Here is mine:

Romney 276
Obama 262

2012 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

Here's mine:

Don't see where Romney is giving anyone a reason to vote for him. In fact, he's giving quite a few a reason not to do so.

I'd say Obama taking North Carolina is pretty wishful thinking. He took it by 1% in 2008 when he was at the height of popularity and the market had just crashed. That's not a situation he will enjoy this time. The same is probably true of Florida where with the same conditions he won by just 3%.

It's quite bold to think Obama will take those two states given the conditions he faces now.

I'd say Obama taking North Carolina is pretty wishful thinking. He took it by 1% in 2008 when he was at the height of popularity and the market had just crashed. That's not a situation he will enjoy this time. The same is probably true of Florida where with the same conditions he won by just 3%.

It's quite bold to think Obama will take those two states given the conditions he faces now.

I didn't give Obama North Carolina or Florida.

I'd say Obama taking North Carolina is pretty wishful thinking. He took it by 1% in 2008 when he was at the height of popularity and the market had just crashed. That's not a situation he will enjoy this time. The same is probably true of Florida where with the same conditions he won by just 3%.

It's quite bold to think Obama will take those two states given the conditions he faces now.

I didn't give Obama North Carolina or Florida.

Ooops...I meant to post that in response to Candycorn. My apologies.
Romney isnt going to win New Mexico if he does that will be somewhat of a surprise. I'm a little surprised that some are giving Romney Wi. too. I would think with the Walker issue there, that President Obama wouldn't have much trouble there, although I have not seen any polls saying otherwise. The one state that I've heard a lot about is Va. though and Co.

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