All facts.....did you know?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Again only reason posted here is the bosses here aren't known for their critical thinking skills so I figured I would save them the time and post it where it would be moved to anyways.

9/11 inside job
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either. I know you are trying to mock me but critical thinking skills is just the other national deficit hell its probably worse than our financial deficit.
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either. I know you are trying to mock me but critical thinking skills is just the other national deficit hell its probably worse than our financial deficit.

Dear Odium I don't think the inability of liberals to understand conservatives is from lead or fluoride in the drinking water.

it is from inherently different beliefs held by both sides that the
other does not get if they cannot insert themselves into the other mindset.

I don't think people can help what they believe, or help if they can't see how the other side can possible think that way!

The same way atheists and theists don't think the same way,
because their minds are wired differently, the liberal and conservative mind also focus on different levels or priorities and talk past each other.

The prochoice/prolife debate is a prime example.
Both are right, but they are competing to push one above the other.
When they both do that, they deadlock because both beliefs are equally inherent and not subject to change especially not by forced of law.

What i worry about, Odium, is the brainwashing about
recreational drugs being a free choice and not damaging the brain permanently. and the double standards being enforced, such as claiming free choice or claiming religious freedom, then censoring the free choice/religious freedom of others. how much of that dual thinking is creating manic depressive mood swings in people, back and forth?
where people turn to ADHD drugs, alcohol, pot to "self medicate"?
fucking moronic gibberish should end up in the rubber room
You sound like Rightwinger who despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary,still thinks the Rams are playing in st louis this two should hook up together.:lmao::rofl:
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either. I know you are trying to mock me but critical thinking skills is just the other national deficit hell its probably worse than our financial deficit.
yeah what many american sheep dont realise is they are actually in reality,better off NOT brushing their teeth with toothpaste since it contains fluoride than they are if they do brush their teeth.another myth that americans have been programmed and conditioned to believe.
fucking moronic gibberish should end up in the rubber room
No one is forcing you to even come into the conspiracy area much less this thread. I posted it in what the mods consider the correct area so go cry about it.
View attachment 70736
Again only reason posted here is the bosses here aren't known for their critical thinking skills so I figured I would save them the time and post it where it would be moved to anyways.

9/11 inside job
I notice one of the paid shills here posted a funny since he knows its true.
No surprise. Those asleep attack those that are awake.
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either......

And that's why your one remaining tooth is on its way out.
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either......

And that's why your one remaining tooth is on its way out.

Fluoride is a can you not know that?
Water in high enough quantity or a little in the right place can kill you.
...and liberals deliberately allow lead to poison drinking water
to dumb down the IQs of future generations of poor people
so they keep producing more voters dependent
on govt and politicians to tell them what to do...

don't forget that one on your list!
Not sure about lead but Fluoride has been proven to do just that. I refuse to use Fluoride in toothpaste and won't drink it in my water either......

And that's why your one remaining tooth is on its way out.

Fluoride is a can you not know that?

Danks, Gummy!

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