All biden has going for him


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Some welfare blacks in S. Carolina who think he will keep their checks coming in and maybe even raise them.

Not even to mention he barely has enough of them to win the S.Carolina vote....and they seem to be slipping away cuz bernie promises a lot of free stuff also.

He may however win S. Carolina but that will be the only state he will have and apparantly he thinks thats all he needs bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the guy has serious mental problems...I don't know if its because of the strokes he had or just from his age or some combination thereof..

Really pathetic and the real ridiculous thing about the whole thing is how the media refuses to tell the truth about him....ala aka the emperor has no clothes.
He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.
He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.

The Fake News tells us Plugs is as sharp as a tack, so obviously he has set his sights lower.

The main takeaway from that comment is that South Carolina must have some really attractive 12-year old girls.
Some welfare blacks in S. Carolina who think he will keep their checks coming in and maybe even raise them.

Not even to mention he barely has enough of them to win the S.Carolina vote....and they seem to be slipping away cuz bernie promises a lot of free stuff also.

He may however win S. Carolina but that will be the only state he will have and apparantly he thinks thats all he needs bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the guy has serious mental problems...I don't know if its because of the strokes he had or just from his age or some combination thereof..

Really pathetic and the real ridiculous thing about the whole thing is how the media refuses to tell the truth about him....ala aka the emperor has no clothes.
Biden's fall was a blessing for Democrats.
Bernie leads Trump in every single poll, Including a 7% lead in Ipsos today.
Biden doesn’t know what office he is running for and Sanders doesn’t know what Country he is Running in, Warren doesn’t know what Reservation to run on, and Mayor Pete doesn’t know what bathroom to use.

He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.
Trump doesn't know that Bernie is about to beat him.
You're delusional.
And full of shit.
I'm beginning to feel sorry for him...

If he returns all the money....all the billions he stealed from Americans....and if his family returns all the money and billions they robbed from Americans ...if they give back to the last cent they robbed...

I might forgive him....

Until that day....there is no mercy for the Biden family.
Biden doesn’t know what office he is running for and Sanders doesn’t know what Country he is Running in, Warren doesn’t know what Reservation to run on, and Mayor Pete doesn’t know what bathroom to use.

He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.
Trump doesn't know that Bernie is about to beat him.

Have you ever made any predictions that panned out?

If not check your crystal ball at the door....I seem to remember you predicted hillary would win. hehheh
Biden doesn’t know what office he is running for and Sanders doesn’t know what Country he is Running in, Warren doesn’t know what Reservation to run on, and Mayor Pete doesn’t know what bathroom to use.

He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.
Trump doesn't know that Bernie is about to beat him.

Have you ever made any predictions that panned out?

If not check your crystal ball at the door....I seem to remember you predicted hillary would win. hehheh
Predictions are notoriously difficult, especially about the future.

ON THE UPSIDE, BIDEN APPARENTLY THINKS HE’S RUNNING FOR THE SENATE: More than 85% of deportations Joe Biden would halt are criminals: ICE.
Biden doesn’t know what office he is running for and Sanders doesn’t know what Country he is Running in, Warren doesn’t know what Reservation to run on, and Mayor Pete doesn’t know what bathroom to use.

He told the crowd yesterday that he was running for the US Senate.
Trump doesn't know that Bernie is about to beat him.
Why would Democrats give the nomination to Bernie, when he isn't even a Democrat?

Source close to Bloomberg campaign says Bloomberg should drop out:

"The writing is on the wall," they said, adding the campaign should "reassess in the morning and make the decision to get behind Biden and hope he doesn't fuck it up, which he will."​
Some welfare blacks in S. Carolina who think he will keep their checks coming in and maybe even raise them.

Not even to mention he barely has enough of them to win the S.Carolina vote....and they seem to be slipping away cuz bernie promises a lot of free stuff also.

He may however win S. Carolina but that will be the only state he will have and apparantly he thinks thats all he needs bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the guy has serious mental problems...I don't know if its because of the strokes he had or just from his age or some combination thereof..

Really pathetic and the real ridiculous thing about the whole thing is how the media refuses to tell the truth about him....ala aka the emperor has no clothes.
Biden's fall was a blessing for Democrats.
Bernie leads Trump in every single poll, Including a 7% lead in Ipsos today.
Why would Democrats give Bernie the nomination when he isn't even a Democrat?

CO update: Biden is safely above 15% viability in the first few big Denver burbs to report votes (Adams, Douglas).

But the better news for Biden is that Bloomberg looks safely above 15% viability, limiting Sanders's delegate haul.
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
It's the damnedest thing, Joe Biden is mopping the floor with the Commie in states that he never visited, where he opened zero field offices, and where he spent next to nothing on TV.
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
It's the damnedest thing, Joe Biden is mopping the floor with the Commie in states that he never visited, where he opened zero field offices, and where he spent next to nothing on TV.
For all the tar and feathers of the crazy right, and lawless presidential shenanigans that got him impeached, Joe appears to be getting it done.
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
It's the damnedest thing, Joe Biden is mopping the floor with the Commie in states that he never visited, where he opened zero field offices, and where he spent next to nothing on TV.
For all the tar and feathers of the crazy right, and lawless presidential shenanigans that got him impeached, Joe appears to be getting it done.
Oh yeah, he's doing great. He just called his sister his wife and have been describing today as Super Thursday, but he's the man!

All that's happening is that the DNC is giving the Bernie Bros the old heave ho. Then they will throw poor Biden into Trump's jaws and look forward to a more opportune time in 2024. What the current Dem leadership can't have, is Bernie, win, then purge them, and then Bernie's folks pick the 2024 nominee. It's pretty common for the US to switch parties after two terms, so the DNC establishment is pretty committed to making sure Bernie gets the Shaft.

"My reach does exceed our grasp, because there's no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for." - Biden
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
It's the damnedest thing, Joe Biden is mopping the floor with the Commie in states that he never visited, where he opened zero field offices, and where he spent next to nothing on TV.
For all the tar and feathers of the crazy right, and lawless presidential shenanigans that got him impeached, Joe appears to be getting it done.
Oh yeah, he's doing great. He just called his sister his wife and have been describing today as Super Thursday, but he's the man!

All that's happening is that the DNC is giving the Bernie Bros the old heave ho. Then they will throw poor Biden into Trump's jaws and look forward to a more opportune time in 2024. What the current Dem leadership can't have, is Bernie, win, then purge them, and then Bernie's folks pick the 2024 nominee. It's pretty common for the US to switch parties after two terms, so the DNC establishment is pretty committed to making sure Bernie gets the Shaft.

"My reach does exceed our grasp, because there's no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for." - Biden
Joe is definitely gaff prone. Hope you are correct about the heave ho. It would hurt my sole to have vote for Bernie in November.

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