Alien: Mind [Conceiving Capitalism --- Devil Worship]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do you feel trapped in our consumerism system? Does Wall Street and Facebook make you feel like a mindless pedestrian foraging for entertainment/fortune?

Such thoughts might drive to you insanity or even Devil worship!

Where does patriotism come from?



"After 9/11, when anti-capitalism terrorists destroyed the global commerce symbolic World Trade Center in NYC by crashing two hijacked passenger-planes into the two towering skyscrapers, the world realized that capitalism was not 'easily defended.' Of course, anti-Western sentiments from terrorists arose from Israel-Palestine complications lingering since WWII. How would 21st Century capitalism-patriots defend the values of capitalism in this new age 'volatile' environment?"


"Well, an alien from Venus named Xeno witnessed all this global human civilization 'intrigue' and told his fellow species-members, called Xenomorphs,' to create a 'spy-station' on Earth's moon and take notes on all these 21st Century activities on the 'blue planet.' Xeno and his 'buddies' landed on Earth's moon in a perception-cloaked advanced shuttle and created a station underground to monitor/observe activities on Earth, including the intrigue of 'TrumpUSA.' Xeno/Xenomorphs noted how/why America elected a capitalism-baron (Donald Trump) as the new 'world leader'."


"Xeno decided to send a signal to NASA regarding his species' interest in human civilization anthropology, and President Trump immediately recommended a human space convoy be sent to the moon to investigate if the Xenomorphs were hostile. The convoy would include of course U.S. military personnel. One military personnel on the convoy was Sargent Daniels, a female member of the covert unit of American paramilitary infiltrators known as 'G.I. Joes.' Daniels was suspicious that the Xenomorphs wanted to 'test' humans to see if capitalism had made humanity very 'paranoid' before deciding to colonize/invade/destroy."


"Daniels decided to conceive/collect various academic notes about the nature/value of capitalism (theory, practice, etc.) and why/how humans conceived of capitalism in terms of profit, competition, teamwork(!), and corporations. Daniels compared capitalism structuralism to the formal organization of a queen-led bee-hive, suggesting that division-of-labor based on skill and profitability and the harnessing of resources created 'frameworks' for analyzing intentionality and prioritization. Daniels intended to present these 'capitalism-notes' to the Xenomorphs to convey the notion that human civilization was a phenomenon of industry."


"When Daniels arrived on the moon, she greeted Xeno and presented her notes. Xeno was very impressed and placed Daniels in the 'dream-generation chamber' on the Xenomorph-shuttle, a device for stimulating intentionally-enhanced dream-imagery for the purpose of intellectual discourse. Daniels went inside the chamber and was 'fed' the dream of being transported to a 'Xenomorph planet' where she could roam around (like an explorer/anthropologist) and take notes on the nature of competitiveness and compare it to that of Earth. When Daniels awoke, she wanted to tell Xeno that her dream signified a deep value of the 'quality' of spiritualism."


"Xeno told Daniels that she'd guessed correctly that the Xenomorphs intended to evaluate the competitiveness-ethics of human capitalism before deciding to colonize. Daniels demanded humans be given a chance to defy such colonization-schemes, and Xeno gave Daniels one single chance. All the military personnel would be placed in the dream-chamber and be transported to a 'fictionalized' future 'dark city' on Earth where capitalism made everyone pirate-minded. If the human delegates managed to forge paths towards teamwork and democracy, then the Xenomorphs would concluded that 'TrumpUSA' (despite its various fixations on fortune and candy) held the potential to trumpet true beauty."


"During the dream-sequence, which the human military personnel including Daniels agreed to participate in, a nefarious monster named Hobgoblin was haunting that 'hypothetical' dark-city which the humans had to survive in and required that Daniels and her comrades find ways to make capitalism seem more...human. Daniels and her comrades decided to create an urban bike-race which would symbolize capitalism-idealism and non-violent competitiveness to inspire humans to 'transcend' the 'gloominess' of gold-digging ambitions. Hobgoblin congratulated Daniels on her clever 'spiritual patriotism'."


"When Daniels and her comrades had passed the 'examination,' Xeno told her that the Xenomorphs would renounce their colonization-scheme and instead continue engaging with the human 'diplomats' on the space-convoy to Earth's moon with more dream-sequences designed to explore further the richness/symbolism of capitalism-consciousness. Daniels and her comrades spend an entire year with Xeno and the Xenomorphs, and the final evaluation was one of great optimism. Daniels returned to Earth a hero, and Hollywood (USA) began making films about the Christian-idealism created by 'provocative alien contact'."


TRUMP: Daniels and her comrades did a fine job...
CARTER: They represented 'TrumpUSA' perfectly, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I'm excited about these new Hollywood (USA) alien films.
CARTER: Yes, the first one stars Anne Hathaway as Sargent Daniels.
TRUMP: It's interesting how media has changed the way we conceive of intelligence.
CARTER: Yes, there's plenty of 'socialization-storytelling' about novelty.
TRUMP: I'm a fan of relevant films like WarGames, Mars Attacks!, and I.Q.
CARTER: It's a relief that the Xenomorphs were merciful towards Earth...
TRUMP: Daniels managed to persuade them to consider the merits of TrumpUSA.
CARTER: All this 'capitalism-rhetoric' might create plenty of "Occult-whispers."
TRUMP: Are you referring to films like Dark City and The Crow?
CARTER: Yes, we want to 'entertain' escapism-storytelling!



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