Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?

John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.

so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....
WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?
For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.
Just wait until another month goes by and there are still 2,000 babies in internment camp cages that still haven't been reunited. :wink:

You should really pay more attention to the news ...

Trump has already ended the policy, and a judge just ruled kids have to be re-united with their accompanying adults.

And yet it is not happening to any degree. That is by design. Trump snatched those babies against international law, failing to do something SIMPLE like non-removable wrist bands for mother and child.

This will not go well for him.
For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.

There is no such thing as "an American name"

Kindly get a new schtick Johnny Appleseed.
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.
I tell everyone I know to do their research.

My son went full libertarian on me and I'm still working with my daughter, she was far left, but I've showed her where the middle is.

most adults just go with what the media tells them, no facts needed.

No actually most adults are in the middle somewhere.
I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.

There is no such thing as "an American name"

Kindly get a new schtick Johnny Appleseed. You go ahead and go with that bunch of bullshit.
For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.
i worked with a guy named Gomez.....he was American,fought in Vietnam and was born here,his dad fought in WW2,his grandfather in WW1...he was sure as shit American...just because you picked out a guy whose name is Gomez and was not born here does not mean that the name Gomez,which is shared by many Americans whose families have been here for generations,is not an American wonder why you call yourself a loser.....
the far left lunatics are driving the people we thought were nuts out of power.

just try to imagine party further to the left than it is now.

doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

Well you had better do your part and convince everyone. Hell bring them here and tell them to read the experiences of a Canadian. Americans need to wisen up. This is the outcome of constant and deliberate entitlements and dependence. It's not a happy ending for anyone.
I tell everyone I know to do their research.

My son went full libertarian on me and I'm still working with my daughter, she was far left, but I've showed her where the middle is.

most adults just go with what the media tells them, no facts needed.
My oldest daughter is firmly on the right. My youngest is Sanders type looney. She was right but after starting college the downhill slide began and she is full on wackadoodle leftist now.
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.

There is no such thing as "an American name"

Kindly get a new schtick Johnny Appleseed. You go ahead and go with that bunch of bullshit.

Is a Jewish name not an American name - How about an Irish name?

Again, sit down before ya fall down.
I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.
i worked with a guy named Gomez.....he was American,fought in Vietnam and was born here,his dad fought in WW2,his grandfather in WW1...he was sure as shit American...just because you picked out a guy whose name is Gomez and was not born here does not mean that the name Gomez,which is shared by many Americans whose families have been here for generations,is not an American wonder why you call yourself a loser.....

Cool fictional story Harry...a real tear jerker.
You didn’t serve. I know your type.
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.
A coworker spoke about this to Me last night. He's one of those that thinks socialism works, but he's a good guy. Just misinformed.

My response to him was, "socialism never works, but in truth. A socialist is to the right of a progressive, so it may turn out to be a win for New York.
doomed, we are all fucking doomed.

We have been doomed as a country since 1998 when the GOP went from being a fiscally conservative and patriotic to America party to the party of Zionist Treason and a $20 trillion national debt...
Just wait until another month goes by and there are still 2,000 babies in internment camp cages that still haven't been reunited. :wink:

You should really pay more attention to the news ...

Trump has already ended the policy, and a judge just ruled kids have to be re-united with their accompanying adults.

And yet it is not happening to any degree. That is by design. Trump snatched those babies against international law, failing to do something SIMPLE like non-removable wrist bands for mother and child.

This will not go well for him.
You are seriously ignorant, aren't you ... Which makes sense that you are a Democrat?!

Obama did the same thing, as I pointed out numerous times now with links.

In 2015 Ca Federal Judge Gee ruled against Obama for violating a w/o year policy that set the standards for handling children.

She called where he held children 'Concentration Camp's (which liberals stole to attack Trump) - in one documented case they denied a child medical care after she threw up for 3 days, only taking her to the hospital when she started throwing up blood on day 4.

Stop being such an ignorant, BS-parroting SHEEP...
John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
so you are saying that all the nationalities we have in this country,those people are not American because you dont think their names are American even though their people may have been here longer than yours? that what you are saying loser?....maybe someday if you put your fucking racism aside you might just learn something.....i just know it....

Nope...that’s not what I said. Stay focused old man. What I said was...Gomez is not an American name.
i worked with a guy named Gomez.....he was American,fought in Vietnam and was born here,his dad fought in WW2,his grandfather in WW1...he was sure as shit American...just because you picked out a guy whose name is Gomez and was not born here does not mean that the name Gomez,which is shared by many Americans whose families have been here for generations,is not an American wonder why you call yourself a loser.....

Cool fictional story Harry...a real tear jerker.
You didn’t serve. I know your type.
did i say i served?....or did you say that?....let me go back and check that out...just as i thought,more bullshit from the loser...and speaking of serving,i know your type would never even consider serving,you would be the guy who holds the coats while your betters do the actual serving.....thats why you called yourself a loser,you seen your reflection in the mirror holding the coats....
Just wait until another month goes by and there are still 2,000 babies in internment camp cages that still haven't been reunited. :wink:

You should really pay more attention to the news ...

Trump has already ended the policy, and a judge just ruled kids have to be re-united with their accompanying adults.
They won't find those adults. The buyers will show up to take delivery on the merchandise.
I wonder how many:

Women / Little girls have been raped

Women / children have been murdered

Women / children have been smuggled into the US and sold into slavery / the sex trade business

...In the last 8+ years thanks to Barry's policies of enabling / protecting / encouraging the illegal invasion and the booming human trafficking industry that flourished and was / has been protected...

Here ya go:

The Human Tragedy of Illegal Immigration: Greater Efforts Needed to Combat Smuggling and Violence
Only thing I got to say is Kudos for them.
The end of incumbents is good for every single American.
It is the ONLY way the complete corruption of Washington ends.
This is something to celebrate for everyone.
It would appear to most that high turnover or term limits would help, but I don't think it will matter one little bit until we repeal the 17th Amendment. I have a lot more influence with my state reps than I do with the current process.

Short termers are just as susceptible to the money machine known as DC politics.
Those of you who are wringing your hands at this point may want to buckle in. She is the first of many, I think.
I disagree that she is the '1st', as I pointed out, but I do agree she will not be the last.

Democrats like to claim the GOP was / is the party of 'Old People' ... While being led around by their nose rings by decrepit Senior Citizens like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton.

In the last few years the Millenials have had to watch as a corrupt DNC rejected their voices, rigged primaries, screwed their choice for President - Bernie, and the nomination given to a crooked, ancient, decaying dinosaur who had to have 'nursing assistants' on either side of her to help her walk, climb stairs, and get in and out of her limo.

They have had to watch the female version of the Crypt Keeper - Pelosi - freeze, mumble, and speak incoherently from apparent Alzheimer's or stroke in the middle of Press Conferences yet she still refuses to step aside / retire.

Youngsters like Ocasio-Cortez are tired if being screwed and ignored, their DNC entrusted to Pakistani spies / criminal elderly self-enriching Senior Citizens...politicians they weren't even alive to know when these politicians came into office but who are still fighting off death just to hold on to power and make even more money.

The Democrat leadership does not relate to today's younger base anymore than a Pterodactyl could.

Ocasio-Cortez's election is the younger generation telling the old guard in the DNC that its time for them to step aside ... or be stepped over.

The same thing has been happening to the GOP. The establishment should take notice or be cast aside.

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