Alec Baldwin Charged Again with Homicide

Well, from what I understand, they don't. They use cuts and angles to prevent that. Maybe I'm wrong.

Only took months to see the gun was not modified or tampered with. Barney Fife was on it.

Remember: never put your finger on the trigger unless you intend to shoot, and never point your gun at another human unless you intend to kill them.

We call this the Alec Baldwin Rule.

New Mexico prosecutors intend to recharge actor Alec Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the fatal 2021 "Rust" shooting, two sources familiar with the matter tells NBC News.
The source adds that Baldwin's case will be brought before a grand jury in mid-November. There had been recent discussions of a plea deal, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

One of the sources tells NBC News that after further investigation, prosecutors no longer believe the gun had been modified and have found new evidence that they believe connects Baldwin to recklessness around safety standards on the set.


This charge could carry up to 18 months in prison if convicted.

Personally I wouldn’t give him prison. I’d give him 2,000 hours community service teaching inner city kids about gun safety.

It's going to be a challenge to convict him, since the corrupt FBI destroyed the gun after their fake "investigation" into the shooting.

It's going to be a challenge to convict him, since the corrupt FBI destroyed the gun after their fake "investigation" into the shooting.

That has little if anything to do with it. Baldwin was playing a part, not commiting a crime of any sort. He had no responsibility for the props.
Runny had enough sense to NOT POINT A GUN AT A LIVING PERSON!

Turns out Baldwin is a fucking moron!
Turns out you may be right

To ensure there are no accidents during filming, actors often will be told to “shoot off axis,” Schneider says, which means aiming slightly away from another actor, because camera tricks can compensate for the shift. If the actor points the weapon in the general direction of crew or the camera, measures are taken.
Turns out you may be right

To ensure there are no accidents during filming, actors often will be told to “shoot off axis,” Schneider says, which means aiming slightly away from another actor, because camera tricks can compensate for the shift. If the actor points the weapon in the general direction of crew or the camera, measures are taken.

Like this....

That has little if anything to do with it. Baldwin was playing a part, not commiting a crime of any sort. He had no responsibility for the props.

The left are again coming out to show us they don't really give a shit about "gun safety" and "gun control". Those were just lies they told in the past.

After Hunter Biden and Alec Baldwin, the left has thoroughly and completely surrendered the gun control argument. It's over, and the left lost bigly.
Indeed, how dare the man say anything bad about your god.
Alec was vicious in the SNL propaganda. There is a difference in comedy and destroying a person. Alec is receiving kids gloves treatment for a murder while Trump is pushed a guilty and has to prove his innocence. From the way Alec treated Trump he should have gone to jail a couple months after the gun incident using the same measuring stick.

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