Alabama Voters Pass Amendment to Display Ten Commandments at Public Schools

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The very thing judge Roy Moore was removed from office for.Good for you Alabama.The Godless commies will be along directly to get this amendment struck down.Just watch....They have judges on payroll in Hawaii to do just this!:)

In the Nov. 6 elections, residents of Alabma voted overwhelmingly to amend their state constitution to authorize the display of the Ten Commandments on public property, including public schools. The measure, Alabama Amendment 1, also defined certain religious liberty rights to be included in the state's constitution.

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Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The only time I've ever been surprised by the actions of backwards, Alabama yokels is when they DIDN'T elect a pedophile to the Senate. And that took massive national, and even international outrage to sway them.
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The only time I've ever been surprised by the actions of backwards, Alabama yokels is when they DIDN'T elect a pedophile to the Senate. And that took massive national, and even international outrage to sway them.

Alabama yokels is when they DIDN'T elect a pedophile to the Senate


I don't remember one running.
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.

What’s wrong with , tho shout not kill, tho shout not steal, and the other common sense rules of humanity?

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In of itself nothing. However, the government shouldnt engage in brainwashing people to be christians. If you want to see the ten commandments put a display up in your house or somewhere else on your property. People that arent christians shouldnt have to foot the bill for such an unnecessary display.
Honour thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.

At least put those two up? Kids used to kill less when they carried guns to school. Or took rifle training in NYC schools.
Lol religious nonsense
Separation of church and state. I guess if you cant count on people from Alabama not to marry their sisters they wouldnt understand that concept either.
The only time I've ever been surprised by the actions of backwards, Alabama yokels is when they DIDN'T elect a pedophile to the Senate. And that took massive national, and even international outrage to sway them.

Alabama yokels is when they DIDN'T elect a pedophile to the Senate


I don't remember one running.
You dont remember Roy Moore running?
Alabama was one of those states that passed very harsh illegal immigration bills and as a result crops rotted in the fields because there was no one to pick them.
Fake news.
Yes you are fake news.

Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown

"Brian Cash can put a figure to the cost of Alabama's new immigration law: at least $100,000. That's the value of the tomatoes he has personally ripening out in his fields and that are going unpicked because his Hispanic workforce vanished literally overnight."
Alabama was one of those states that passed very harsh illegal immigration bills and as a result crops rotted in the fields because there was no one to pick them.
Fake news.
Yes you are fake news.

Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown

"Brian Cash can put a figure to the cost of Alabama's new immigration law: at least $100,000. That's the value of the tomatoes he has personally ripening out in his fields and that are going unpicked because his Hispanic workforce vanished literally overnight."
Hire AMERICAN, pay more and the consumer will pay more!.....import the homeless from San Fran,and make that city pay for their transportation and lodging....cheaper than having a POOP SQUAD cleaning up after them, and their tourism MIGHT come back!

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