Al Qaeda video shows terror conference, fiery speech

...........................^^ Looks like SAYIT is another juden infatuated with the Sunni Man. .. :eusa_angel:

^^^Looks like Sunni is another raghead obsessed with SAYIT.
You avoided the question, Princess ... are your hateful, bigoted sentiments really typical of most Muslims? :D
The intention of your response is......
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."
You ain't seen nothing yet, watch the entire board take a dump on this sick psycho in this thread:
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."

Well it's no surprise that Sunni Man hates black people as well. That's what they teach at the mosque.
And when you call him out on his bigotry and hatred, he responds with his usual 'Juden' drivel :lol:
What a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Given how many African Blacks that Arab (Muslim) slave-traders captured and enslaved and sold untold millions of Blacks to other Arabs, to white slave-shippers, etc., and just how culpable and essential the Muslims were to the African slave-trade in its heyday (and even today, if I'm not mistaken), non-black Muslim contempt for Blacks should come as no surprise, all pretenses and protestations to the contrary notwithstanding...
Given how many African Blacks that Arab (Muslim) slave-traders captured and enslaved and sold untold millions of Blacks to other Arabs, to white slave-shippers, etc.,
Lets not forget:

The european jews financed the slave trade ships.

And the slaves were sold to Christian land owners in America. .. :cool:
Given how many African Blacks that Arab (Muslim) slave-traders captured and enslaved and sold untold millions of Blacks to other Arabs, to white slave-shippers, etc.,
Lets not forget:

The european jews financed the slave trade ships.

And the slaves were sold to Christian land owners in America. .. :cool:
Oh, we won't forget any of that...

It's just that the (already, by then) centuries-old Arab-Muslim penchant for enslaving African Blacks found a new outlet in a new trans-Atlantic slave-trade...

The Arab-Muslims had long-since developed the cultural and social and economic model by which to feed the new trans-Atlantic aberration...

The Arab-Muslims did it first... and on a vastly larger scale... and for much longer... than did the (relatively) short-lived trans-Atlantic slave trade...
The Arab-Muslims did it first... and on a vastly larger scale... and for much longer... than did the (relatively) short-lived trans-Atlantic slave trade...
Naw......the Greeks, Jews, Vikings, and especially the Romans had been slave trading for a couple of thousand years.

Long, long, before Islam and muslims. .. :cool:
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."
You ain't seen nothing yet, watch the entire board take a dump on this sick psycho in this thread:

Ya know, perhaps he's a 300 lb Stormfront skinhead who is here (or was sent here) to make Muslims and Islam look bad while doing what skinheads most enjoy anyway ... expressing his "love" for Jews, blacks, LGBTs or those to whom he feels superior.
He claims bigotry and intolerance are un-Muslim traits even as he denies that the hate he spews fits that description but his quotes (above) reveal him to be a liar as well. :lol:
I only have the best of intentions. .. :eusa_angel:

Your "best of intentions" are obvious, Princess. Below are but a few of your 65 bigoted, hateful, supremacist posts in just the last 24 hours. Are you really the typical Muslim you claim to be?

"Only a shylock jew lawyer would try that sickening defense..."

"Luddly hopes these stamps with the faggots picture are the ones you lick before they can be attached to the envelope."

"You sound like a freakin faggot........ "

"Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky........your typical Jewish politician who served prison time..."

"Face it Lee Roy, 99.9% of everything invented was by white people. That remaining 0.1% was things invented by black the spear or grass huts."

"In the last 1,000 years white people began the conquest of the world and ended up putting a man on the moon. During the same time period blacks perfected the technique of rubbing their bodies with manure to ward off mosquitos."

"The Christians and the Jews have secularized and neutered their religion to please everyone but God."
You ain't seen nothing yet, watch the entire board take a dump on this sick psycho in this thread:

Ever since Sunni Troll lost his rep meter, he's become an even bigger asshole.
The responses in that thread are hilarious though haha.
It's as if he wants posters to hate him, since they can't rep him.
Given how many African Blacks that Arab (Muslim) slave-traders captured and enslaved and sold untold millions of Blacks to other Arabs, to white slave-shippers, etc.,
Lets not forget:

The european jews financed the slave trade ships.

And the slaves were sold to Christian land owners in America. .. :cool:

Spanish Bishop, Bartholomew de Las Casas, 1517. Spanish and Portuguese were the first major slave traders, later the Dutch, French and English


It is permissible to work a non-Jewish servant harshly. Yet, although this is the law, the way of the pious and the wise is to be compassionate and to pursue justice, not to overburden or oppress a servant, and to provide them from every dish and every drink.

The early sages would give their servants from every dish on their table. They would feed their animals and their servants before sitting to their own meals. Does it not say (Psalms 123:2), "As the eyes of the servant to the hand of his master; as the eyes of the maid to her mistress [so our eyes are towards the L-rd our G-d...]"?

So, too, you should not denigrate a servant, neither physically nor verbally. The Torah made him your servant to do work, not to be disgraced. Do not treat him with constant screaming and anger, rather speak with him pleasantly and listen to his complaints. Such were the good ways in which Job took pride when he said, "Did I ever despise the judgment of my servant and my maid when they argued with me? Did not my Maker make him, too, in the belly; did not the same One form us both in the womb?"

For anger and cruelty are only found among other nations. The children of Abraham, our father--and they are Israel, to whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has provided the goodness of Torah and commanded us righteous judgments and statutes--they are compassionate to all. This is one of the attributes of the Holy One, blessed be He, that we are commanded to emulate (Psalms 145:9): "And He has compassion for all He has made."

Furthermore, all who have compassion will be treated compassionately, as was stated (Deuteronomy 13:18), "He will give you compassion and He will have compassion upon you and multiply you."

(Mishneh Torah, Laws of Indentured Servants, 9:8)<<
Let's not forget, what Europeans did to black Africans was nothing in comparison to what Arab Muslims did.

True Story. :cool:

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The Arab-Muslims did it first... and on a vastly larger scale... and for much longer... than did the (relatively) short-lived trans-Atlantic slave trade...
Naw......the Greeks, Jews, Vikings, and especially the Romans had been slave trading for a couple of thousand years.

Long, long, before Islam and muslims. .. :cool:
My "did it first" did not refer to the Muslim-Arabs being the first-ever in the history of the world; merely an obvious and explicit comparison to the 'age' and 'scale' and 'life-span' of Muslim-Arab enslavement of African Blacks, versus the (relative) newcomer and short-lived trans-Atlantic slave-trade...

Islam manifests a 1300 -year-old tradition of such exploitation; with its domain-wide culture and society and economy rigged to accommodate and encourage such despicable practices...

Islamic views on slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Medieval (and later) European vassalage and indentured servitude was bad enough, but Islam perpetuated the worst of Rome and Greece and Persia as well as the best; in the form of widespread and institutionalized and actual Slavery, with a capital "S"...

Muslims made a financial killing, for generations, invading Black African tribal lands and sweeping-up thousands upon thousands of natives, to transport to the African coasts, to sell and hand-off to their new customers, the White Euro-Trash who engaged in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and who sold their surviving 'cattle' to rich and enterprising New World White Trash who bought them off the ships and exploited them and bred them for generations for manual labor...

These Muslim 'Slave Collectors' and 'Slave Dealers' were wildly successful because their slave-catching and slave-logistics and slave-dealing and slave-law systems were already in-place and thriving and so well-rehearsed and practiced for many centuries before the trans-Atlantic slave-trade even materialized...

The corrupt, stinking Muslim Slave Trade in Black Africans made the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible...

Islam was no friend to the African Black Man, despite fairly sizable numbers of African Blacks who subscribe to the belief system to this very day, and despite the existence of a subset of the descendants of Black African Slaves who delude themselves that by converting to Islam that they embrace the Black-friendly spirituality of their remote ancestors.
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Let's not forget, what Europeans did to black Africans was nothing in comparison to what Arab Muslims did.
And what the Christians did to the slaves in the southern states of America was worse than everyone else combined.

True story........ :cool:

Islam permits the Master to engage in sexual relations with his female slaves, even if he's married (although, in typical Muslim misogynistic fashion, female Masters don't have the same rights).

Islamic Masters routinely castrate(d) male slaves; not just hareem guards, but mosque servants, etc., to render them passive and obedient.

Cut off enough hands and genitalia and heads, in front of the rest of the cattle, and you've got a pliant, obedient herd.

And, in addition to the vastly larger scope and scale of Muslim enslavement of African Blacks, we add the vastly longer timeframe; 1200-1300 years for Islam, versus 300 (1600s, 1700s, 1800s) for the trans-Atlantic slave-trade and its New World victims.

1300 years - 300 years = 1000 years of Muslim enslavement of Black Africans, over-and-above anything perpetrated by the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

1000 years longer.

And, after a couple of centuries' flirtation with the abomination of slavery, the New World managed to shake itself loose of the despicable practice, at no small cost in blood and treasure.

Within the domains of Islam, however, it's STILL going-on, to some extent or another; in connection with both Black Africans and - even more-so nowadays - Southern Asian peoples, who fall prey to practitioners of that unclean system.
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In reality, most arabs didn't round up the black slaves to be sold to white Christian and Jewish slave ship owners and traders.

Various black tribes would raid other tribes villages to obtain captives that they would barter for trade goods.

Thus everyone, regardless of race or religion, had dirty hands when it came to the slave trade. .. :cool:
In reality, most arabs didn't round up the black slaves to be sold to white Christian and Jewish slave ship owners and traders. Various black tribes would raid other tribes villages to obtain captives that they would barter for trade goods. Thus everyone, regardless of race or religion, had dirty hands when it came to the slave trade. .. :cool:
Every race and religion connected with the north and east African coastlines (by geographic proximity or sea-trade) had dirty hands, with regard to the slave trade.

It's just that the Muslim-Arabs were at it longest, and most energetically, and conducted organized native-staffed slave-catching expeditions and sorties in addition to the irregular ones conducted by the natives themselves, and provided the DEMAND and the MARKET for the sale of those unfortunate souls - and did it for 1000 years or more...

When the trans-Atlantic slave trade got underway on any sort of appreciable scale, it was merely a matter of shifting the Slave Market Conduit from one direction (all-internal) to another (combination of internal demand plus feeding new external demand)...

Nobody's claiming White or Euro or Christian innocence in the matter...

Merely that Islam has FAR dirtier hands than most - or even all - of the rest...

An oftentimes overlooked fact, and worth recapitulating from time to time, as a matter of perspective and culpability and worthiness (or lack thereof)...
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It's just that the Muslim-Arabs were at it longest, and most energetically, and conducted organized native-staffed slave-catching expeditions and sorties in addition to the irregular ones conducted by the natives themselves, and provided the DEMAND and the MARKET for the sale of those unfortunate souls -

The arabs only provided the GOODS for resale.

The DEMAND and the MARKET was centered in the Americas. :cool:
It's just that the Muslim-Arabs were at it longest, and most energetically, and conducted organized native-staffed slave-catching expeditions and sorties in addition to the irregular ones conducted by the natives themselves, and provided the DEMAND and the MARKET for the sale of those unfortunate souls -

The arabs only provided the GOODS for resale.

The DEMAND and the MARKET was centered in the Americas. :cool:
The DEMAND and the MARKET was centered all across Muslim-dominated North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Muslim-dominated Middle East and beyond.

The New World demand and market was a New Thing in the long and sordid history of Slavery within Islam, and short-lived, by comparison.

The Euro-trash who initiated the trans-Atlantic slave trade were inspired by the long-established Muslim slave trade and merely diverted some of the Muslim Slave Output to the New World rather than its traditional target audiences.
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