Good Article on Germany

Slave of Putin, slave of Musk, slave of Trump - your unreal nonsense is uninteresting for everyone who has more than two brain cells. Political nonsense propaganda is able to be too stupid - even when a single man is not able to be as stupid as you play to be.

A lot of alcohol on the joyous holiday of Purim?
Or choking on Aman's ears?
Why you're so aggressive now?
Don't insult opponents if you have no argument.

Better say what the last communist governments did well to people of DDR 2.0 since 2005?
The answer is simple: nothing.

Only destroying of industry,society,moral, churches, family,education,environemnt etc. etc. etc.

A lot of alcohol on the joyous holiday of Purim?
Or choking on Aman's ears?
Why you're so aggressive now?
Don't insult opponents if you have no argument.

Better say what the last communist governments did well to people of DDR 2.0 since 2005?
The answer is simple: nothing.

Only destroying of industry,society,moral, churches, family,education,environemnt etc. etc. etc.


Is your brain in a bottle in the laboratory of Mr. Frankenstein? What around you swims - is this whiskey?

Why do you always play that music to represent Jews?

This guy is also a Jew.

Why do YOU wallow in the hatred- that you are a joo? Maybe if you didn't care- no one else would. Or even notice- or are you always looking for a fight? carry on. loser :D
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Wasn't you who told us about your Jewish descent?

I am a German who has also German Jewish ancestors. Many of the members of the Jewish part of my families had been murdered. For me is the shoa - die Endlösung der [nicht wirklich existierenden] Juden"frage" - the Holocaust no genocide but a fratricide. But I am no Jew. I am a Catholic. And the Jews in my family who had been murdered from the Nazis also not had been Jews but Catholics. On the other side I found out that exists the possibility that the grandmother of my mother also had been a Jew - an"undercover Jew" on reason to minimize dangers. In this case I would be from a Jewish point of view indeed a Jew. I never tried to find out whether this is really true because for me this is not important. God knows. But you are not able to ask him: This Jew was nailed on a cross today because he was called "the king of the Jews". So god is dead.

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Why do you always play that music to represent Jews?

This guy is also a Jew.

If he is a Jew then this is not his fault nor my fault, slave of Putin.

PS: Try to see the film "Zug des Lebens" (German title), "Train de vie" original title. It's a wonderful story which helps to understand - what endless tons of dead bodies are not doing.
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I am a German who has also German Jewish ancestors. Many of the members of the Jewish part of my families had been murdered. For me is the shoa - die Endlösung der [nicht wirklich existierenden] Juden"frage" - the Holocaust no genocide but a fratricide. But I am no Jew. I am a Catholic. And the Jews in my family who had been murdered from the Nazis also not had been Jews but Catholics. On the other side I found out that exists the possibility that the grandmother of my mother also had been a Jew - an"undercover Jew" on reason to minimize dangers. In this case I would be from a Jewish point of view indeed a Jew. I never tried to find out whether this is really true because for me this is not important. God knows. But you are not able to ask him: This Jew was nailed on a cross today because he was called "the king of the Jews". So god is dead.

No-one denies disgusting atrocities committed by Germans against Jews. In my humble opinion the nation should be mentally ill to invent concentration camps and gas cameras. But you claim to be a Catholic, nevertheless Jesus for you is a 'dead god' only. How you can believe in one 'god' who is 'dead' according to you. Something is wrong here
No-one denies disgusting atrocities committed by Germans against Jews. In my humble opinion the nation should be mentally ill to invent concentration camps and gas cameras.

The so called Holocaust (By the way a totally wrong word from the USA which is indeed on its own anti-Semitic!) had been an industrialized form of mass-murder. This was indeed new - but all racist components which leaded to this form of mass-murder - including concentration camps - had not been German inventions. Most of this all came from the English speaking world to Germany.

But you claim to be a Catholic,

I am a Catholic.

, nevertheless Jesus for you is a 'dead god' only.

God is dead. It's Holy Saturday. Yesterday Jesus was executed. Today he is dead. God is not shy to die on his own a racist dead like a criminal and to share this totally destructive experience with us. Why do you think ... no forget this question. I asked you nothing in this context.

How you can believe in one 'god' who is 'dead' according to you. Something is wrong here

Very easy: You are wrongness on your own. So everything else that makes sense is wrong for you. By the way: You are not "humble" you are an extremely aggressive asshole. And you got by the way on your own free will a ticket to hell with this what you said here to me. You have to change a lot. But also Netanjahu has to change a lot - and to say so for example has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.
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I am a Catholic.

God is dead.

You aren't catholic, you are satanist, only satanists believe in dead God and Satan as his heir.
Satanists, communists, sexual deviants and Co have infiltrated the Catholic Church to destroy it within.
You can read it in the great book from below
I advise you repent your sins and start to believe in our God alive Jesus Christus


You aren't catholic, you are satanist, only satanists believe in dead God and Satan as his heir.
Satanists, communists, sexual deviants and Co have infiltrated the Catholic Church to destroy it within.
You can read it in the great book from below
I advise you repent your sins and start to believe in our God alive Jesus Christus



Jesus lives, sleepy weirdo and slave of Putin. It's Easter. Do not forget to tell Putin to leave the Ukraine with all of his soldiers.

Here a new message for you, little boy:

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Jesus lives, sleepy weirdo and slave of Putin. It's Easter. Do not forget to tell Putin to leave the Ukraine with all of his soldiers.

Here a new message for you, little boy:

You can flush your f.... Putin (piss be upon him) down the toilet.
Why are you so damn absurde, Baron? I do not think you have really anything to do with the USA nor that you have anything to do with the Christian religion.
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Why are you so damn absurde, Baron? I do not think you have really anything to do with the USA nor that you have anything to do with the Christian religion.

All the time I know you you spread insults and lies only.
If you have a lack of education or mental capabilities you shall go to more appropriate places.
All the time I know you you spread insults and lies only.
If you have a lack of education or mental capabilities you shall go to more appropriate places.

I have not any idea who or what you are, slave of Putin. For a KGB member you seem to be too stupidf. Also for an average US-Amercian you seem to be too stupid. And for any other group of people - except Islamists who are unbelievable far form any form of real knowlegde, wisdom and joy - you seem also to be much too stupid and unreal. And one man alone is not able to be as stupid as you play to be. Even for an AI you are not logical enough but also not wrong enough because of the unreal situation of AI's who need human beings as a corrective. Everything is wrong with you - even your wrongness seems to be wrong but never right. You are from my point of view only absurdity. What do you try to do when you speak with others?

For example: Why do you defend the political party AfD in Germany although you know nothing about Germany? Why not some of the dozens of others political parties? Why none? Why specially the AfD which is also supported from Putin? Putins intention is clear: He likes to destroy Germany and in a worst case scenario he will murder every single German. But what is your motivation to do so? Do you like to wipe out the whole world in your extended form of doing suicide?

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Source: Deutsche Bischofskonferenz hält AfD für "Christen nicht wählbar"

Die katholischen Bischöfe haben sich scharf von der AfD und Rechtsextremismus abgegrenzt. "Für Christen nicht wählbar", so die Deutsche Bischofskonferenz. CDU-Chef Merz attackierte AfD-Chef Chrupalla wegen dessen Äußerungen zu Nawalny.
Scharf wie nie zuvor hat sich die katholische Bischofskonferenz gegen Rechtsextremismus und die AfD positioniert. Sie appellierte an alle Bürger in Deutschland, politische Angebote von Rechtsaußen abzulehnen und zurückzuweisen.

Völkischer Nationalismus sei mit dem christlichen Gottes- und Menschenbild unvereinbar, heißt es in einer Erklärung, die zum Ende der Frühjahrsvollversammlung der katholischen Bischöfe in Augsburg veröffentlicht wurde.

"Rechtsextreme Parteien und solche, die am Rande dieser Ideologie wuchern, können für Christinnen und Christen daher kein Ort ihrer politischen Betätigung sein und sind auch nicht wählbar", so die Bischöfe.


Translation of this text (February 22nd 2024) of one of the most reliable German News services:

The Catholic bishops have sharply distanced themselves from the AfD and right-wing extremism. "Not electable for Christians", according to the German Bishops' Conference. CDU leader Merz attacked AfD leader Chrupalla for his comments on Navalny.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference has taken a sharper stance than ever before against right-wing extremism and the AfD. It appealed to all citizens in Germany to reject and refuse political offers from the far right.

According to a statement published at the end of the Catholic bishops' spring plenary session in Augsburg, völkisch nationalism is incompatible with the Christian image of God and man.

"Right-wing extremist parties and those that run rampant on the fringes of this ideology can therefore not be a place of political activity for Christians and are also not electable," the bishops said.

Translated with (free version)
The tl;dr version has a not unfamiliar premise many Americans can relate to - populist and extremist parties have been rising as a reaction against the elites who have pushed policies that are very unpopular amongst a good chunk of its voters, causing the center to get narrower and narrower.

Merkel screwed up Germany for closer to a decade than not.

That's what happens when a globalist enthusiast runs your country.

They give zero fucks about you or any individualism whatsoever.
In the past few decades, I can’t think of many politicians who are friends of the working class. Can you?

Dennis Kucinich was and the D Party eliminated his district.
Not in between Reagan and Trump, no.

Nixon and Ford were alright, too. :terror:

Gee, I guess you can figure out about how old I am now.

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