Al Gore's "Global Warming Winter". Looks Like "Earlier Than Usual Snow" In The East.

Feels like the North Pole here in NYC this am........and its not even mid-November!!! Only the k00ks think people are waking up this morning here and worrying about global warming.

We had a light snow last night. Covered grassy surfaces and cars. Temp here was 65 at 2pm. At 6pm it was 34.
Our over night low was 28.
We will be approaching a nearly 100 year old record low of 21 tonight.
This is why the spin doctors changed the narrative from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"....Jerks.
Another idiotic thread from conservatives unable to tell the difference between weather and climate

Look gets cold in the winter!

Is that what you're going with? Ok!
2012 was the third coldest winter on record( since 1888) for the eastern 2/3rd's of the US.
We're right on track to hit that area again.
Some climate data.
YEAR: 2013

LOWEST: 25 ON 12
November...Asheville, NC: nine of the 12 days this month....Temps below normal.
YEAR: 2013
Charlotte, NC....7 of 12 days this month below normal...
Another idiotic thread from conservatives unable to tell the difference between weather and climate

Look gets cold in the winter!

Oh, you can walk the walk. Stop driving your car. Don't use electricity.
Unless you enviro wackos are living in caves, you are paying lip service.
You lefties just love telling other people how to live and what they can and cannot do.
I do not think that we can dismiss climate change. We are seeing more abrupt and intense changes in weather, summers are getting hotter and winters are getting colder. Not to mention the fact that there are more violent and unprecedented storms hitting regions than recorded...Sandy and then what just hit the Philippines. Not to mention record flooding in coastal regions on the East Coast, cities in Virginia and the Carolinas are having issues on the coastline due to slowly rising waters. This is not a hoax and should not be treated lightly, we should progress into more environmentally friendly, hydro, hydra. I am not sure but I have also heard that France has transitioned mainly into nuclear energy, which powers 80% of the country with 0 emissions.

Sorry Global Warmists, But Extreme Weather Events Are Becoming Less Extreme

Sorry Global Warmists, But Extreme Weather Events Are Becoming Less Extreme - Forbes

In our area we got a record breaking snow fall.

BTW, nuclear is not 0 emissions. It is 0 emission you can see but there are emissions of some of the deadliest materials known to man. Dilution has always been the solution.

You do understand that building dams destroys habitat?

You do realize that wind power and solar can not base load? (which means provide power 24/7)

How many more people need to be out of work to stop the oceans from rising? Didn't electing Obama cure the ocean rise? He said he could and would stop the oceans from rising. He just didn't say it would be on the back of your uncle's job.

[ame=]Obama speech oceans receding, planet healing - YouTube[/ame]
Another idiotic thread from conservatives unable to tell the difference between weather and climate

Look gets cold in the winter!

Ok then we will have to defer to you to tell us when the effects of GW or CC or whatever take effect. If the weather isn't an indicator then certainly we need your sage knowledge of such things. BTW next time a GW fearist nail biter gets on here and tells us that there are more sever storms thus proving GW or CC or Whatever would you be just as kind to denounce them in the same way? It is your responsibility being the GW Guru and all.
just wait till we get into late december/january when much of northern europe will become a reflection of the north pole, harsh winter/cold weather, much colder than normal, no one can start their cars and stray animals will be found frozen all over the place. then hopefully Barry and Al will explain this to the world!
just wait till we get into late december/january when much of northern europe will become a reflection of the north pole, harsh winter/cold weather, much colder than normal, no one can start their cars and stray animals will be found frozen all over the place. then hopefully Barry and Al will explain this to the world!

Boy I hope your prediction is just a tad bit on the hyperbole side. Yikes.
I usually stay out of threads like these because of the stupid people they seem to attract who scream at you for not agreeing 100% with their stupid ideas.


1 The world is getting warmer

2 I don't believe that it has a man-made cause

3 I could be wrong

Also, there is no real difference in surface temps, people - the difference is primarily in the oceans.
so do any of you have snow in tomorrows forecast?

We can only hope, since the last two winters we haven't had one.

What part of the country are you in...We had the third coldest winter here in NC in 2012-2013
We had only two snowfalls, but the avg temp was below normal on 60% of the winter days.
Then we had a very cool summer. Only 14 days over 90. The avg is 33.
Look, there is no global warming. There is no climate change. These are made up political terms to serve a political agenda.
The Earth's climate is cyclical. If you do not believe that, then you are a victim of your own side's political hackery.
At the end of the day, the left's entire climate narrative involves taking something from us.
That taking is in proposals for carbon taxes, this Cap and Trade idea, more taxes on fuel and the latest lefty craze, "mileage taxes'....Yeah I really love that one. A state government wanting to attach a tracking device to every car so the government can tax the movements of the citizens. And of course, those who use public transit which burns plenty of fuel pay nothing. In fact they pay LESS than nothing because instead of paying the full cost of their trip, their fares are subsidized by others. meanwhile there is not a single mass transit system in this country that breaks even.
All in the name of WHAT?
Nobody cares about global warming anymore. Its 2013.

Global surveys show environmental concerns rank low among public concerns

OFA Gets Zero Attendance for Climate Change Rally | Washington Free Beacon

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

Plus.....climate science is nothing but an internet hobby these days anyway.......having zero impact on the way nations generate energy and will remain that way for decades!!!!

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

Like I said........internet hobby.

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