Breaking! FAA Closes Montana Air Space For NORAD Activity ---- NOTAM States "National Defense Airspace." --- Unidentified Object In Airspace

So Canada and USAF shot down a run away 2004 Bullwinkle the moose Macy's thanksgiving parade float balloon? What was it?
So Canada and USAF shot down a run away 2004 Bullwinkle the moose Macy's thanksgiving parade float balloon? What was it?

We are at war with China but since Potatohead is on the Chinese payroll don't expect much of any response.
Any of you started to wonder just what you are being distracted from?

Conspiracy theory and WAG.......

Many more objects from China are crossing US airspace.....undetected.
China is testing a breakthrough Quantum technology that makes stealth look like childs play.

We're only seeing the ones they WANT us to detect.
It's also why they suddenly are brazen enough to start supplying Russia with weapons systems.
Since they shot the bloody thing(s) down, how about disclose what the thing WAS? Bob the slob in a lawn chair tied to helium balloons. 99 luftbaloons? The old man from UP house? What?
So Canada and USAF shot down a run away 2004 Bullwinkle the moose Macy's thanksgiving parade float balloon? What was it?

Drug shipment packed with an air tag to trace it maybe.

DoD shoots down a balloon. Montana runs out of Narcan. Film at 11.

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