AGW causes .... yup

Who the fuck needs prayer? I've got science. Science says AGW is valid. Global warming is a fact. Do you not believe the temperature record of the last 150 years?

The climate changes, always has, always will. You and your fellow AGW acolytes are pretty damned arrogant to believe your puny skank asses can have such a profound effect on the climate of an entire planet. But then, don't most religious zealots consider themselves and their ideas more important than they really are?

If the climate changes and always has, why did you just describe global warming as a myth"? Perhaps you ought to get that straight in your own head before you venture out again.

I and my fellow "AGW acolytes" do not believe it is our "puny skank asses" that are affecting the climate. We believe it is the entire puny skank ass world and all its cars and trucks and coal-fired power plants working full time for the last 150 years that has done it.

Does that help?

Suggest a solution.
Do you not understand the terms?

You've made a number of statements with no supporting evidence or rationale. If you want to convince anyone that any of them might actually be correct, PROVIDE SOME EVIDENCE.

You also make completely assertions that cannot be substantiated. You constantly cite some voodoo models that purportedly represent some kind of prediction. Predictions are by their very nature unprovable. Science requires that the theory be proved by readily repeated results to specifically defined parameters. Your new AGW religion does nothing of the sort, although you seem quite satisfied accepting and proselytizing your belief as persistently, ignorantly, and obnoxiously as any born-again Christian I have ever encountered.
Btw from now on, if you dont forward the quote --- im not gonna reply......

Oh god, would THAT break my heart.

I could speak in certainties. But that would violate one of the most basic premises of the scientific method; the same scientific method that many deniers have been complaining was at great risk from the behavior of the vast majority of climate scientists (the ones who accept AGW) acting like a vast majority of climate scientists.

The consensus accepting AGW exists and is growing no weaker - whether or not you all insist on carrying on with your play-acting.

I'm betting you pooh-pooh the consensus that accepts Jesus as the son of god, or Mohammed as the prophet to be obeyed, or any other religious icon.

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