AGU director writes book on how Republicans are genetically prone to disbelieve AGW


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Chris Mooney, the author and blogger who once alleged a Republican "war" on science, is going back to that well one more time with a new book (above). In it he "explores brain scans, polls, and psychology experiments to explain why conservatives today believe more wrong things."

Mooney writes:

"[T]here might be a combination of genes acting together that somehow predispose us to have particular politics, presumably through their role in influencing our brains and thus our personalities or social behaviors ..,"
Mooney promises to explain:

"[T]he real, scientific reasons why Republicans reject the widely accepted findings of mainstream science, economics, and history—as well as many undeniable policy facts."
Gee, with an understanding of the "real, scientific reasons" behind such a disability perhaps scientists might develop some sort of medicine or gene therapy for "Republicanism." The search for such a cure would not occur for political reasons of course, but for humanitarian reasons. The obvious mental impairments suffered by these misguided and genetically inferior people are of course not their fault, but perhaps aided by science we can help them.

In all seriousness, if you want to know something about the pathological politicization of science in the US, consider that Mooney (who holds a bachelor's degree in English, and is probably a swell guy) is on the Board of Directors of the prestigious American Geophysical Union and is frequently hired by the National Science Foundation to teach scientists how to communicate.

I wonder how well telling half the American populace that they are genetically/psychologically/mentally inferior will communicate?

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The New Eugenics from the Looney Left

I believe the president of the AGU used a discretionary appointment to put Chris Mooney on the Board of Directors. Mooney is not a scientist and has a long history of AGW activism funny though that the intellectually inferior are dominating the discourse at the present time. The first question Id ask this dope is, "Hey dude........wheres all the carbon emmissions legislation.........Einstein??!!!"

This goofball scientist needs to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch. If his side was winning, he'd need not write the hit piece.:coffee:
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LOL. I knew 'Conservatives' were brain damaged! LOL

Liberal & Conservative Brain Differences? | World of Psychology

Some provocative research covered by the Chicago Tribune has proposed that the brains of liberals and conservatives work differently.

David Amodio, the primary investigator, found that the anterior cingulate cortex for liberals performs differently, allowing them to think more flexibly.

The work grew out of decades of previous research suggesting that political orientation is linked to certain personality traits or styles of thinking. A review of that research published in 2003 found that conservatives tend to be more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity and less open to new experiences.

It appears that conservatives have not responded well to this work, and some have taken offense. I personally think this kind of work is a fascinating way to try and understand political orientation, but I wonder how much effect this really has.

Furthermore, it would be even more interesting to find out how this brain region could be influences by environmental factors. Like could learning flexibility as a child create more of this ability structurally as an adult? No matter what, this certainly won’t be the last study on politics and psychobiology.
LOL. I knew 'Conservatives' were brain damaged! LOL

Liberal & Conservative Brain Differences? | World of Psychology

Some provocative research covered by the Chicago Tribune has proposed that the brains of liberals and conservatives work differently.

David Amodio, the primary investigator, found that the anterior cingulate cortex for liberals performs differently, allowing them to think more flexibly.

The work grew out of decades of previous research suggesting that political orientation is linked to certain personality traits or styles of thinking. A review of that research published in 2003 found that conservatives tend to be more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity and less open to new experiences.

It appears that conservatives have not responded well to this work, and some have taken offense. I personally think this kind of work is a fascinating way to try and understand political orientation, but I wonder how much effect this really has.

Furthermore, it would be even more interesting to find out how this brain region could be influences by environmental factors. Like could learning flexibility as a child create more of this ability structurally as an adult? No matter what, this certainly won’t be the last study on politics and psychobiology.

Interesting to note that the more liberal nations become, the closer to bankruptcy they get and yet, people still believe that liberalism represents superior thinking when in fact, it represents nothing more than magical thinking.
I have stated many times on here despite what we are told or led to believe. Socialism/communism in all modern practiced forms, is a government for the banks and by the banks.
LOL. I knew 'Conservatives' were brain damaged! LOL

Liberal & Conservative Brain Differences? | World of Psychology

Some provocative research covered by the Chicago Tribune has proposed that the brains of liberals and conservatives work differently.

David Amodio, the primary investigator, found that the anterior cingulate cortex for liberals performs differently, allowing them to think more flexibly.

The work grew out of decades of previous research suggesting that political orientation is linked to certain personality traits or styles of thinking. A review of that research published in 2003 found that conservatives tend to be more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity and less open to new experiences.

It appears that conservatives have not responded well to this work, and some have taken offense. I personally think this kind of work is a fascinating way to try and understand political orientation, but I wonder how much effect this really has.

Furthermore, it would be even more interesting to find out how this brain region could be influences by environmental factors. Like could learning flexibility as a child create more of this ability structurally as an adult? No matter what, this certainly won’t be the last study on politics and psychobiology.
Ahh yes. Liberals' flexible thought process allows them to believe past failed ideas will work if we repackage them and give them a fancier name.
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.
Different personality types tend to be attracted to different careers, lifestyles and political POVs.

Most of us probably noted that difference in college.

The mindset of students majoring in say, the humanities, is wildly different (generally speaking) than it is with students majoring in say, computer science.

I think that we preselect our lifestyles based on our different personality types.

And yes, I do think there is probably something to the theory that our brains predispose us to have those very different POVs about life, careers, government politics, religion etc.

There's both our own personality natures (we are born with) AND our own personal histories (nurture) effecting who we are and how we percieve the world.

Additionally I think this self selecting process can be seen even in very young children.
Ah yes.
Progressives' do have a genetic pre-disposition resulting in an allergic reaction when exposed to 'common sense'.
Interesting to note that the more liberal nations become, the closer to bankruptcy they get and yet, people still believe that liberalism represents superior thinking when in fact, it represents nothing more than magical thinking.

The witch doctors who did the brain research call that "flexible" thinking. I guess the flexibility part has to do with truth and facts.
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.

The tax cuts were given almost 10 years ago, turd, not last year.
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.

The tax cuts were given almost 10 years ago, turd, not last year.

Exactly, Dumb Fuck, and the last ten years have been real downhill compared to the prior ten years under Clinton, who actually raised the taxes on the wealthy. And we did not lose several thousand soldiers in a war based on lies under Clinton, either.

But, in the last three years, we actually got Bin Laden, and have laid waste to the Al Queda.
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.

The tax cuts were given almost 10 years ago, turd, not last year.

Exactly, Dumb Fuck, and the last ten years have been real downhill compared to the prior ten years under Clinton, who actually raised the taxes on the wealthy. And we did not lose several thousand soldiers in a war based on lies under Clinton, either.

But, in the last three years, we actually got Bin Laden, and have laid waste to the Al Queda.

Why won't Democrats campaign on a 90% tax rate?
LOL. I knew 'Conservatives' were brain damaged! LOL

Liberal & Conservative Brain Differences? | World of Psychology

Some provocative research covered by the Chicago Tribune has proposed that the brains of liberals and conservatives work differently.

David Amodio, the primary investigator, found that the anterior cingulate cortex for liberals performs differently, allowing them to think more flexibly.

The work grew out of decades of previous research suggesting that political orientation is linked to certain personality traits or styles of thinking. A review of that research published in 2003 found that conservatives tend to be more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity and less open to new experiences.

It appears that conservatives have not responded well to this work, and some have taken offense. I personally think this kind of work is a fascinating way to try and understand political orientation, but I wonder how much effect this really has.

Furthermore, it would be even more interesting to find out how this brain region could be influences by environmental factors. Like could learning flexibility as a child create more of this ability structurally as an adult? No matter what, this certainly won’t be the last study on politics and psychobiology.

Is this work from the same group of scientists that conclusively showed that White people are genetically superior to any other color of people on the planet?
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.

The "Bush Tax Cuts" expired. The current tax system belongs 100% to the Big 0.

Just a quick aside: George Bush is no longer president. I thought you might have heard about this. It was in all the papers.
Ah yes, and the wonderful Bush tax cuts have given us prosperity beyond that we dreamed of under Clinton, correct? All we need to do to enjoy more of this prosperity is to cut taxes even further, particularly on the top 1%.

The "Bush Tax Cuts" expired. The current tax system belongs 100% to the Big 0.

Just a quick aside: George Bush is no longer president. I thought you might have heard about this. It was in all the papers.

LMAO.............code, as usual, pwns the contingent of far lefties. And isnt it indeed funny how not a single lefty recognizes that for 2 years, they had ALL the power to do ANYTHING they wanted and accomplished one thing: running the debt into the stratosphere!!

Yup ahhhhhhhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion)....... the wonder of "flexible thinking"!! :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::boobies:

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The tax cuts were given almost 10 years ago, turd, not last year.

Exactly, Dumb Fuck, and the last ten years have been real downhill compared to the prior ten years under Clinton, who actually raised the taxes on the wealthy. And we did not lose several thousand soldiers in a war based on lies under Clinton, either.

The tech bubble collapsed at the end of Clinton's term. Should we blae that on is tax increases? According to your methodology we should. But when have libturds ever cared about consistency? No matter what the issue, they find some way to blame a Republican, even if they have to go back 30 years to do it.

But, in the last three years, we actually got Bin Laden, and have laid waste to the Al Queda.

Thanks to water boarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed, which Obama opposes.

Taking credit is the only thing Obama is good at.

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