After years of my parents taking care of me....

I had to take care of my dad. It was a complete nightmare. He refused to take his medicine. Would not permit a doctor to touch him. Wouldn't bathe change his clothes or use a toilet. No home nurse would come. He was taken in on a 5150 many times and released. I was in the process of having him put in a lock down when he walked out the door and I never saw him again.

wow Tipsycatlover, that's horrible :(....I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through that.
I personally don't have to take care of anybody who is sick, but if I had to I would do it with no problems.

Because If I was in that situation, I would appreciate to be taken care of also!

Do for others what you would have them do for you.

That's the law of life.
I had to take care of my dad. It was a complete nightmare. He refused to take his medicine. Would not permit a doctor to touch him. Wouldn't bathe change his clothes or use a toilet. No home nurse would come. He was taken in on a 5150 many times and released. I was in the process of having him put in a lock down when he walked out the door and I never saw him again.
Wait... what??

Yeah.....that ^^^

Regardless of whether it's the disease, or just them aging or how they cope with what's happening to them...…….things can get rather bizzare.

As I said...……..draw your limit line now and hope to God you never have to come to it.
I'm hoping things won't get too bad.
The last thing my brother and I want is to put him in nursing home. He's still very mentally sound and alert.

He told me about the nurses taking pictures of his butt to post on the internet. lol

I do agree.....keep them home as long as possible. I'm just saying there may come a time when it may be necessary to put them in a nursing home or other type facility for their own good and/or your own.

As long as he is still sound & alert, it will make it much easier on you. Just don't count on it always being that way.
I personally don't have to take care of anybody who is sick, but if I had to I would do it with no problems.

Because If I was in that situation, I would appreciate to be taken care of also!

Do for others what you would have them do for you.

That's the law of life. a point.

After having cared for my mother & husband.....I have decided that once I can not wipe my own butt or feed myself or I don't know who my family are...…...I will go to a nursing home cause I don't want my kids going thru that again or for me to be a burden on them.
I personally don't have to take care of anybody who is sick, but if I had to I would do it with no problems.

Because If I was in that situation, I would appreciate to be taken care of also!

Do for others what you would have them do for you.

That's the law of life. a point.

After having cared for my mother & husband.....I have decided that once I can not wipe my own butt or feed myself or I don't know who my family are...…...I will go to a nursing home cause I don't want my kids going thru that again or for me to be a burden on them.

Yes, I understand what you are saying.

If we/they/whoever it is ....happen to need a more specific kind of medical help, which requires being hospitalized I totally agree with you.

Until that time, I am prepared to help.
I had to take care of my dad. It was a complete nightmare. He refused to take his medicine. Would not permit a doctor to touch him. Wouldn't bathe change his clothes or use a toilet. No home nurse would come. He was taken in on a 5150 many times and released. I was in the process of having him put in a lock down when he walked out the door and I never saw him again.

wow Tipsycatlover, that's horrible :(....I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through that.
Thank you. He disappeared December 18, 1995. Just vanished.
I had to take care of my dad. It was a complete nightmare. He refused to take his medicine. Would not permit a doctor to touch him. Wouldn't bathe change his clothes or use a toilet. No home nurse would come. He was taken in on a 5150 many times and released. I was in the process of having him put in a lock down when he walked out the door and I never saw him again.

wow Tipsycatlover, that's horrible :(....I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through that.
Thank you. He disappeared December 18, 1995. Just vanished.

((Sorry to hear.))
.... I’m now taking care of my dad. :)

I’m just now starting to experience the time involved with taking care of a parent. Has anyone here been in this position?

I’m lucky to work at a place that offers support and resources. There’s a lot I need to learn in short period of time.
For instance... I recently learned that a stairlift will cost ~$12,000. I’m hoping to have it installed before he gets home next week.

I’m gonna be busier than usual for an undetermined amount of time.

Some other things to consider.....and I don't mean to sound so negative, but it's better to have your ducks in a row now while everything is easy & he's able to have coherent input than to not address the important issues until after he's passed & you & family are an emotional mess. That is not the time to find out he has nothing & you have to pay thousands for_________?? (fill in the blank)

What I call the business end of caregiving......

1. Find out just what his final wishes are....burial, cremation, or donate to science or organ donor.

2. Find out if he has a burial plot or a pre-arranged funeral/cremation with a facility. If not, then start shopping around & get one started. The sooner the better.

3. Find out what kinds or types of insurances he has. Medicare? Supplemental? Life? Long Term Care? Disability? etc. So you know who's paying what bills as they come up AND just what they cover or don't. And yes it does include the Long Term Care----for a nursing home IF & when he needs it, or even having a nurse come to the house either a monthly or weekly visit for checkups, or even full or part time in home care.

4. Does he have a will? Does he even need one?? If so, get him one

5. Get the paperwork for 'end of life' directions or Advanced Directives, including a DNR--Do Not Resuscitate (meaning no CPR or other measures to bring him back), Living Will (is not the same as Estate Will)--has to do with feeding tubes, oxygen, etc to keep the body alive, Power Of Attorney----both medical & financial---two separate forms that designates someone to make those choices when the patient can't & it can but doesn't have to be the same person in the two forms. Also, they are only legally binding while the patient is alive. Once they've passed the forms are null & void......there may be others but I can't think of them at the moment.

6. Also check with local & state laws regarding any of this

7. And most important...…...make sure you, he and everyone in the immediate family know exactly what the plan is and all agree. Any disagreements in his eventual care or how his estate is distributed or who makes these decisions should be dealt with now and time to get it worked out. There is nothing worse on a family than to be bickering over the loss of a loved one, who should have done what & when or any inheritance.

I can only imagine you think I'm crazy & it's no where near time for this kind of information...…...but as I said, it's much easier on you, him and the family if it's addressed & taken care of now so everyone knows what to expect and their part in it and not getting caught unaware later.

And actually it's a good idea to have these things covered when you're young, with periodic updates as needed.
.... I’m now taking care of my dad. :)

I’m just now starting to experience the time involved with taking care of a parent. Has anyone here been in this position?

I’m lucky to work at a place that offers support and resources. There’s a lot I need to learn in short period of time.
For instance... I recently learned that a stairlift will cost ~$12,000. I’m hoping to have it installed before he gets home next week.

I’m gonna be busier than usual for an undetermined amount of time.

I took care of my momma for some years. I'm a firm believer in taking care of your own. It wasn't always peaches and cream, but I don't regret a moment.

I wish you and your dad the very best.
tycho1572 your good people... What you are going to do can run into a whole gambit of emotions... As the only offspring of my parents union, I was selected as a committee of One to be caretaker... 20 years ago I took care of my mother for the last 4 months of her life and 15 years ago I took care of my father the last 5 months of his life... Combining the 2 experiences I feel I could write a book... While my journeys with my parents were not all that long both were emotionally draining and rewarding at the same time... I won't go into a litany of stories, but the revelation that I was going to have to place condom catheter's on my 79 year old father caught me completely off guard...:ack-1:

Best of luck... What you are doing is a very honorable...
The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
It’s been installed....



That’s a lotta stairs he won’t have to climb. :)


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The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
I recently had a conversation with my boss about something very similar when he learned I had brother. After asking if I got along with him, he told me about some BS he went through with his sister while making important decisions for his mother.
The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
I recently had a conversation with my boss about something very similar when he learned I had brother. After asking if I got along with him, he told me about some BS he went through with his sister while making important decisions for his mother.

With my brother it was alcohol related.
It's pretty sad really,he was one of the smartest people I've ever met. Pre Med scholarship to A&M where he promptly flunked out.
Made six figures plus for most of his adult life....then the alcohol took hold.
He now lives in a crappy one bedroom apartment,isnt allowed to see his daughter and works a shit job.

I hate to say it but it's what he deserves.
The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
I recently had a conversation with my boss about something very similar when he learned I had brother. After asking if I got along with him, he told me about some BS he went through with his sister while making important decisions for his mother.

With my brother it was alcohol related.
It's pretty sad really,he was one of the smartest people I've ever met. Pre Med scholarship to A&M where he promptly flunked out.
Made six figures plus for most of his adult life....then the alcohol took hold.
He now lives in a crappy one bedroom apartment,isnt allowed to see his daughter and works a shit job.

I hate to say it but it's what he deserves.
It’s not uncommon to have a family member unable to help when it’s needed.
My dad was lucky to have two successful sons who earn a good living.
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The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
I recently had a conversation with my boss about something very similar when he learned I had brother. After asking if I got along with him, he told me about some BS he went through with his sister while making important decisions for his mother.

With my brother it was alcohol related.
It's pretty sad really,he was one of the smartest people I've ever met. Pre Med scholarship to A&M where he promptly flunked out.
Made six figures plus for most of his adult life....then the alcohol took hold.
He now lives in a crappy one bedroom apartment,isnt allowed to see his daughter and works a shit job.

I hate to say it but it's what he deserves.
It’s not uncommon to have a family member unable to help when it’s needed.
My dad was lucky to have two successful sons who earn a good living.

Had it just been his inability to help I would have understood.
His intentional deceit,theft and refusal to give us her banking info was totally unforgivable. He tried to cover his tracks throughout the whole ordeal.
He tried to go around me and to plead his case with my Wife...unfortunately for him she hated his guts more than I did.

Where he really miscalculated was the fact the Wife worked as a forensic accountant for a family Law Judge she was friends with.
She had the connections in the court and dug up all his misdeeds.

The thing that set Her off? He lived in our home for two years rent free all the while lying to us about my Mothers financial situation while he pissed through over 80k of his own money at bars. He had more than enough money at the time to put down a large down payment on a house. Instead he blew it and when that ran out he got my mother to to put down 20k for a house.
At one point things grew heated between us and I sent his ass to the hospital....who was the first person he called? Our Mother.

I could go on and on about his shitty behavior but we were in fact part of the problem by enabling him.
The Wife and I took care of my mother for several years before we had to place her in assisted living.
It would have gone much easier if my brother hadn't stolen damn near every dime she had.
She had over 100k in the bank when dementia set in and she asked my brother to manage her money.
I told her in no uncertain terms that it was a bad idea.
She had put 20k down on a house for him and he was supposed to pay her back. He instead was using her money to make the payments and pay his bills.
So we then had to take him to court and force him to sell the house and hand the money over to the Wife and I to manage.

When that ran out it was on us to makeup the difference that her SS didnt cover.

The battle with my brother went on for years.
Needless to say I dont speak to him anymore.
I recently had a conversation with my boss about something very similar when he learned I had brother. After asking if I got along with him, he told me about some BS he went through with his sister while making important decisions for his mother.

With my brother it was alcohol related.
It's pretty sad really,he was one of the smartest people I've ever met. Pre Med scholarship to A&M where he promptly flunked out.
Made six figures plus for most of his adult life....then the alcohol took hold.
He now lives in a crappy one bedroom apartment,isnt allowed to see his daughter and works a shit job.

I hate to say it but it's what he deserves.
It’s not uncommon to have a family member unable to help when it’s needed.
My dad was lucky to have two successful sons who earn a good living.

Had it just been his inability to help I would have understood.
His intentional deceit,theft and refusal to give us her banking info was totally unforgivable. He tried to cover his tracks throughout the whole ordeal.
He tried to go around me and to plead his case with my Wife...unfortunately for him she hated his guts more than I did.

Where he really miscalculated was the fact the Wife worked as a forensic accountant for a family Law Judge she was friends with.
She had the connections in the court and dug up all his misdeeds.

The thing that set Her off? He lived in our home for two years rent free all the while lying to us about my Mothers financial situation while he pissed through over 80k of his own money at bars. He had more than enough money at the time to put down a large down payment on a house. Instead he blew it and when that ran out he got my mother to to put down 20k for a house.
At one point things grew heated between us and I sent his ass to the hospital....who was the first person he called? Our Mother.

I could go on and on about his shitty behavior but we were in fact part of the problem by enabling him.
Damn... that’s fucked up.
My brother and I might be on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but we’re on the same side of looking out for our dad.
.... I’m now taking care of my dad. :)

I’m just now starting to experience the time involved with taking care of a parent. Has anyone here been in this position?

I’m lucky to work at a place that offers support and resources. There’s a lot I need to learn in short period of time.
For instance... I recently learned that a stairlift will cost ~$12,000. I’m hoping to have it installed before he gets home next week.

I’m gonna be busier than usual for an undetermined amount of time.

It is good you live in an area with good support - that's a huge benefit. My mom is 86...doing ok, but I am 8 hrs away. Her community is very good, many services for aging in place.

(((hugs))) to you - do you have siblings to help out?
Now that I’m seeing his bills, he agreed to me making a change to his internet and phone service.

He was paying Verizon $108 per month for phone and DSL at <2mbs. He now has phone and internet at 12mbs for $80 per month via Viasat.
It’s far from ideal, but the only reasonable option in his democrat town.

After many days and hours of dealing with Viasat, I’m glad his ring doorbell is finally working the way it should. The doorbell my democrat brother gifted him last year.

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