After the election, will climate change science matter?

Coastlines in Louisiana, Florida, Texas and other places will get flooded. Tough luck for the Trump voters there.
The moon is closer now than it has been in 130 years.. couldn't be that tidal phases are higher due to gravity as the sea levels are not rising. Or could it?
1st post
Coastlines in Louisiana, Florida, Texas and other places will get flooded. Tough luck for the Trump voters there.
The moon is closer now than it has been in 130 years.. couldn't be that tidal phases are higher due to gravity as the sea levels are not rising. Or could it?
I didn't mean tomorrow or next month.
It was invented by the chinese haven't you heard
No, it was invented by the totalitarian leftists to control even more of our lives. I hope president Trump cuts off all of their feed supply. I don't know who would hire them, probably have to find a useful career.
Trump said the Chinese. Are you calling Trump a liar?
What are you talking about?

dang this person is clueless ^^ :2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

"Donald Trump’s upset victory in the presidential election changes everything in terms of energy and climate politics in the United States.

And many of those changes can be made by the incoming president swiftly, without congressional approval.

That because so many of President Obama’s environmental regulations were based on executive action – something a President Trump will be able reverse with a stroke of a pen."

stroke of a pen ironic!!! :beer: Trump's Election Jolts Energy and Environmental Policy | RealClearPolitics
It will matter to the sane. The insane are to be ignored.

The rest of the world though will start levying fines on the US businesses that don't comply with the treaty that was signed on to last year by the whole world. There are consequences for everything.
The answer is.......not a whole lot. Highly likely the Paris Treaty will be scrapped by the new president. Ooooooooops!! The climate science industry got kicked hard in the nut sack on Tuesday..........real hard.

To boot..........

"Trump has promised to rollback much of President Barack Obama’s global warming agenda, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) global warming rule for power plants. Pro-energy and global warming skeptics were thrilled at Trump’s win."

Read more:

As the publisher of the climate skeptic website stated yesterday...........

“Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S.,” Marc Morano, the published of the global warming skeptic website Climate Depot, said in a statement.

Read more:

We are suddenly living in some very good times........the k00ks have become irrelevant!!:bye1::bye1:
I too predict that after BHO leaves The White House that "climate change" will cease to be a priority and that this junk science will end.

We know we are currently in what is the opposite of an Ice Age. Since there were ice ages in the past there will be more in the future. Since there was then global warming in the past there will be more in the future.

Those are all simply scientific inferences like all scientific hypotheses and theories.

There is nothing on this Earth that the ants or termites or humans on this Earth can do to stop global warming or ice ages now or in the future.
It will matter to the sane. The insane are to be ignored.

The rest of the world though will start levying fines on the US businesses that don't comply with the treaty that was signed on to last year by the whole world. There are consequences for everything.
Unfortunately the insane always pronounce themselves sane and everyone else insane. It is the first clue.
It will matter to the sane. The insane are to be ignored.

The rest of the world though will start levying fines on the US businesses that don't comply with the treaty that was signed on to last year by the whole world. There are consequences for everything.
US carbon emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. Wake up.
Policies will be changed in Congress to address CC's effects. The justifications for the policy positions will not acknowledge CC.
It's easy to play politics with the rhetoric.
It will matter to the sane. The insane are to be ignored.

The rest of the world though will start levying fines on the US businesses that don't comply with the treaty that was signed on to last year by the whole world. There are consequences for everything.
Really? The rest of the world will penalize the US because of our CO2 emissions? Why don't you look at the data before you make such ignorant predictions. Our CO2 emissions are going down while the rest of the world's CO2 emissions are skyrocketing. We aren't the problem.





It will matter to the sane. The insane are to be ignored.

The rest of the world though will start levying fines on the US businesses that don't comply with the treaty that was signed on to last year by the whole world. There are consequences for everything.

s0n.....Ive seen posts that are not in the ballpark but this one isn't even in the same zip code.

Paris is done s0ns...........well...........we will have to wait another 60 days or so.:bye1:

Trump team looks at rapid exit from the Paris climate “treaty” - Hot Air

duh.....its not legally binding. Bye......bye..........and I'll be laughing.

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