After Encouraging Them For Years, Germany Is Now Bribing Migrants To LEAVE


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2018
Guess that whole diversity & multiculturalism thing isn't working out so hot. Who'da thunk...

Germany entices illegal migrants to leave with bribes — free rent for a year back home

Guess that whole diversity & multiculturalism thing isn't working out so hot. Who'da thunk...

Germany entices illegal migrants to leave with bribes — free rent for a year back home

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"But the entire billboard-exercise may turn out to be pointless. Theresa May tried the same thing five years ago in Britain when she was home secretary. Vans drove through neighbourhoods with the billboards reading “Go home or face arrest”.

The initiative resulted in just 11 departures."
Locked up ? If they return to their own home country ? Say it ain't so. Are they criminals ??

I don't know about criminals... I assume some of the gazillion refugees that were taken in are as crooked as a dog's tally whacker… I think it would be safer to say that they are more alien than anything to the F.R.O.G. …
As if the ferals will ever go back willingly. They’d rather live as welfare recipients forever than go back to their shit hole countries.
All Germany has to do is kick the fuckers out. They don't have to bribe them.

Kick em back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.
So, did Germany's new generations think that the best way to stomp out the old pride and culture of the German people (along with it's past), was to flood the nation with migrants or refugees to promote multiculturalism over time ??

Otherwise, so it was thought that if dilute the culture with multi-culturalism enough, then the danger found in nationalism would fade, and it would never be unified again ???


How's that working out now ??? Should America take notice as to what goes on in the world on such things ?? The same goes for Europe on whole, should our nation learn from that entire area over there about these things ?

Should it be that the world's populations and governments shouldn't attempt to dilute or flood nation's to the point of those nation's being threatened by multiculturalism, otherwise stomping out the original cultures of the nation's in which are over run by such a thing over time ?? Hmmm.

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