After 9_11_ Ten Years of War

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]After 9_11_ Ten Years of War - The Truth About What's Going On (MIRRORED).avi - YouTube[/ame]
It took us just 4 years to roll over Hirohito and Hitler. Only 3 years in Korea. 10+ years in Vietnam now 10+ years War on Terror.

Any guess on how this is gonna' come out? Wake up people.
It took us just 4 years to roll over Hirohito and Hitler. Only 3 years in Korea. 10+ years in Vietnam now 10+ years War on Terror.

Any guess on how this is gonna' come out? Wake up people.

You need to wake up. Comparing the war on Terror to WWII shows us all you have no understanding of this war or that war.

This War will never have a real end. As long as there are groups of people with no flag, and no country, making war Upon us. We will be at war with them. Whether we want to admit it or not.

Interesting you would post that. What are you implying? The total Costs of the War on Terror, including Iraq and Afghan, PALE in comparison to the amount of Money Obama as spent since being in office, and are Tiny compared to the Debts Entitlement programs are heaping upon us.

Interesting you would post that. What are you implying? The total Costs of the War on Terror, including Iraq and Afghan, PALE in comparison to the amount of Money Obama as spent since being in office, and are Tiny compared to the Debts Entitlement programs are heaping upon us.

We only need entitlements because our economy has been sucked dry by the military industrial complex.
Some would say these wars have cost twice the bailout/stimulus. The Wars, the Depression- Booosh and Voodoo have been a TOTAL catastrophe...
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By military complex you mean Defence Industry Jobs ... Right?

Some of that money circulates back through the economy. A lot of it does not. It is gone.

That money would create more jobs if it was left in the economy.
When someone uses the term "Military Industail Complex" you
know they have been drinking WAY too much of the left wing koolaid
How is it gone?

Does Boeing not use the money they get? When the navy buys steel is that not good for the economy? When solders need gear, doesn't someone have to manufacture that gear?
It took us just 4 years to roll over Hirohito and Hitler. Only 3 years in Korea. 10+ years in Vietnam now 10+ years War on Terror.

Any guess on how this is gonna' come out? Wake up people.

Those were real wars. This isn't. For some reason we believe today that the way to win wars is to get the enemy to just change their minds. This tactic wouldn't have worked with Japan or Germany and it won't work here either.
See, all that stuff just doesn't appear when the DOD whoops out the wallet. Contracts go out to manufacturers around the country ... Go ahead and look back to the great depression and not how all of a sudden with war everyone had jobs again.

The crap doesn't grow on trees.

It takes a lot more manufacturing to make even the simple stuff then most know. I told the wife onetime "Campbells makes soup, they don't make cans or labels and they don't own farms or slaughter chickens for their soup either ... They take a bunch of ingrediance and make soup, that's it ... Everything else it a different company ... 10-20 business have a hand in getting that one can if soup in the cabinet

how many jobs do you think a Blackhawk helicopter makes?
See, all that stuff just doesn't appear when the DOD whoops out the wallet. Contracts go out to manufacturers around the country ... Go ahead and look back to the great depression and not how all of a sudden with war everyone had jobs again.

The crap doesn't grow on trees.

It takes a lot more manufacturing to make even the simple stuff then most know. I told the wife onetime "Campbells makes soup, they don't make cans or labels and they don't own farms or slaughter chickens for their soup either ... They take a bunch of ingrediance and make soup, that's it ... Everything else it a different company ... 10-20 business have a hand in getting that one can if soup in the cabinet

how many jobs do you think a Blackhawk helicopter makes?

Go ahead and look back to the great depression and not how all of a sudden with war everyone had jobs again.

Where did the money come from to create those jobs?
P F,
That one was quite odd. Made me dismiss you. But for the record, World War II ended the Great Depression, not the other way around.

Mad Scientist,
I am awake.
And you have no point.
World War II is prime example how the government can spend a country out of a recession. It's worked time and time again. This time the problems just too big. The moneys didn't go where they were meant to because the states are so broke governors found loopholes allowing them to plug their budget gaps.

Get ready folks because we are going for a long ride down the toilet.
World War II is prime example how the government can spend a country out of a recession. It's worked time and time again. This time the problems just too big. The moneys didn't go where they were meant to because the states are so broke governors found loopholes allowing them to plug their budget gaps.

Get ready folks because we are going for a long ride down the toilet.

If military spending is good for the economy why are we circling the drain?
What part of the Military Industrail Complex is bad?
You failed to respond to the fact that MIC was coined by Eisenhower and your accusation it’s only an issue for ‘the left.’

If military spending is good for the economy why are we circling the drain?

The Second World War and the Depression were unique situations, and the war lasted only 4 years. They can’t be compared to the wars today.

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