After 8 long years of gross incompetence, conservatives left behind a cesspool..

A) bust cost $5 trillion! When did that happen? UNDER CLINTON!
Phony surpluses turned into $200 billion a year in tax losses against
income... Or is that too sophisticated for your simple brain to understand?
B) 9/11 "connect the dots" PREVENTED and acknowledged due to the
Gorelick Memo that was designed to PREVENT CIA from sharing with FBI
Chinese Donations to Clinton in exchange for missile secrets! FACTS!
C) Worst hurricane SEASONS and warnings to Democrat Governor and Mayor
IGNORED and when wanting to bring military in to use the 100s of buses
that were unused the trains unused.. AND YOUR simple brain doesn't
comprehend that???

AND then you you... TRAITORS!
YOU cheerlead against US TROOPS.
You cheer when US soldiers are killed!
And you encourage the terrorists when YOU endorse strongly these
idiot terrorist CHEERLEADERS when they say:
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I truly along with the dead soldiers families find your cheerleading of the terrorists in the KILLING of innocent US troops, 87,000 Iraqis totally and forever disgusting! THEIR blood is ON YOUR HANDS!

No question that Bush was left with a budget surplus.
WHICH became $200 billion in losses BECAUSE of Clinton's bust!

So much so that he doubled down and left us with $5 trillion in additional debt plus a tax cut and unfunded Medicare Prescription plan and two wars that ensured that future Presidents would operate on a deficit
Again.. did 9/11 happen? Did Gorelick Memo prevent CIA sharing with FBI about Chinese donations for Clinton prevented 9/11 hijacker information?
Did the worst hurricane SEASONS NOT occur?

Did you and other cheerleaders ENCOURAGE terrorists to kill 3,000 US troops and 87,000 Iraqis?? Didn't you tell the world our troops were killers, were terrorists as Kerry called them?
YOU are a cheerleader for Obama obviously!
Cheerleader for a Senator that bad mouthed our military therefore YOU are a cheerleader for the terrorists!

So YES there was $200 billion written off per year since 2002!
ALL due to Clinton's bust/ Clinton's Gorelick caused 9/11 and no one's fault for worst hurricanes!

But you won't admit that being CHEERLEADERS for Terrorists you helped spend another $600 billion for Homeland security and $600 billion for Iraq war where YOU'RE cheerleading made the war last longer just so you could with the MSM encourage the terrorists!

YOU helped with your cheerleading!!!

Wow....that is quite a mouthful. somebody has been sucking up rightwing propaganda

1. Bush was left with a budget surplus
2. Bush paid no attention to the terrorist threat and was more interested in reviving StarWars than protecting against attack
3 Bush pulled the trigger on two wars and paid for them by CUTTING taxes
4 Bush tax cut led to $2 trillion debt and counting
5. Medicare Part D is unfunded and has cost in excess of $500 billion
6 The unfunded Bush wars have cost $2 trillion
Wow....that is quite a mouthful. somebody has been sucking up rightwing propaganda

1. Bush was left with a budget surplus

2. Bush paid no attention to the terrorist threat and was more interested in reviving StarWars than protecting against attack

Utter bullshit.

Reviving "starwars?" Are you fucking daft? Clinton had put a full court press on missile defense. Not only is your claim that Bush was "interested" a moronic fabrication, the ignorance you display in not knowing that Clinton had made missile defense a major initiative is astounding.

3 Bush pulled the trigger on two wars and paid for them by CUTTING taxes

Regardless of Iraq, Bush certainly didn't start the war in Afghanistan.

4 Bush tax cut led to $2 trillion debt and counting

Moronic horseshit.

You've never had an economics class in your life, clearly. The economic activity spawned from the cuts far exceeded the cost of them.

5. Medicare Part D is unfunded and has cost in excess of $500 billion

Even a stopped clock has the right time twice a day.

Medicare Part D is a clusterfuck.

6 The unfunded Bush wars have cost $2 trillion

Or the equivalent of one months worth of Obama's incompetence....
No question that Bush was left with a budget surplus.
WHICH became $200 billion in losses BECAUSE of Clinton's bust!

So much so that he doubled down and left us with $5 trillion in additional debt plus a tax cut and unfunded Medicare Prescription plan and two wars that ensured that future Presidents would operate on a deficit
Again.. did 9/11 happen? Did Gorelick Memo prevent CIA sharing with FBI about Chinese donations for Clinton prevented 9/11 hijacker information?
Did the worst hurricane SEASONS NOT occur?

Did you and other cheerleaders ENCOURAGE terrorists to kill 3,000 US troops and 87,000 Iraqis?? Didn't you tell the world our troops were killers, were terrorists as Kerry called them?
YOU are a cheerleader for Obama obviously!
Cheerleader for a Senator that bad mouthed our military therefore YOU are a cheerleader for the terrorists!

So YES there was $200 billion written off per year since 2002!
ALL due to Clinton's bust/ Clinton's Gorelick caused 9/11 and no one's fault for worst hurricanes!

But you won't admit that being CHEERLEADERS for Terrorists you helped spend another $600 billion for Homeland security and $600 billion for Iraq war where YOU'RE cheerleading made the war last longer just so you could with the MSM encourage the terrorists!

YOU helped with your cheerleading!!!

Wow....that is quite a mouthful. somebody has been sucking up rightwing propaganda

1. Bush was left with a budget surplus
2. Bush paid no attention to the terrorist threat and was more interested in reviving StarWars than protecting against attack
3 Bush pulled the trigger on two wars and paid for them by CUTTING taxes
4 Bush tax cut led to $2 trillion debt and counting
5. Medicare Part D is unfunded and has cost in excess of $500 billion
6. The unfunded Bush wars have cost $2 trillion

1. Bullshit.. Clinton NEVER ran a surplus and left a $5,800,000,000,000 debt.
2. Bullshit.
3. ????
4. Bullshit.
5. Fair enough.
6. The Dems DEMANDED to be able to vote for these wars... "it's all Bush's fault" ain't flying except with the terminally stupid.
5. Medicare Part D is unfunded and has cost in excess of $500 billion

Even a stopped clock has the right time twice a day.

Medicare Part D is a clusterfuck.

At the time it was passed, the main liberal complaint about Medicare Part D is that it wasn't big enough.

Watching these turds complain about the cost of the program is like watching a prostitute lamenting the loose morals of today's youth.
we are supposed to apologize for Bush now?

No, just promise not to do it again.

We have this thing, it's called the US Constitution, that prevents that from happening again. Read it sometime.
Some Conservatives tried to sneak Rick Perry into the White House. And that's practically like doing Bush again.

What is it about befuddlement that attracts Conservatives to candidates?
No, just promise not to do it again.

We have this thing, it's called the US Constitution, that prevents that from happening again. Read it sometime.
Some Conservatives tried to sneak Rick Perry into the White House. And that's practically like doing Bush again.

What is it about befuddlement that attracts Conservatives to candidates?

Not for nothing, Nosmo...but Barack Obama isn't exactly setting the world on fire with his competence. One might ask why we as Americans keep electing befuddled leaders?
We have this thing, it's called the US Constitution, that prevents that from happening again. Read it sometime.
Some Conservatives tried to sneak Rick Perry into the White House. And that's practically like doing Bush again.

What is it about befuddlement that attracts Conservatives to candidates?

Not for nothing, Nosmo...but Barack Obama isn't exactly setting the world on fire with his competence. One might ask why we as Americans keep electing befuddled leaders?
I wonder if ideology is driving Congress to intransigence.
Man, what a MELTDOWN.

They must be seeing the writing on the wall...for 2012

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And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!


And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

I wondered just how deficient and extreme you really were, and, here we are.

the rest of your drunken rant isn't worth rebutting. You were a lot nicer and great deal more sane when you got here. That was, apparently an act or your neurosis has really manifested itself.

Check yourself into rehab if you were drunk posting this, because it appears to have become a habit.

If not, I'd ask someone who cares and knows you to buy a DSM-IV and start thumbing through it, you're in there, in spades.

Oh stick it where the sun don't shine you pompous ass.

Several months hit the wire that the Saudis were much more involved in 9/11 then previously thought..and that Bush made sure none of that made it to the commission report.

That should have made every American's blood boil, along with the lies about WMDs..and all the other bullshit.

But it hasn't. Least not conservatives.

Nonsesne. I don't know how much involved anyone can claim they were unless they don't know, which is pretty ridiculous , that what , 15 of 19 were from SA originally? And one of their princes probably funded them....and you said an inferred a great deal more than that.

you're a truther and you apparently didn't realize that your rambling would reveal it. *shrugs*
Nonsesne. I don't know how much involved anyone can claim they were unless they don't know, which is pretty ridiculous , that what , 15 of 19 were from SA originally? And one of their princes probably funded them....and you said an inferred a great deal more than that.

you're a truther and you apparently didn't realize that your rambling would reveal it. *shrugs*

In all fairness, Shallow isn't a truther.

Shallow just has zero integrity, he'll say anything to promote his party or defame the hated opposition. He doesn't give a fuck about the content. He's tossing out truther shit because he want's to defame Bush, not because he believes it.

I wondered just how deficient and extreme you really were, and, here we are.

the rest of your drunken rant isn't worth rebutting. You were a lot nicer and great deal more sane when you got here. That was, apparently an act or your neurosis has really manifested itself.

Check yourself into rehab if you were drunk posting this, because it appears to have become a habit.

If not, I'd ask someone who cares and knows you to buy a DSM-IV and start thumbing through it, you're in there, in spades.

Oh stick it where the sun don't shine you pompous ass.

Several months hit the wire that the Saudis were much more involved in 9/11 then previously thought..and that Bush made sure none of that made it to the commission report.

That should have made every American's blood boil, along with the lies about WMDs..and all the other bullshit.

But it hasn't. Least not conservatives.

Nonsesne. I don't know how much involved anyone can claim they were unless they don't know, which is pretty ridiculous , that what , 15 of 19 were from SA originally? And one of their princes probably funded them....and you said an inferred a great deal more than that.

you're a truther and you apparently didn't realize that your rambling would reveal it. *shrugs*

That's pretty much ALOT.

But's more then that. The Saudi's really had a government agent meeting with the hijackers.

Unlike the nonsense Cheney bullshitted about some fantasy meeting in Prague and an Iraqi agent..this was the real thing.
It's Bush' fault that have led to four years of O failed policies?

Well you need to be corrected here.

Obama's only been in office for less the 4 years at this point.

And most of his policies were successes.

Unlike Bush's.

See like Osama bin Laden's 9/11 terrorist attack..Bush's policies left the US economy is ruins.

And much like the WTC..the economy is not going to be rebuilt in less time..then it took to utterly destroy it.
It's Bush' fault that have led to four years of O failed policies?

Well you need to be corrected here.

Obama's only been in office for less the 4 years at this point.

And most of his policies were successes.

Unlike Bush's.

See like Osama bin Laden's 9/11 terrorist attack..Bush's policies left the US economy is ruins.

And much like the WTC..the economy is not going to be rebuilt in less time..then it took to utterly destroy it.

Obama will be in office three LONG years in the next couple months.
and if his policies have been such a success, why isn't his approvals 100% instead of a lowly 40% in just THREE YEARS..
please come into REALITY dear.
Part and parcel with the make up of conservatives is that they never, ever admit fault.

open your eyes Sallow.....there are Liberals who likewise will never admit fault.....90% of the time the Party in power will never admit they were wrong......they will always have an excuse....
It's Bush' fault that have led to four years of O failed policies?

Well you need to be corrected here.

Obama's only been in office for less the 4 years at this point.

And most of his policies were successes.

Unlike Bush's.

See like Osama bin Laden's 9/11 terrorist attack..Bush's policies left the US economy is ruins.

And much like the WTC..the economy is not going to be rebuilt in less time..then it took to utterly destroy it.

Obama will be in office three LONG years in the next couple months.
and if his policies have been such a success, why isn't his approvals 100% instead of a lowly 40% in just THREE YEARS..
please come into REALITY dear.

Well for several reasons.

First off..there were some pretty painful decisions that needed to be made..and controversial. They left alot of people very unhappy. Like the healthcare package. Some wanted it to be single payer..some didn't want it at all.

Secondly..the damage done to the economy by conservatives was so severe, that the shockwaves were felt world wide. No one was made to pay for it either. That might have been a mistake..but the shielding to the culprits was done by conservatives in the name of "expediency". The "reward" for that..was that there wasn't a world wide collapse of the financial markets.

Third..the opposition is extremely entrenched and ruthless. They are not above using enemies, like the Saudis, the fund their propaganda machine. And they are not above out right lying about issues. And on a daily basis.
It's Bush' fault that have led to four years of O failed policies?

Well you need to be corrected here.

Obama's only been in office for less the 4 years at this point.

And most of his policies were successes.

Unlike Bush's.

See like Osama bin Laden's 9/11 terrorist attack..Bush's policies left the US economy is ruins.

And much like the WTC..the economy is not going to be rebuilt in less time..then it took to utterly destroy it.

Shouldn't you be out pissing and shitting on Cop Cars, in the name of Obama's great Successes? ;)
Part and parcel with the make up of conservatives is that they never, ever admit fault.

open your eyes Sallow.....there are Liberals who likewise will never admit fault.....90% of the time the Party in power will never admit they were wrong......they will always have an excuse....

[ame=]Obama on Midterm Shellacking: 'It Feels Bad' - YouTube[/ame]

I didn't agree with his assessment..but he did admit fault.

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