After 8 long years of gross incompetence, conservatives left behind a cesspool..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!

And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!



you can do better
And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!

A) bust cost $5 trillion! When did that happen? UNDER CLINTON!
Phony surpluses turned into $200 billion a year in tax losses against
income... Or is that too sophisticated for your simple brain to understand?
B) 9/11 "connect the dots" PREVENTED and acknowledged due to the
Gorelick Memo that was designed to PREVENT CIA from sharing with FBI
Chinese Donations to Clinton in exchange for missile secrets! FACTS!
C) Worst hurricane SEASONS and warnings to Democrat Governor and Mayor
IGNORED and when wanting to bring military in to use the 100s of buses
that were unused the trains unused.. AND YOUR simple brain doesn't
comprehend that???

AND then you you... TRAITORS!
YOU cheerlead against US TROOPS.
You cheer when US soldiers are killed!
And you encourage the terrorists when YOU endorse strongly these
idiot terrorist CHEERLEADERS when they say:
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I truly along with the dead soldiers families find your cheerleading of the terrorists in the KILLING of innocent US troops, 87,000 Iraqis totally and forever disgusting! THEIR blood is ON YOUR HANDS!


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They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally.

They’ve attempted to do so, and fortunately have not succeeded for the most part, due primarily to Justice Kennedy – a conservative but not a rightist ideologue.

We won’t be so fortunate with the current crop of GOP candidates, however.
And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!

I really hope Obama goes with blaming Boooooosh.

They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally.

They’ve attempted to do so, and fortunately have not succeeded for the most part, due primarily to Justice Kennedy – a conservative but not a rightist ideologue.

We won’t be so fortunate with the current crop of GOP candidates, however.

How on earth is upholding and restoring the precepts of the Constitution shattering it to bits or even an attempt to?
You gotta understand that the federal government never was "conservative" except in the narrow minds of hate filled radical liberals. Bush was a moderate republican. The democrat party gained the majority in the House and the Senate during Bush's second term. As a matter of fact the first agenda that the newly elected democrat majority addressed midway in bush's 2nd term was ....gasp....steroid use in Baseball. House banking chair(person) Barney Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing great while it was on the verge of collapse.
You gotta understand that the federal government never was "conservative" except in the narrow minds of hate filled radical liberals. Bush was a moderate republican. The democrat party gained the majority in the House and the Senate during Bush's second term. As a matter of fact the first agenda that the newly elected democrat majority addressed midway in bush's 2nd term was ....gasp....steroid use in Baseball. House banking chair(person) Barney Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing great while it was on the verge of collapse.

YOU mean THESE VERY WORDS from Frank???

* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying: "these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis ... The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing." (Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," New York Times, 8/11/07)

Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties. President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted. Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems. Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
You gotta understand that the federal government never was "conservative" except in the narrow minds of hate filled radical liberals. Bush was a moderate republican. The democrat party gained the majority in the House and the Senate during Bush's second term. As a matter of fact the first agenda that the newly elected democrat majority addressed midway in bush's 2nd term was ....gasp....steroid use in Baseball. House banking chair(person) Barney Frank told Americans that Fannie Mae was doing great while it was on the verge of collapse.

He was quite progressive.

Much better than the Democrat progressives, but progressive still the same.
And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!



you can do better

You're tough! :mad:
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And want a chance to do it again.

They have been the most destructive force in America. They've shattered the constitution to bits..incrementally. Had conservatives won the day during the revolution..we'd still be the subjects of the British empire.

No conservative has apologized for Bush. Ever. Indeed they doubled down and gave us the filth the populates congress at this point in the embodiment of the Tea Party candidates.

They put a known criminal, Darryl Issa, in charge of "investigations".

Both Candidates that are leading the GOP..are populating their cabinets with PNAC fuck ups. And Cheney is making the chattering circuit, "dismayed", that after almost a decade of war..the US is finally doing something right..and bringing home the beleaguered troops that were tossed into that criminal mess so carelessly, it seems that conservatives forgot they actually where someone's kids, husbands and wives.

They left behind the carnage that was once a great economy. And watched, befuddled, as the very terrorists they were warned about crashed airplanes into one of the greatest and most advanced cities in America..if not the world. And then they used the rage and confusion of that perpetrate a disgusting crime. All while letting the real criminals lounge about in Pakistani mansions, Saudi castles and Las Vegas. Indeed..they tried to mask the true villians.

They watched as Americans died in flood waters, stranded for days..because of the incompetence of the Bush administration.

And they cry like wounded children as good people work overtime to fix their catastrophe. failure.

And they want your support to do it all again.

Good job boys!

I really hope Obama goes with blaming Boooooosh.



:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
It didn't start with just Bush. It's the entire conservative movement for the last couple of decades.

Let him die? Seriously? This is the current conservative movement?

How they can control the entire government for 6 straight years, lie the country into wars, put policies in place to ruin the economy and then blame everything on others is just awful. Really awful. They have no shame. What evil will they do next?
AND all the while THESE traitors with blood on their hands clapped and praised the TERRORISTS as the terrorists KILLED US Troops while prolonging Iraq Liberation!
These Congressional "LEADERS"?? CHEERLEADING Terrorists to BEAT the USA .. to KILL US Troops!
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

And every night Network news taking the SAME VIDEO and repeating over and over on the various networks! Telling the world HOW BAD our troops were. WHAT disgusting perverse people ALL the US military was! HOW terrible ALL our troops treated those poor terrorists that hide behind mosques, used retarded kids with bombs that were handed candy by troops later killed by those retarded kids!

AND Cheerleaders like the above loudly boasted how much they approved of the Terrorists.."War is LOST"!! Military killing civilians!
ALL these headlines doing exactly what these traitors wanted... HELPING TERRORISTS!

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