After 20% Resign, Remaining Seattle PD Suffering from Blue Flu

they belong to the party and endorse the same ideology that the guy you voted for upholds ... its that simple . Biden even pushed the race card again at his speech at the University of SC a couple of days ago !
Yid, surely you have heard the saying all politics is local. That's not really always true, but one thing is. ALL LOCAL POLITICS IS ALWAYS LOCAL. Anybody that thinks national politics or political parties is the key to local problems is a fool. If you vote by party locally, trusting the political machine to take care of you, you are screwed by the machine, sooner or later. Having things all easy going and loosey-goosey and totally accepting might sound good to a certain segment, but it's just not a good idea.
At local level, you should vote for the man (or woman) based on their character, qualification, experience and personal philosophy, not party.
Seattle residents can call the Antifa fascists when home invaders kick down their door.
Just don’t try to defend yourself, the Left will prosecute you and destroy your life.

These are the things that happen when the elected body that represents the voters relinquishes control of the entire state to ONE person for a year and a half with no end in sight. Every elected democrat in the state of WA should be jailed for malfeasance starting with Jay Inslee and followed immediately by Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.
Yid, surely you have heard the saying all politics is local. That's not really always true, but one thing is. ALL LOCAL POLITICS IS ALWAYS LOCAL. Anybody that thinks national politics or political parties is the key to local problems is a fool. If you vote by party locally, trusting the political machine to take care of you, you are screwed by the machine, sooner or later. Having things all easy going and loosey-goosey and totally accepting might sound good to a certain segment, but it's just not a good idea.
At local level, you should vote for the man (or woman) based on their character, qualification, experience and personal philosophy, not party.
That’s not true at all. California says we require X in our school books. Now every school book in America contains X because printers don’t manufacture by local issues.
Yid, surely you have heard the saying all politics is local. That's not really always true, but one thing is. ALL LOCAL POLITICS IS ALWAYS LOCAL. Anybody that thinks national politics or political parties is the key to local problems is a fool. If you vote by party locally, trusting the political machine to take care of you, you are screwed by the machine, sooner or later. Having things all easy going and loosey-goosey and totally accepting might sound good to a certain segment, but it's just not a good idea.
At local level, you should vote for the man (or woman) based on their character, qualification, experience and personal philosophy, not party.
and we have seen what leftist local politicians have done to the states cities and towns across America ! i vote for the person with the MOST conservative leanings in ALL elections ! i will NEVER vote for someone that belongs to the party that supports the killing of the unborn !
and we have seen what leftist local politicians have done to the states cities and towns across America ! i vote for the person with the MOST conservative leanings in ALL elections ! i will NEVER vote for someone that belongs to the party that supports the killing of the unborn !

Why is killing the born better than killing the unborn? Isn't all lives worthy of protection?
No shock you equate a convicted mass murderer with a baby.

I did no such thing. We have killed thousands and thousands innocent people in our wars of choice. We have politicians itching for more. Sadly few seem to have a problem with this.
That’s not true at all. California says we require X in our school books. Now every school book in America contains X because printers don’t manufacture by local issues.
By use of "X", are you using that for a random, miscellaneous, bit of information? Of some other meaning?
Whatever, it does not change the fact that local politics is local, and if you wish to better policing, less accepting of crime, harder stance against riots, it is a matter of choosing better local politicians to local offices, as they are the only ones that can effect this, unless you change the constitution, so local governments no longer make these decisions.
and we have seen what leftist local politicians have done to the states cities and towns across America ! i vote for the person with the MOST conservative leanings in ALL elections ! i will NEVER vote for someone that belongs to the party that supports the killing of the unborn !
So you are a one issue voter. OK. So what?
By use of "X", are you using that for a random, miscellaneous, bit of information? Of some other meaning?
Whatever, it does not change the fact that local politics is local, and if you wish to better policing, less accepting of crime, harder stance against riots, it is a matter of choosing better local politicians to local offices, as they are the only ones that can effect this, unless you change the constitution, so local governments no longer make these decisions.
You think the hundreds of thousands of violent felons California released early are not causing crime in the 49 other States?

California mandates school books contain homosexual material, guess what? Now every school book in America does.
You think the hundreds of thousands of violent felons California released early are not causing crime in the 49 other States?

California mandates school books contain homosexual material, guess what? Now every school book in America does.
Yes. I do. Along with the felons released in illinois, Iowa, Texas and on down the line to every single state in the country. I am one of those lock them up and throw away the key people that think felons come out as bad or worse than when they went in, so would prefer they came out in their 70s or 80s, as most of us would be safe from them. But, I do not see the federal government taking over state parole boards. Do you?

Homosexuals really don't scare me much, and I say that as a lifelong heterosexual. I do not see an advantage to teaching anything about it in public schools, especially elementary schools. Got to admit, though, I learned about sex in the back seat of my parent's car with a willing young partner in the act, after I got my driver's license. A short few years afterward, I taught my girlfriend, (that would become my present and only wife) what little I knew. It seemed to work out for us, so I'm a big believer in "each one teach one". Kids and grandkids are doing fine.
White 6
I agree. The citizens of that city voted and got what they voted for. Hope every cop quits. Let the city council answer calls. That would be funny as hell. The first gun they see and they will all run for the hills.

No sympathy here.
Wanna not show up for anything especially work without consequences? Call in sick with flu / Covid Like conditions.
I have no idea what you are rambling about. The sad thing is, neither do you, you just felt this incredible need to lash out.
kinda Like implying the entire police force is finally being held accountable.
kinda Like implying the entire police force is finally being held accountable.

We are finally holding the police accountable.. There is still a lot of work to do but we are getting there.
Yep, and for some it sucks to be the victims of arson, looting, and rioting and the perps not being held accountable.

Its a fraud and anyone falling for this is really stupid.

Its not about black lives. It is about promoting communism.
The police have absolutely no legal obligation to render aid.

The sooner you learn that the sooner you'll realize that you better take steps to protect yourself, your business and your family

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