
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Illegal Aliens have no right to here and anchor babies have no right to protest for their right to be here. They have no civil rights compared to civil rights for Afro -Americans. Just because anchor babies were born here they cannot pass their right to be here to their parents. Afro-American’s ancestors were brought here against their will, chained and shackled to the bottom of slave ships and force into slave labor for 200 years. Separated from their families. That earn them the right to citizenship, to an education, to earn a living and to vote. Anchor babies ancestors jump the line entering the country illegally with cell phones and designers clothing and shoes and gave nothing.
Ancestors of Afro-Americans. Ancestors of anchor babies. No comparison. Afro-Americans gave blood, sweat and tears for the right to be considered a full human being. 200 years still fighting for equal rights. Anchor babies are freely give what Afro-American fought and died for.
Obama don’t understand this because his father came here on a student visa, his uncle and aunt on a visa also and stayed. Earned nothing and gave nothing. He cannot possible know the plight of Afro-Americans who are still considered second class citizens. Other Black elite leaders are in denial. Like Cain, C. West, Cosby, A. West, Sharpton, Jackson, other democrats in goverenment, etc. it is an insult to the second detonation to every American to compare Afro-Americans to anchor babies and their parents. Afro-Americans fight for civil right is insulted by anchor babies and their parents protesting for the right to be here, for amnesty and the Dream Act.

This is the ultimate betrayal.
Ben Jealous, head of the NAACP, was in Montgomery to participate in a protest against Alabama's immigration law. WTF?:mad:

Illegal Aliens have no right to here and anchor babies have no right to protest for their right to be here. They have no civil rights compared to civil rights for Afro -Americans. Just because anchor babies were born here they cannot pass their right to be here to their parents. Afro-American’s ancestors were brought here against their will, chained and shackled to the bottom of slave ships and force into slave labor for 200 years. Separated from their families. That earn them the right to citizenship, to an education, to earn a living and to vote. Anchor babies ancestors jump the line entering the country illegally with cell phones and designers clothing and shoes and gave nothing.
Ancestors of Afro-Americans. Ancestors of anchor babies. No comparison. Afro-Americans gave blood, sweat and tears for the right to be considered a full human being. 200 years still fighting for equal rights. Anchor babies are freely give what Afro-American fought and died for.
Obama don’t understand this because his father came here on a student visa, his uncle and aunt on a visa also and stayed. Earned nothing and gave nothing. He cannot possible know the plight of Afro-Americans who are still considered second class citizens. Other Black elite leaders are in denial. Like Cain, C. West, Cosby, A. West, Sharpton, Jackson, other democrats in goverenment, etc. it is an insult to the second detonation to every American to compare Afro-Americans to anchor babies and their parents. Afro-Americans fight for civil right is insulted by anchor babies and their parents protesting for the right to be here, for amnesty and the Dream Act.

This is the ultimate betrayal.
Ben Jealous, head of the NAACP, was in Montgomery to participate in a protest against Alabama's immigration law. WTF?:mad:

Update: Protestors in Montgomery push for repeal of Alabama immigration law (photos) |

Not an “anti-immigration” law but “anti-illegal immigration” law.
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A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury.

Human rights are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being.

I believe there is a difference between a civil right and a human right.

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