African American support for Trump is skyrocketing !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising
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For six or seven decades, Democrats have counted on Blacks being stupid, or at least uneducated...which they have made sure of, with the public school systems of the rotting cities of the North.

But, the scam is finally starting to come apart for them.

The Blacks, against significant odds and heavy pressure---have figured it out!

Out with Al Sharpton; in with Candace Owens.
For six or seven decades, Democrats have counted on Blacks being stupid, or at least uneducated...which they have made sure of, with the public school systems of the rotting cities of the North.

But, the scam is finally starting to come apart for them.

The Blacks, against significant odds and heavy pressure---have figured it out!

Out with Al Sharpton; in with Candace Owens.
blexit !

A preference for employment over
The Democratic Party's Welfare Plantation System

Moi :26:
my God there's so much we can do if we just UNITE! Muslims and gays, americans and mexicans, let's stop hating and unite behind the Trump 2020 train my friends!



polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

More hallucinatory wishful thinking.

Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But even 66% disapproval is still two out of three.
For six or seven decades, Democrats have counted on Blacks being stupid, or at least uneducated...which they have made sure of, with the public school systems of the rotting cities of the North.

But, the scam is finally starting to come apart for them.

The Blacks, against significant odds and heavy pressure---have figured it out!

Out with Al Sharpton; in with Candace Owens.

All is not lost.
They can still count on IM2's vote.
As long as Trump kept his promises, it was a guarantee. He called out politicians who run cities into shyteholes, he blocks illegals from entering America and working under the table, he takes a baseball bat to China and forces U.S companies to flee the Commies, American manufacturing to expand.

After being fooled over and over, Trump did the best thing possible, he called out the B.S treatment they have received and said "let me show you what action over words does for Americans".

The Dems hurt themselves the most when they openly supported illegal immigrants while telling Black Americans, "no American Dream for you, but here's a few breadcrumbs". What an awful approach to alienate Black Americans as some just assume they will always, loyally vote Dem.
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More hallucinatory wishful thinking.
Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

You are SO freaking wrong it's hilarious.
I have MANY black friends and associates from pretty much every walk of life.

But most importantly, among those blue collar or lower, there is significant sentiment leaning away from Dems and towards the Right.
They're tired of the lies and empty promises.

The Walk Away Movement is REAL.
Get used to it.

This scares the piss out of people like you. TUFF.
More hallucinatory wishful thinking.
Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

You are SO freaking wrong it's hilarious.
I have MANY black friends and associates from pretty much every walk of life.

But most importantly, among those blue collar or lower, there is significant sentiment leaning away from Dems and towards the Right.
They're tired of the lies and empty promises.

The Walk Away Movement is REAL.
Get used to it.

This scares the piss out of people like you. TUFF.

OH I SEE you have "black friends" do you.. Well that upsets the whole apple cart, doesn't it.

polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

More hallucinatory wishful thinking.

Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But even 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

I've already presented the numbers about black support for trump, a couple days ago. Hillary lost the election even though she had 88% of the black vote. Given the Democrat candidates running in 2020, if Trump even gets 18% of the black votes which he no doubt will, it's game over for the Democrats.

Personally and according to numerous polls, I think Trump is actually going to draw a larger percentage of black and Hispanic voters, possibly 35% or better. I think even you know that your party is in trouble. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to ridicule the fact that President Trump has done more for black people than Obama ever did. They drank the Kool-Aid and were full of "Hope and Change", but those were empty promises which were never delivered.
polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

More hallucinatory wishful thinking.

Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But even 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

I've already presented the numbers about black support for trump, a couple days ago. Hillary lost the election even though she had 88% of the black vote. Given the Democrat candidates running in 2020, if Trump even gets 18% of the black votes which he no doubt will, it's game over for the Democrats.

Personally and according to numerous polls, I think Trump is actually going to draw a larger percentage of black and Hispanic voters, possibly 35% or better. I think even you know that your party is in trouble. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to ridicule the fact that President Trump has done more for black people than Obama ever did. They drank the Kool-Aid and were full of "Hope and Change", but those were empty promises which were never delivered.

I don't have a "party" Simple Shit, but I do know bullshit when I see it. The fact that you do not is exactly why you ended up a Rumpbot.
More hallucinatory wishful thinking.
Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

You are SO freaking wrong it's hilarious.
I have MANY black friends and associates from pretty much every walk of life.

But most importantly, among those blue collar or lower, there is significant sentiment leaning away from Dems and towards the Right.
They're tired of the lies and empty promises.

The Walk Away Movement is REAL.
Get used to it.

This scares the piss out of people like you. TUFF.

OH I SEE you have "black friends" do you.. Well that upsets the whole apple cart, doesn't it.

that was a racist statement !! yeah youre a lefty .
polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

More hallucinatory wishful thinking.

Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But even 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

I've already presented the numbers about black support for trump, a couple days ago. Hillary lost the election even though she had 88% of the black vote. Given the Democrat candidates running in 2020, if Trump even gets 18% of the black votes which he no doubt will, it's game over for the Democrats.

Personally and according to numerous polls, I think Trump is actually going to draw a larger percentage of black and Hispanic voters, possibly 35% or better. I think even you know that your party is in trouble. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to ridicule the fact that President Trump has done more for black people than Obama ever did. They drank the Kool-Aid and were full of "Hope and Change", but those were empty promises which were never delivered.

I don't have a "party" Simple Shit, but I do know bullshit when I see it. The fact that you do not is exactly why you ended up a Rumpbot.

Yes you do have a "party". it's a slowly-dying world-wide party of liberalism,leftism, progressivism, socialism, communism, globalism, statism, and democrats.

The death of your vile ideology can't come quick enough for me. And when your despicable ideology does utter its last dying gasp, be assured that it won't even receive a decent burial: The bloated rotten corpse of your detestable doctrine will be displayed for all to see, as a warning for future generations.
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polls show that African American support for Trump is sky rocketing !! nearly 35% of Blacks approve of the job Trump is doing as potus !! and it should be no surprise !! all time low unemployment for African Americans ...criminal justice reform ......opportunity zones..... highest home income and rising !! with over 50 yrs of failed democratic policies that have decimated African American families and communities [inner cities] African American voters are starting to leave the democratic party in droves ! and with the fear of being persecuted and labeled an uncle tom the support for Trump is probably even higher ! if this is true its over for the left !! maybe thats why they keep urging and supporting millions of illegal aliens crossing our border !Democrats' Dread Goes Real: Polls Show Black Support For Trump Rising

More hallucinatory wishful thinking.

Even if it were 34% approval that means 66% disapproval. Oops. keeps a running average of various polls (not broken down by race) and he's still well over 50% disapproval (I think it was 54-56) overall, so that doesn't exactly indicate anything "skyrocketing". I think this is yet another Rump con job engineered to create a perception so that it self-fulfills. But even 66% disapproval is still two out of three.

I've already presented the numbers about black support for trump, a couple days ago. Hillary lost the election even though she had 88% of the black vote. Given the Democrat candidates running in 2020, if Trump even gets 18% of the black votes which he no doubt will, it's game over for the Democrats.

Personally and according to numerous polls, I think Trump is actually going to draw a larger percentage of black and Hispanic voters, possibly 35% or better. I think even you know that your party is in trouble. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to ridicule the fact that President Trump has done more for black people than Obama ever did. They drank the Kool-Aid and were full of "Hope and Change", but those were empty promises which were never delivered.

I don't have a "party" Simple Shit, but I do know bullshit when I see it. The fact that you do not is exactly why you ended up a Rumpbot.
nahhhh homo ..... you are a leftist and you know it ...youve never voted for a republican and you never will .and dont try to say you vote libertarian only !! because you have voted for democrats ......

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