Afghanistan War News Updates -- November 14, 0212


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by War News Updates Editor


U.S. Navy Lt. Mike Quaglino, second from left, and U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Ryan Schulte, far right, talk with Italian soldiers before going to the Farah provincial governor's residence in Afghanistan's Farah province, Nov. 12, 2012. Quaglino and Schulte are assigned to the Farah Provincial Reconstruction Team. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Matthew Stroup

Asia Foundation Releases 2012 Survey of the Afghan People -- Financial Post

The Asia Foundation today released Afghanistan in 2012: A Survey of the Afghan People, its eighth annual survey of Afghan citizens across all 34 provinces. In June 2012, a team of Afghan pollsters—both men and women—fanned out across the country to gather first-hand opinions from nearly 6,300 Afghan citizens on a wide range of topics that are critical to the future of Afghanistan. The broadest and most comprehensive public opinion poll in the country reveals that public optimism about the overall direction of Afghanistan is up from previous years: just over half of Afghans think the country is moving in the right direction (52%), an increase from 2011 (46%) and 2010 (44%). Support for the government’s peace and reconciliation remains very high (81%).

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Asia Foundation Releases 2012 Survey of the Afghan People


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