Afghanistan is a Money Pit


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Billions of dollars spent on soldiers, police, civil servants, schools, and so on that don’t exist. Politicians and generals pocket they money and the Pentagon has no idea where the money is going.

So, what is the Pentagon doing about it?

The Pentagon is implementing a new system of biometrics in Afghanistan, using fingerprints, photos, and blood type. It recently said up to 95 percent of Afghan police and 70 to 80 percent of soldiers are now enrolled. The idea is to dispense with old ghosts, and ensure proof of life among a faraway force funded by U.S. taxpayers. The Pentagon expects to complete its person-by-person verification of Afghan’s army and police in July.

That is, of course, if the Afghanis let that system work. I’m certain they’ll find a way around it. And, it appears both Russia and China are now showing interest in that s**thole. Maybe we should just back the hell of and let them have it.

Story @ The Pentagon Has a 'Ghost Soldiers' Problem

BREAKING: Trump Learned What Obama Was Spending $300 Million On In Afghanistan- SHUTS IT DOWN @ BREAKING: Trump Learned What Obama Was Spending $300 Million On In Afghanistan- SHUTS IT DOWN! | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

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