Advanced Mathematics1

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This is a task from "higher mathematics" ...
I asked to find out ...
- Do Americans have "higher education" in this forum or not

I do not see an American who has a higher education
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The question I asked is related to Higher Mathematics ...
The solution of the equation is, the so-called "imaginary unit" = i

This unit is an introductory part for solving the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics ...
Sorry, I downloaded you too hard
The question I asked is related to Higher Mathematics ...
The solution of the equation is, the so-called "imaginary unit" = i

This unit is an introductory part for solving the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics ...
Sorry, I downloaded you too hard
I prefer to smoke pot and work on imaginary numbers.
I prefer to smoke pot and work on imaginary numbers.
You just did not study at the University ...
Anyone who has a university education understands what I'm talking about ...
- The use of an "imaginary unit" is very convenient in calculations
- And to understand what it is is very simple ...
I prefer to smoke pot and work on imaginary numbers.
You just did not study at the University ...
Anyone who has a university education understands what I'm talking about ...
- The use of an "imaginary unit" is very convenient in calculations
- And to understand what it is is very simple ...

So I'm wrong huh?
Not surprising since I haven't been around it in 40 years or so. :biggrin:
I thought I'd give it a try.
I prefer to smoke pot and work on imaginary numbers.
You just did not study at the University ...
Anyone who has a university education understands what I'm talking about ...
- The use of an "imaginary unit" is very convenient in calculations
- And to understand what it is is very simple ...
Hypotheticals do that, all the time. I usually resort to algebra, anyway, to keep it simple.

Maybe you can help solve a problem for the right wing. I am on the left, so I don't expect them to take my word for it.

The right wing alleges to be for small government, so they claim to want to cut taxes for that reason, and to let laissez-fair capitalism flourish by "giving people their money back and letting them spend it as they want."

Since a multiplier effect uses practically the same formula for tax cuts or an increase in the minimum wage, it seems more rational to expect a positive multiplier to work better with more people making more money and being taxed accordingly.

The positive thing about a positive multiplier is that it works best when there are more participants and more transactions. Local and State governments would receive more tax revenue from a minimum wage increase than from a tax cut.

A left wing policy goal is to "move the goal posts" so that Labor will make more and pay more in taxes; and also to help with cost of living. It could be viewed as an economic adjustment for modern economic times.

The hardcore left, doesn't mind if we lose low wage jobs since social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway. It should be an Individual problem if capitalists cannot make like Henry Ford and flourish, not an Institutional problem.
A yawning smile ...
Americans are fools and do not know the answer.
I closed this topic and will not write more ..
Thanks to all!
I have the equation:

X ^ 2 + 1 = 0

Does this equation have a solution?

Depends on whether it is a Tuesday and what you had for supper

Need provide more information comrade
I have the equation:

X ^ 2 + 1 = 0

Does this equation have a solution?

The answer is the imaginary unit, which is the basis for imaginary and complex numbers; usually represented with the lowercase letter i. It is considered to be the square root of -1. Any real number, squared, always produces a positive result, so it is in the realm of imaginary numbers that you can square a number and get a negative result.

i² = -1 — That's the definition of i.

i² + 1 = 0

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