Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

speak for yourself sinner -

you need to wake up christian - the heavenly religion is to learn the difference between good and evil and to triumph one over the other and sin no more - as their means for a mortal to join them in the everlasting.

no makebelive messiah is going to save anyone.
Evil will triumph. The Scriptures say so. Evil will reach the height of it's power during The Time of Jacob's Trouble which Israel will have to endure to bring them to salvation, and the world will have to endure to test them to see whether they choose God, or reject Messiah.

And just when it looks as though Evil prevails and nearly all life on Earth is wiped out by the plagues and curses and AntiChrist, Messiah will return to destroy all human government, The AntiChrist Rule, and throw him, his false prophet and all that worship the False Christ into Hell along with Satan for a 1,000 years. Those that survive that and did not take The Mark of The Beast will enjoy 1,000 years of peace under the Rule of Messiah from Jerusalem sitting upon The Throne of David and wearing The Crown of Adam.

There will be no war, no disease, no crime, and no hatred, or death or murder for 1,000 years until the final test and weeding out of the last remnants of sin from the Human Race. Satan is released one more to test the hearts of men who enjoyed 1,000 years of God's peace and that last bit of rebellion is destroyed forever.

Then A New Heaven and New Earth and Eternity comes.
Evil will triumph. The Scriptures say so. Evil will reach the height of it's power during The Time of Jacob's Trouble which Israel will have to endure to bring them to salvation, and the world will have to endure to test them to see whether they choose God, or reject Messiah.

And just when it looks as though Evil prevails and nearly all life on Earth is wiped out by the plagues and curses and AntiChrist, Messiah will return to destroy all human government, The AntiChrist Rule, and throw him, his false prophet and all that worship the False Christ into Hell along with Satan for a 1,000 years. Those that survive that and did not take The Mark of The Beast will enjoy 1,000 years of peace under the Rule of Messiah from Jerusalem sitting upon The Throne of David and wearing The Crown of Adam.

There will be no war, no disease, no crime, and no hatred, or death or murder for 1,000 years until the final test and weeding out of the last remnants of sin from the Human Race. Satan is released one more to test the hearts of men who enjoyed 1,000 years of God's peace and that last bit of rebellion is destroyed forever.

Then A New Heaven and New Earth and Eternity comes.

there in lies your fallacy - that were what you believe to be true would only occur when the last being living in good would parish, the triumph of evil - and such is the case there would be non remaining to save.

the religion of antiquity requires one or the other to bring about the final judgement - from the time of the great flood till the conclusion without interuption ... the desert religions have failed to understand the true mission set by the heavens given to a&e.

there will never be a messiah, nore was one ever claimed in the 1st century.
That would also apply to you.

Prove it by telling us what you did to earn hell.

God is Holy, and God is all around us. No, not the silly fake allah who is a denier of Jesus Christ.

If God is Holy and all around us, then we are within God, part of Him, His Body so to speak.

So if you as a pagan devil worshipping sinner and denier of Christ do not respond to treatment, (the only antidote being Christ) then God must remove you from His Body like one would remove Cancer.

You will then be cast into the eternal fire with the rest of your fellow cancers.

You deserve Hell because you were unwilling to be cured, and like a cancerous tumor that would affect all of Heaven you must be removed.
there in lies your fallacy - that were what you believe to be true would only occur when the last being living in good would parish, the triumph of evil - and such is the case there would be non remaining to save.

the religion of antiquity requires one or the other to bring about the final judgement - from the time of the great flood till the conclusion without interuption ... the desert religions have failed to understand the true mission set by the heavens given to a&e.

there will never be a messiah, nore was one ever claimed in the 1st century.
The triumph of Evil is only temporary. The Scriptures say this will happen just as it did before The Flood.
Each time God purges more and more evil from His children.
The 2nd major purging will be during The 7 Year Tribulation.
The last at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Messiah.
5th post
Go Fuck yourself you pathetic ass hole.
allah is a deceiver. Moohamad said so. allah is the greatest deceiver of all, the Quran says so.
The TRUE and LIVING GOD cannot lie and does not lie, but allah lies.
Allah is the Father of Lies. Allah is Satan.

Muslims believe in Jesus but are terrified of HIM.
This is why sealed up The Golden Gate, and made all the land in front of it Graves.
The prophecies say Messiah will enter the Eastern foolish Islam thinks they can stop God with a few blocks of stone?
This is why they also foolishly built a temple on The Temple Mount thinking if there is no temple for Jesus to come to, Jesus will not arrive.
There is ZERO mention of Jerusalem in The you should relinquish your claim to it.

Islam knows when Jesus comes that it will be their end and Jesus will throw their false god allah into Hell along with the false prophet the mahdi.
God is a loser, but only temporarily.

You are a loser thinking God a loser.

Satan is the greatest loser of all, as he has you for his disciple and in the end, all of Satan's Evil is for naught. He drags a few souls to Hell with him and eventually is forgotten for eternity as are all those who are cast to Hell with him.
Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

Be you a believer or not, your life has been affected by the mainstream religions and the myth of Adam and Eve. It is the source of Christian homophobia and misogyny.

There are many strange things in the myth of Adam and Eve.
Was Adam born alone or first?
If Adam was created in God’s image and likeness, who is woman modeled after?
Satan is depicted in part as a woman.

Who was she modeled on and why female? Likely because of evolution and women being men’s biological prize.

In law, to be punished, one must be shown to have evil intent or an evil mind. Latin, Men’s Rea.

This is what human justice is based on.

Was Eve innocent, given that she had no evil intent?

She tempted Adam.
The triumph of Evil is only temporary. The Scriptures say this will happen just as it did before The Flood.
Each time God purges more and more evil from His children.
The 2nd major purging will be during The 7 Year Tribulation.
The last at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Messiah.

who allows evil to triumph they are one of them, you have a reading problem, for that to happen all who were good would have perished, they failed same as you pretending you will be saved being one of them to see the lite of that day when evil is destroyed.
Eve was as bright as a brick and Yahweh still sent Satan to deceive her.

Adam sinned but Eve was deceived.

Did you not care that she had no evil intent?

Are you a moral coward or one who can judge fairly using mens rea?

Your bible call it Adam's sin. Did you never notice that it gives Eve a pass?

If you understand the account, God was quite clear about not eating that fruit of that tree.

I’m not very religious. But even I would say it’s a sin to directly and deliberately disobey a command received from God Himself.
If you understand the account, God was quite clear about not eating that fruit of that tree.

I’m not very religious. But even I would say it’s a sin to directly and deliberately disobey a command received from God Himself.

such are the subservient ...

how is understanding the account believing the option for eating the fruit was not equally applied for them to accept as a challenge and what their decision would incur for them to accomplish as a reward.

sinners are who do not understand and project their errant ways onto the undeserving ... b a the fibber, their not very religious excuse.
such are the subservient ...

how is understanding the account believing the option for eating the fruit was not equally applied for them to accept as a challenge and what their decision would incur for them to accomplish as a reward.

sinners are who do not understand and project their errant ways onto the undeserving ... b a the fibber, their not very religious excuse.
The question was whether she sinned. She did. Obviously, so did he.

Personally, I don’t view the account as literal.

And I offered no excuses, stupid. I simply offered that fact up from to avoid confusion. Wtf is wrong with you?

Your own daffynition of “sinner” has nothing to do with the actual definition. And your use of grammar is barely on a grade school level.
The question was whether she sinned. She did. Obviously, so did he.

Personally, I don’t view the account as literal.

And I offered no excuses, stupid. I simply offered that fact up from to avoid confusion. Wtf is wrong with you?

Your own daffynition of “sinner” has nothing to do with the actual definition. And your use of grammar is barely on a grade school level.

you already answered your - not very religious - riddle with what is not a very informative answer for the not very intelligent could care less hasbeen ... the true mythological event than a deranged religious delusion.

the fact they chose self determination than servitude seems to have gone right over your not very elevated head.
you already answered your - not very religious - riddle with what is not a very informative answer for the not very intelligent could care less hasbeen ... the true mythological event than a deranged religious delusion.

the fact they chose self determination than servitude seems to have gone right over your not very elevated head.
You babble fluently.

And your overestimation of your own intellect is extremely amusing. Clearly baseless, but funny AF.

If you’re ever up to the task of being even momentarily coherent, send up a flare.

Until then, try to understand. It’s not me it’s you. You’re a dull, dimwitted, arrogant little rancid twat. So grow up or fuck off. Maybe both. :auiqs.jpg:
You babble fluently.

And your overestimation of your own intellect is extremely amusing. Clearly baseless, but funny AF.

If you’re ever up to the task of being even momentarily coherent, send up a flare.

Until then, try to understand. It’s not me it’s you. You’re a dull, dimwitted, arrogant little rancid twat. So grow up or fuck off. Maybe both. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m not very religious.

just curious, home boy why that needs repeating whenever giving another of your inscrutable, placating - eve was a sinner - religious pronouncements.
just curious, home boy why that needs repeating whenever giving another of your inscrutable, placating - eve was a sinner - religious pronouncements.
Listen home girl, it’s simple. Not as simple as you are. But it’s hard to get that simple.

If you find straightforward declarative sentences to be “inscrutable,” yiure clearly even dumber than I thought you were. Wow.

I don’t see why you’d even argue. If the Lord God Almighty gives you a direct command and you choose to disobey it, you have sinned. And that’s true whether it’s you or Adam or Eve.

Feel free to take a swing at the actual argument someday.
who allows evil to triumph they are one of them, you have a reading problem, for that to happen all who were good would have perished, they failed same as you pretending you will be saved being one of them to see the lite of that day when evil is destroyed.
God allows persecution to purify those that are his and to convict and condemn those who are Satan's to an eternal Hell with Satan.
Better to be persecuted and suffer on Earth than to burn in an eternal Hell.

God still restrains Evil, yes, but there will come a time and soon during The Tribulation that God gives mankind what He wants and removes His restraining hand.
Listen home girl, it’s simple. Not as simple as you are. But it’s hard to get that simple.

If you find straightforward declarative sentences to be “inscrutable,” yiure clearly even dumber than I thought you were. Wow.

I don’t see why you’d even argue. If the Lord God Almighty gives you a direct command and you choose to disobey it, you have sinned. And that’s true whether it’s you or Adam or Eve.

Feel free to take a swing at the actual argument someday.
If the Lord God Almighty gives you a direct command and you choose to disobey it, you have sinned.

- you aint no blues brother - your issue is self identity. closet christian.

* the heavens blessed a&e for their courage - choosing self determination, the same for the blues.

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