Actual video of a Democrat State Senator.

Gender dysphoria is not a mental health issue. You will abide by any laws passed, or you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows.

Emotional video, high energy, worth watching over and over.

:laughing0301: You spend your Sunday however you choose to spend it, including throwing your own tantrum.

The rest of us have lots of constructive things to do today. I'm going to work in my garden and grow tons of good organic food for myself and my lovely conservative Christian neighbors who agree that lunatics like the Nebraska land whale and yourself belong in the psych ward.

Thanks for your enlightening post.

Who, BTW, are Cavanaugh's "constituents" that she is fighting for? Is there a factory that produces hormones or perhaps penile prostheses in her district that will lose money and jobs?

This whole to-do doesn't stop a single "chick-with-dick" from pursuing their vocation, and playing dress-up is a lot more healthy than medical-surgical intervention designed to try and "fool" people.
You’re right, it’s a moral issue and should be deal with via immediate execution.

You’d have to take me alive to prosecute me.

Disgusting video that made me physically nauseous to watch. Then I turned the audio on and actually threw up.
Did you swallow?

This lady really does a good job in the video.
Trans-people need to be recognized. They are an integral part of the community and a voice that has the same voting power as you do.
Trans people are around 1/2 of 1% of the population, who are mentally disturbed and need serious professional help, not an "integral part of the community".


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