Activists jump Pelosi's mansion wall and demand entry!

The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

However if your neighbor did not want you on his or her property, and you invaded it anyway, you would be cited for trespassing.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Better study up on that:

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

It would depend on the circumstances. If someone goes on somebody's property seeking help or in fear of their lives, it might not be trespassing. If someone came onto my property because of that, it would not be trespassing. I would help them as much as I can. Also illegals are not violating laws as applying for asylum requires them to be on American soil.

It doesn't matter whether a wall works or not. We don't need a wall. Border crossings are down. The vast majority of illegal drugs are carries through POE not the border according to the TRUMP DEA. Of all the families who have crossed or tried to, only a small amount have been flagged as human trafficking.

No, most of the drug busts have been at the point of entry so they make the assumption that’s how most get here. Why would you bring drugs through the point of entry where all the cops and drug sniffing dogs are?

If somebody comes on my property because mine is better than theirs, I’m calling the police to have them arrested and removed from my property. After all, that’s a much better comparison.

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So they get it over the border and take it to a POE. Are you really that stupid? You apparently claim you know more than the DEA.

It is not a better comparison. It is a ridiculous comparison. These people are fleeing drug cartels that are fueled by AMERICAN dollars. If they are sent back, they could very well be killed as several have been.

You could be killed on the streets of Chicago. Live with it. They are just coming here because unlike them, we built a great country. These are lazy worthless people who want everybody to do the work for them and come here to enjoy the spoils of what WE achieved.

If it's so awful where they come from, WTF did they have children?

Obviously your adversaries have forgotten that Congress has passed laws against Illegal Entry into the U.S. Last times I looked America is a land of Law. Why is it that Democrats continue their quest to flaunt the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Laws based upon the former?
I thought Pelosi wants open border. That hypocrisy, though.

She doesn’t want a open border . You make shit up .

Then let's open the government back up to work on border security building the wall.

Tell it to Trump . It’s his shut down . He literally said that on national TV.
If you ever wonder what professional politicians are, you just saw it in the progressive socialist vacations. If there was one source of water and plenty of it in a desert for the people living there, if they were managing it there would be mass casualties.
You want to blame everyone for the sins of a few. Fascist pigs like you want to make America safe for white males.
You mean like how Hillary blamed everyone else - even the DNC who helped her cheat / steal the nomination and the Democrats who kept her out of prison - except herself for losing the 2016 election?


This has nothing to do with Clinton. She did not steal the nomination. She got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Maybe you are too stupid to know that 54 beats 42.
Nancy is enjoying Puerto Rico.

You will literally believe anything.

However, we do know that a number of elitist "Democrats are partying in Puerto Rico amid the ongoing partial government shutdown that has left around 800,000 federal workers with no pay since it began Dec. 22, making it the longest government closure in U.S. history."

Democrats Soak Up the Sun in Puerto Rico as Gov't Shutdown Drags On
Reports that around 30 Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico this weekend to meet with lobbyists and see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton.”
Democratic delegation’s trip to Puerto Rico becomes a target for Trump
“What I saw was an island that still needs a lot of help,” said Rep. Mike Levin as Democrats defended a trip that examined the continuing effects of Hurricane Maria. ... for a Puerto Rican
Dems fly to Puerto Rico on chartered jet, meet with lobbyists, see 'Hamilton' as shutdown drags on
Those attending the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan also planned to meet Saturday with Puerto Rican ... of House Democrats to visit Puerto Rico where they'll be

The Democrats have voted to re-open government. They can do anything they want. Most people apparently support the Democrat plan for re-opening government not Trump's plan.
This is AWESOME!



We only have so much control over our people to prevent crime. We have total control over preventing crime from illegals.

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You want to blame everyone for the sins of a few. Fascist pigs like you want to make America safe for white males.

Well yes, I'm a white male. Why would I not want to make it safe for myself?

I never said blame everyone, I said stop everyone because they are not supposed to be here in the first place.

You are a white male who is desperately trying to preserve their political power which is threatened by a more multi-cultural US. You will look the other way when a REPUBLICAN nominee who is a white male sexually assaults a woman and Republicans look the other way.

American law allows people to come to this country and request asylum. That is not breaking the law.
The fence between my yard and my neighbour's yard, marks our property line, which we respect by keeping our respective stuff on the right side of the fence. Good fences, make good neighbours. Not because they keep me out of my neighbours' yard. I could easily walk around it, or climb over it. But because it let's allows us to mark our territory.

However if your neighbor did not want you on his or her property, and you invaded it anyway, you would be cited for trespassing.

Walls haven't worked at keeping people in or out, since they were invented. Even with the addition of crocodile infested moats. This whole ridiculous "crisis" is Trump's attempt to deflect attention from the fact that he's been caught, conspiring with Russia to the detriment of the United States.

Better study up on that:

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

It would depend on the circumstances. If someone goes on somebody's property seeking help or in fear of their lives, it might not be trespassing. If someone came onto my property because of that, it would not be trespassing. I would help them as much as I can. Also illegals are not violating laws as applying for asylum requires them to be on American soil.

It doesn't matter whether a wall works or not. We don't need a wall. Border crossings are down. The vast majority of illegal drugs are carries through POE not the border according to the TRUMP DEA. Of all the families who have crossed or tried to, only a small amount have been flagged as human trafficking.

No, most of the drug busts have been at the point of entry so they make the assumption that’s how most get here. Why would you bring drugs through the point of entry where all the cops and drug sniffing dogs are?

If somebody comes on my property because mine is better than theirs, I’m calling the police to have them arrested and removed from my property. After all, that’s a much better comparison.

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So they get it over the border and take it to a POE. Are you really that stupid? You apparently claim you know more than the DEA.

It is not a better comparison. It is a ridiculous comparison. These people are fleeing drug cartels that are fueled by AMERICAN dollars. If they are sent back, they could very well be killed as several have been.

You could be killed on the streets of Chicago. Live with it. They are just coming here because unlike them, we built a great country. These are lazy worthless people who want everybody to do the work for them and come here to enjoy the spoils of what WE achieved.

If it's so awful where they come from, WTF did they have children?

They are coming here because drug cartels do not control the government or terrorize citizens. You are a worthless fascist pig. The fact is that many of these people work several jobs so they are hardworking. You have no right to say who is worthless as you are a worthless white supremacist.
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Trumps wall is .

Or are you going to be a jackass and pretend she means all walls everywhere.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

The fact is that this is not a invasion. There are no people in the employ of a foreign country trying to take over the government of this country.
This has nothing to do with Clinton. She did not steal the nomination. She got 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. Maybe you are too stupid to know that 54 beats 42.
As usual, YOU LIE.

Hacked DNC documents show she did.
DNC chairwoman Donna Brazil admitted she helped Hillary cheat in debates, rig primaries, and stacked the deck against Bernie, eventually giving Hillary the nomination she could not win on her own.

God, you Hillary zombies are shameless and continue to deny all evidence and fact.
Tiny ones like she has? No. Which is why we need a 30 foot wall.
Activists Jump Nancy Pelosi’s Mansion Wall With Illegal Immigrants, Demand Entry To Her Home

Typical leftist hypocrite. Has walls to protect her home but won't protect the country with walls. Let them in Nancy!

There are a lot of reasons why people have walls. Most of them have nothing to do with protection. You are using a stupid analogy that shows your lack of brains. If they can scale her wall, it shows that walls do not keep people out.
She has a wall then America should have a wall for the same reasons,PROTECTION FROM INVASION
The site Nancy Pelosi's house in San Francisco, CA (Google Maps) shows Pelosi's California house and it has no walls. Finding house on Google map and switching to street view, provides this view:

View attachment 240225
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi's border wall around Napa Valley estate - The American Mirror
Wrong house of hers...she has several.
Why isn't hers?Obama's? Soros? Waters? Schumer? You are a pathetic hypocrite!

Not a hypocrite cause it’s all about the details .

Wall at high traveled spots like SanDiego or El Paso . That’s fine .

Wall in the middle of nowhere who’s only purpose is to be a monument to Trumps ego and his racist core = immoral waste of money .
Put walls in all those spots then the invaders will just figure it out and go to the places there is no wall.

We are not being invaded .
That's funny. Yes we are being invaded. Textbook definition of invasion is an unwanted entrance of something harmful. Of course to leftists we aren't being invaded these invaders are just new leftist voters!

  1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
  3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun:

You prove my point .
We ain’t being invaded by an army .
These people arent out to do harm, they want to work or find a better life .
They aren’t looking to take possession.
Actually they are an army and actually it says ESPECIALLY by an army not JUST by an army. They are an Army of diseased criminal invaders.
I thought Pelosi wants open border. That hypocrisy, though.

She doesn’t want a open border . You make shit up .

Then let's open the government back up to work on border security building the wall.

Tell it to Trump . It’s his shut down . He literally said that on national TV.

Democrat leaders are the ones vacationing while holding the shutdown hostage, dum dum. Now go eat a big mac to figure out why they don't care about border security.

Democrats passed bills to re-open the government. This is the Trump shutdown per Trump himself. Just because someone disagrees does not mean you do not care about border security.
The fact is that this is not a invasion. There are no people in the employ of a foreign country trying to take over the government of this country.
Your limited intelligence and personal definition of 'invasion' you seek to force upon everyone as the q Anand only official definition is truly astonishing.

20 million illegals in the US, 11 million unidentified, 1500 a day coming across the border illegally, caravans of thousands continuing to come through our open porous (according to Obama's Chief of Border Patrol) border, according to you, is not an 'invasion'.

I thought Pelosi wants open border. That hypocrisy, though.

She doesn’t want a open border . You make shit up .

Then let's open the government back up to work on border security building the wall.

Tell it to Trump . It’s his shut down . He literally said that on national TV.

Democrat leaders are the ones vacationing while holding the shutdown hostage, dum dum. Now go eat a big mac to figure out why they don't care about border security.

Democrats passed bills to re-open the government. This is the Trump shutdown per Trump himself. Just because someone disagrees does not mean you do not care about border security.
Pelosi has refused to negotiate or compromise to get a legitimate bill passed that does not constitute her own edict which she demands that 2/3rds of the rest of the US government accepts, which is NOT how bills / laws are passed.

In doing so Pelosi has proven herself to be a failed Speaker if the House whose incompetence and partisanship has resulted in a government shutdown.

On Day of of Trump's Presidency Schumer declared Democrats were 100% committed to resisting, obstructiing, denying, and undermining the President and US government, to ensure their failure for the Democratic Party's own success.

Pelosi and Schumer continue to do that today, making this shutdown all theirs.
Its like 2 foot tall douche...I posted a link with pictures of it.
Walls don’t keep people out. You proved that.

a 2 foot rock wall didn't keep people out a 30 foot concrete wall will and has. Proof is in the facts...walls in San Diego,I believe Tucson and other areas have made invasion rates drop 90%
The fact is that this is not a invasion. There are no people in the employ of a foreign country trying to take over the government of this country.
"An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity"

Hmmmm, don't look now, but it IS an 'invasion', just not your personal partisan definition of one.
#LauraLoomer and Illegal Aliens Seek #Sanctuary at @SpeakerPelosi’s CA Mansion

This is hilarious. :abgg2q.jpg:
Loomer and gang set up a canopy on Pelosi’s lawn with the word “Immorality” emblazoned in red letters.
Pelosi regularly says walls are ‘immoral’ when arguing against President Trump’s proposals for stronger border security which includes a wall.
The government shutdown has entered week three, the longest in US history because Schumer and Pelosi refuse to compromise on border wall funding.

Update: Loomer actually brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico to Pelosi’s house, they are not actors.

What a hypocrite, she wants illegals to cross our American border, but oh, don't cross her border, okay then. Everyone can argue, " Well, they knew they were trespassing, so what did they expect." That's the point of the border of United States. Switch Nancy Pelosi into Laura's role here today, and switch Nancy's border, with the U.S. border. Why is it okay Nancy Pelosi to lead the illegals into OUR BACKYARD, to offer them sanctuary.
Theoretically, anti-gun Nancy could have her guards shoot Laura Loomer and her people. I hope they squat until cops have to drag them off violently, so all can see how pro-wall Nancy is.
"ABC Fence Company? This in Über Frau Nanzi PeloSSi. Can you raise my estate fence six more feet and top it with razor wire? Why? Well, the illegals are pouring over, and I'm afraid that one of them might be an MS13 gang member!"
Maybe the walls of the homes of Progressive Democrats opposed to the border wall should be breached by illegal aliens and whatever else it take for them to get the message. This is what they wish on us only they are protected. None of them or their families ever seem to get killed like the cops or regular folks.
There is another caravan coming. Let’s send them all to Nancy's place. Both she, Schumer, Newson and others claim that sanctuary cities and areas. If she tries to kick them out, her hypocrisy will be exposed.
Chucky and crazy Maxine home addresses should be revealed for part of the caravan to find refuge there.
Great idea Laura !! :oops8:

Didn't you say that when people shouted down Republican officials in public places that this behaviour was not to be tolerated. Now you're cheering that protesters are breaking into Pelosi's residence?

That's a nice double standard you have going on there.
Piglosi said she believes walls are immoral. What basis does she have to complain?

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