ACORN Baltimore -- flat-out corruption on display.

I noticed something very benign in the video. When the Tax lady spoke about the illegal kids and them apply for a SS# did you all notice how she stopped herself from saying a "National ID" ?

We all know that the DNC has been trying to get a national ID passed for years so could there actually be a bill out there we are not aware of? This brings back how Obama changed stating no Illegals will be covered on the National Health Care because once they have a national ID they won't be illegal anymore!
True, but those "paying customers" probably aren't the cream of the crop. I continued to be amazed that it appears ACORN is so accustomed to fraud and corruption that they didn't blink an eye when they were approached by Hannah and her boyfriend.

Im interested to see how this story turns out. I have some questions. Im not going to blindly believe this isnt staged, mostly because its so outrageous i cant fathom this actually happening. But it looks like its on the up and up.

Yes because it is so outrageous it is hard to believe. If it turns out to be a hoax there will be many with pie in their face. I would think the couple who pulled this off was checked out by the Glenn Beck types. And I don't see the advantage of ACORN employees staging this or allowing people to come in to their office and staging it. I just cannot believe the ACORN women sat there and were trying to aid individuals with the intent to exploit children in an illegal operation of prostitution. And the fact you hear children in the background only adds to the effect. This is surreal.
The link "Big Government" the owner of that site is the person who did all the digging and reporter investigation on Van Jones. He was the person who got all the facts on the guy. There is more out there he also mentioned about some former DNC person turned whistle blower named Brandon Darby. Darby went underground because his life was threatened. More to come with this guy I bet.
"Prostitute" should have asked, about the underage El Salvador "imports," "Can we get them registered to vote too?"

The answer would have been interesting.

The criminal tips and tricks shown in part 2 of this.... Came off the ACORN workers' tongue so, so naturally....

And, "It's not gonna damage us cuz we don't know."

Practiced in cover-ups. Gotta love what our tax dollars are buying.
If it turns out to be a hoax
Again, please: How could this be a hoax? ACORN itself isn't even making that claim.

Don't encourage them. I'm sure the gears of spin control are flying.
Oh yes you know they are, but they have already issued a statement:

A spokesman for ACORN, Scott Levenson, when asked to comment on the videotape, said: "The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at gotcha journalism. This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further."

So, he's left it open for them to later claim it's a hoax, after they are finished "scrubbing" that office of those two workers and any evidence they ever worked there.
ACORN Workers Face Charges of Alleged Voter Registration Fraud in Florida

and state authorities in Miami are still searching for five of the 11 people suspected of falsifying information on hundreds of voter registration cards -- including registering the name of the late actor Paul Newman -- the Florida Department of Law Enforcement told Thursday.

Six people were taken into custody Wednesday as arrest warrants were issued for 11 workers hired by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- or ACORN -- on charges of voter registration fraud.


its no secret this mob threw the election for Osama. which he still funds with taxpayer $$$. if they get em locked up maybe the power of the vote will return. maybe


Pimpin' for ACORN - another scam

Officials with the controversial community organizing group ACORN were secretly videotaped offering to assist two individuals posing as a pimp and a prostitute, encouraging them to lie to the Internal Revenue Service and providing guidance on how to claim underage girls from South America as dependents.

stinks like a whorehouse at low tide !!!!
Actually, this is an example of ACORN policing themselves.

From your article:

Fernandez-Rundle said ACORN alerted her office after it reviewed hundreds of voter registration cards it suspected were fraudulent.

Throwing some of their low-level workers under the bus by reporting them makes great PR, so long as no one looks too closely at this obvious wagging of the dog.
Given the rogues gallery that is ACORN's "leadership", there's little doubt that this kind of behavior is indeed systemic.

Maybe we could somehow get the Brit press to come and investigate this...Lord knows our own derelicts in the MSM won't.

this is why the big media conglomerates, should have never been allowed to be formed...the smaller newspapers were more accountable to their readership and spent much more time investigating these type of things...

now, every newspaper uses the same 2 sources, the AP or the Upi and primarily the one source...the AP is used....

It;s a sad day indeed when our press and the diversity of it has been dwindled down to a handful of corporations only interested in 'what sells'...

when the free from gvt reigns press, was given special status in our first was suppose to be the true watchdog of our government, and the earpiece for 'the people'....

yet our gvt agencies and congress passed legislation themselves in the guise of ''deregulation'' that allowed consolidations of local and regionally responsible newspapers in to less than 5 mega news corporations, which in turn killed the potency of the free press....:evil:
Again, I included you in my wondering if you people are stupid or simply liars.
Have you no comment on the link I posted? Did you watch the videos? I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the brainless lapdogs try to defend that.
Given the rogues gallery that is ACORN's "leadership", there's little doubt that this kind of behavior is indeed systemic.

Maybe we could somehow get the Brit press to come and investigate this...Lord knows our own derelicts in the MSM won't.

this is why the big media conglomerates, should have never been allowed to be formed...the smaller newspapers were more accountable to their readership and spent much more time investigating these type of things...

now, every newspaper uses the same 2 sources, the AP or the Upi and primarily the one source...the AP is used....

It;s a sad day indeed when our press and the diversity of it has been dwindled down to a handful of corporations only interested in 'what sells'...

when the free from gvt reigns press, was given special status in our first was suppose to be the true watchdog of our government, and the earpiece for 'the people'....

yet our gvt agencies and congress passed legislation themselves in the guise of ''deregulation'' that allowed consolidations of local and regionally responsible newspapers in to less than 5 mega news corporations, which in turn killed the potency of the free press....:evil:
Have you no comment at all on the videos?

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