According To The LGBT+ Community Straight Men Must Have Sex With Trans Men Or Face Their Wrath

Most Trans aren't as interested in other Trans men. They think having sex with a straight male is more kinky.
They like macho men.....but the problem is most of the macho men in the Gay community don't like guys dressing up as women. They like other Gay men.
Historically, Trans men have always been an outcast in the Gay community.
The top problem with Trans men is they're habit of tricking a straight guy into thinking they're a real woman....and then the straight guy running out the door the moment they find out the Tranny's got a bigger dick then they do.
They're trying to use cancel culture to get straight men to date them. It's like the ultimate fantasy for a Trans man, to be a real woman in a real relationship.

The problem with is that all of this is a form of psychosis that's well documented. It's not normal in any shape or form. But that doesn't stop them from coming up with this pronoun BS. This is just an opportunity to target straights or Christians.
Thanks for posting I was wondering where I could get advice if I ever became a tranny or gay. Hell, you know a lot about how they think and their likes. How does one get that way? Unless?
Imagine putting years into becoming attractive to real men only to be rejected because you still have a penis.
Some Trans men can't handle rejection in a normal, healthy way.....and the left takes advantage of this to the max.
They know they can attack their enemies at the same moment they patronize their supporters.
They can even get them to break election laws and destroy communities because of their bigotry toward straights.
Ask yourself why so many Democrat run cities are like Chicago, run by a black lesbian.

Or even if they have the artificial vagina.

It's also happening with lesbian women being pressured into having sex with trans women.
Damn, some threads make you think you took a crazy pill.

But no, I don't think I'll concern myself over what the perverted deviants want....I see their time in the sun coming to a middle real fuckin' quick.
Don't know but certainly something going on here for one to know so much. Maybe he spent a few tours in Thailand.
I visited Thailand twice while I was on the Kitty Hawk.
Went to Bangkok once and it was so disgusting I got on the next bus back to Pattaya Beach.
I remember seeing this Buddist Monk in his orange robe standing at a bus stop....and he all of the sudden pulls out a pack of smokes and lights one.
The first exposure I had with Trans men was when I was 18 and stationed in Hawaii and went down to the bars on Hotel Street.
A couple of friends of mine took me to this club that had all of these Asian women sitting around with pretty dresses on that seemed a little inappropriate. They wore these high-neck Southern style dresses that covered their throats. They were usually very quiet but friendly. Back in the 70s most women were rude or stuck-up and wouldn't give you the time of day because of short hair indicating military service. These "women" were pretty and nice. Later on my friends told me those were Dudes.

Several months later somebody did a drive by at a Drag Queen bar and killed 7 of them. Some of them were usually standing outside of the bar looking for anyone who might be interested in a little freaky sex or just playful banter with passersby. I remember seeing all of the cop cars. I missed the attack by only a couple mins because I was on a bus from Pearl Harbor to Waikiki Beach on a Friday night.

I've never been afraid to discuss difficult topics like this. I've never been afraid to talk about race either, but that doesn't make me a racist.
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Whatever happened to my body - my choice?

Why must straight men have sex with Trans men, according to the left.?
Must a Gay man have sex with a biological woman to prove that they aren't straightphobic?
No, no, It's GOOD to be straightphobic: only the evil cis people have to make the push outside their comfort zone and have sex with same-sex freakazoids.
Imagine putting years into becoming attractive to real men only to be rejected because you still have a penis.
Some Trans men can't handle rejection in a normal, healthy way.....and the left takes advantage of this to the max.
They know they can attack their enemies at the same moment they patronize their supporters.
They can even get them to break election laws and destroy communities because of their bigotry toward straights.
Ask yourself why so many Democrat run cities are like Chicago, run by a black lesbian.
Actually, I think she just lost the election Tuesday.
She's what happens when you use race or sexuality to win an election.
Chicago may make an even worse mistake if they elect another black mayor because I hear he's pretty much the same ole shit as Lori Lightfoot.
That's what happens in Baltimore. The blacks they elect go from bad to worse and every time (this really happens) the FBI comes in and hauls the mayor off to prison. I believe we're up to three in a row now, or more.
Thanks for posting I was wondering where I could get advice if I ever became a tranny or gay. Hell, you know a lot about how they think and their likes. How does one get that way? Unless?
If you think you may be gay all you can do is give it a try.
You'll know pretty quickly if it's your type of thing.
For one....gays give off a pherimone that repels straight folks. Another thing....I had Gays make a pass at me and thought farting was a form of foreplay. Nobody but a Gay man likes the smell of shit during sex.
If you think you may be gay all you can do is give it a try.
You'll know pretty quickly if it's your type of thing.
For one....gays give off a pherimone that repels straight folks. Another thing....I had Gays make a pass at me and thought farting was a form of foreplay. Nobody but a Gay man likes the smell of shit during sex.

Best way to respond to accusations of "you talk about this because you are gay hurr durr durr"

"The only penis I am a fan of is my own"
Best way to respond to accusations of "you talk about this because you are gay hurr durr durr"

"The only penis I am a fan of is my own"
It's just another homeophobic response to a serious topic of discussion. Last thing any lib wants to admit to is being Gay, even though they totally support all of the hogwash the LGBT community forces down our throats.
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Most Trans aren't as interested in other Trans men. They think having sex with a straight male is more kinky.
They like macho men.....but the problem is most of the macho men in the Gay community don't like guys dressing up as women. They like other Gay men.
Historically, Trans men have always been an outcast in the Gay community.
The top problem with Trans men is they're habit of tricking a straight guy into thinking they're a real woman....and then the straight guy running out the door the moment they find out the Tranny's got a bigger dick then they do.
They're trying to use cancel culture to get straight men to date them. It's like the ultimate fantasy for a Trans man, to be a real woman in a real relationship.

The problem with is that all of this is a form of psychosis that's well documented. It's not normal in any shape or form. But that doesn't stop them from coming up with this pronoun BS. This is just an opportunity to target straights or Christians.
I like how gay people are now starting to come out against the whole alphabet thing.
One lesbian woman in an interview "We didn't ask to be grouped in with trans people, we don't carry the same opinions as they do. And we don't appreciate being called transphobic because we won't date trans women."
That is what it has turned into.
Now a dude in a dress believe everyone in the world is evil if they won't have sex with him because he wears a dress.

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