Accidental gun discharges in AL & TN

You seem to be brain damaged. I haven't suggested banning anything.

Oh? Your purpose here is not to deny weapons to the peasants?

You attack private ownership of firearms with a religious fervor. You consistently fight to revoke civil rights.

I am interested in the facts and attack obviously wrong information. Please post where I have ever suggested banning guns. Many of my arguments are counter both sides. I believe gun ownership does not effect crime rates. The pro gun think it lowers crime and the anti gun side thinks it increases crime. I think it doesn't effect crime.
"Most distinctive cause of death"? Distinctive?

It means it stands out relative to other states. Far more people as a percent of population are killed in AL and TN by accidental shootings than other states.

So it is relative to accidental shooting deaths in other states, but not relative to other causes of death? Sounds meaningless to me.

Yes. Well it's telling AL and TN they have a problem. I wouldn't call that meaningless. Clearly it is bad to have more people dying in gun accidents than other states.

I would have to see more data. From what I have seen, there are an average of about 600 accidental shooting deaths annually in the U.S. That an average of 33 happen in one state with over 6.5 million people and a high rate of gun ownership does not seem significant.

Well based on those numbers they are like 2% of the country, but account for like 5.5%of accidental deaths. I would hope this makes people more aware of the dangers and they take safety more seriously. I think we both agree guns can be carried and owned safely. It's people who are making mistakes that have the problem. More reminders of the danger can't hurt.

I found the mortality rates for TN. In 2009 there were 63,199 people who died. If 33 of them died from accidental gunshots, they that constitutes 0.052% of the deaths for that year.

That seems a tiny portion to spend much time on.

But promoting gun safety is always a good thing, in my opinion.

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