Acceptable number of Gazans to be killed?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
I get tired of the actions against Gazans being condemned as "genocide" by Israel.

So what number killed from Oct. 7th 2023 to Oct. 7th, 2024 would you find "acceptable""

Note I said "acceptable" Not good or moral

I can accept anything less than 50,000
I get tired of the actions against Gazans being condemned as "genocide" by Israel.

So what number killed from Oct. 7th 2023 to Oct. 7th, 2024 would you find "acceptable""

Note I said "acceptable" Not good or moral

I can accept anything less than 50,000
the time for a complete cease fire and return of hostages like, as soon as possible.

we have no choice but to accept the current toll, and NO RERASON to continue killing.

how many proud boy losses would be acceptable to you if the result was trump47?

the time for a complete cease fire and return of hostages like, as soon as possible.

we have no choice but to accept the current toll, and NO RERASON to continue killing.

how many proud boy losses would be acceptable to you if the result was trump47?

all of them
I get tired of the actions against Gazans being condemned as "genocide" by Israel.

So what number killed from Oct. 7th 2023 to Oct. 7th, 2024 would you find "acceptable""

Note I said "acceptable" Not good or moral

I can accept anything less than 50,000
How many schools?
"Acceptable" meaning what?
You planning to actually do something about it in any case?
We love our Good Guy vs. Bad Guy stuff, but I don't see any good guys here.

Hamas commits an ugly, unforgivable atrocity. Israel then responds with what is just this side of genocide, turning much of Gaza into rubble.

I don't know how either party involved can be defended.
Israel is hunting down HAMAS, the perps of ongoing violent attacks against Jews. Hamas just kills to kill.
I get tired of the actions against Gazans being condemned as "genocide" by Israel.

So what number killed from Oct. 7th 2023 to Oct. 7th, 2024 would you find "acceptable""

Note I said "acceptable" Not good or moral

I can accept anything less than 50,000
And who started this nightmarish one-upmanship?
Great to see the Three Hs driving back the Nazis .

How humiliating for the Nazi impersonator and his inexperienced IDF kids .

With the Hooty Tooty Boys expanding successfully into the Mediterranean , world shipping is being drastically slowed down .
The Hezzers have a tunnel complex under north Israel which will allow them to take that region in days if they are let of their leash .
The Hammers continue to make fools of the IDF in Gaza City who simply cannot handle street and tunnel man- to man - fighting .

Can the Hitler Impersonator last much longer as the national economy is fast declining and opposition grows daily ?
Israel then responds with what is just this side of genocide, turning much of Gaza into rubble.

I missed the part where Gaza surrendered and stop killing Israelis.

If you're concerned for your buddies in Gaza... urge them to surrender and give back the hostages (or their corpses).

Until that happens, how many Gazans die is entirely up to Gazans.
I missed the part where Gaza surrendered and stop killing Israelis.

If you're concerned for your buddies in Gaza... urge them to surrender and give back the hostages (or their corpses).

Until that happens, how many Gazans die is entirely up to Gazans.
Actually the Gazans have no voice and no power against Hamas who would just as readily kill them or anybody else if they oppose anything Hamas wants to do. We already know Hamas doesn't care one fig about the Palestinians. They're on the record that the tunnels are for the protection of Hamas and not the Palestinians. Hamas puts their rocket launchers on school and hospital grounds and their ammo dumps inside and under schools and hospitals just hoping the Israelis will kill some kids or others they can make to look like genocide victims. Hamas is on record that it isn't their job to protect Palestinians but it's the U.N.'s job.

And meanwhile we see video after video of Palestinians wanting to drive over or stab or shoot or otherwise kill Jews because that is what Hamas has programmed them to think and say. And Hamas, along with all the other Muslim leadership groups, have as their manifesto to kill or drive out all Jews and erase Israel from the face of the Earth.

And Hamas repeats that mandate to this day. And in the face of all that, the IDF does as much as it can reasonably do to not kill Palestinians. They are determined to eradicate Hamas. And I cannot find ANY fault with them for that.

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Actually the Gazans have no voice and no power against Hamas


Gazans voted for them in 2005. Recent polls, after Oct 7th show overwhelming support for Hamas and their tactics

And, even if that weren't true. There are 2 million Gazans, mostly armed, and around 40,000 Hamas militants. They could overwhelm them or just not cooperate with them if even a small majority of that 2 million didn't support them.

I suspect that, just like all Germans claim to have not supported The Nazis after they were gone, that most Gazans will claim they never supported Hamas when they are all dead.
Somehow, Hamas managed to build MILES of tunnels with access from the first floors or basements of hospitals, mosques, schools, and homes----without
notice by any 'Gazans' and manage to shoot countless missiles---also from
hospitals, mosques, school, and homes without notice of involvement by
any 'gazans'
I get tired of the actions against Gazans being condemned as "genocide" by Israel.

So what number killed from Oct. 7th 2023 to Oct. 7th, 2024 would you find "acceptable""

Note I said "acceptable" Not good or moral

I can accept anything less than 50,000
Your opinion is meaningless.
Rampart kisses Hamas filthy, evil asses with his contemptible answer. Israel is at war yrt again with the same evil scum and has to take them out at long last.
The Palestinians love and celebrate Hamas which uses them for cover. Fine, die with them like Germans and Japanese did in WW II by the hundreds of thousands.
We firebombed their cities and nuked two.
Peace followed didn't it.

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