Absolute proof that Communist mainstream news is fake

The virus is the only thing they have. So close the shit holes down. get people really fuming, Red States lived a fairly normal life except the beginning and putting diapers on our mouths that spread more shit anyway

What credibility can any libturd have anymore???
Hallalujiah! I'm moving to one of those red states, from one of the foulest blue states, and am looking forward to the freedom! As I browse the e-version of the headlines in the local newspaper for the town I'm moving to, I see tons of pictures of NOBODY WEARING A MASK! GASP!!!!!!!!!! Some leftist pussy just wet himself!
The cabal is global and has been active for centuries. They are slowly being rooted out and destroyed. Their reign is coming to an end.
exactly,and that would NOT be happening now had the elite achieved what they wanted in 2016 to get their puppet the witch Hitlery in office. Trump is our first president sense kennedy NOT a puppet for the establishment and that is WHY that is happening now. I was the most skeptical at first not believing it when i heard that and i would not have had i not seen it with my own eyes where they showed a resident that lives in washington where he exposed washington is a ghosttown now.

He was driving around in his van with his minicam and the FBI Headquarters there,it has been sealed off,its bordered up,the evil FBI institution is FINALLY getting dissolved as is the CIA i have heard.:yes_text12::dance:you try and enter the FBI building down there as anybody can when you used to be able to walk in there after being cleared by guards,you CANT go in there,the doors are locked,the guy showed that on his video,him trying to open the doors but unable to.
The main stream media produces crap you can't contend with because you don't like what they produce, tough shit create yer own media and stop crying like a dumb-shit. I myself cut the cord eight years ago and stopped watching main stream news in 1990 during the Gulf War. It is easy to do but you do not have the strength to do as such instead you are addicted to the zombie box.
wow three farts in a row from you Moonglow.:abgg2q.jpg:
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WelfareQueen Excellent post. you are so correct,yeah makes sense WHY the Demorat shills here at this site are avoiding this thread,.much easier to avoid the evidence in the video than address it it and troll the thread thinking of stuff their bosses tell them to post.LOL much easier to just avoid the thread and avoid the ass beatings.:abgg2q.jpg:
The media is just an arm of the democratic party. Everything is either controlled or enemy.
I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same and it is a one party system disguised as two which is true but because of Trump whom is not part of the corrupt two party system which is why even the republicans hate him, we have some people in the GOP who are not part of the corrupt two party system as well so in this case,you ARE correct sense ever sense trump got in office,the media is kissing the asses of the Demorats who are indeed trying to destroy America.
Hollyweird is complete Commie dip shit. They own your THCd out brain
Moonbat is second only to Leftwing in message count here. He gets paid by the post to screw up threads...like a good little troll.

Most of the major news sources are owned by foreign entities, which is a large reason we get Marxist, Communist, anti-American fake news propagansa designed to protect the Marxist politicians and ideology.
Great movie about how the Soviet Union genocided millions and how NYT reporter Walter Duranty covered up the genocide.
try to explain this one that the MSM corporate controlled media is not lying about the virus folks.you cant.,WHATS WITH THAT MAGICAL NUMBER THERE? explain it,you cant.LOL:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

same number in ALL these cities of deaths. dont think that number wasnt invented by the media? sure it wasnt,the MSM media would NEVER lie to us.no way thats unheard of.they are always honest with us all the time.

What's hilarious will be those in MSM that feel they will be saved if the Commies do get control.

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