Abortion. The hill the GOP will die on in 2024.

Making 'right to life' a political issue will likely cost the GOP seats as well as the POTUS election. They should have left it to the woman, her doctor, and God years ago. Even most republicans favor some form of choice in this regard.
You're the one making it an issue. The Supreme Court ruled this is a STATE issue, but you think it is an opportunity to win, so YOU keep bringing it up
There are hills worth dying on. I would suggest Abortion and Gun Owner Rights are two of them.

You'll end up losing your gun rights over your stupid abortion obsession. That's the irony and the problem with idealogues. You people are only two dimensional thinkers.
Actually it's the radical left that turned "right to life" into a political issue. The right to life is a God given concept inherent in every species that ever existed on earth. Hypocrite animal rights activists would be demonstrating in the streets and attacking abortion clinics if they saw what happens in a "partial birth" abortion. It's likely that women who are routinely abused mentally and physically by mostly left wing men will be secretly relieved that they can't be easily forced into a neighborhood abortion clinic and endure symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives.
You're the one making it an issue. The Supreme Court ruled this is a STATE issue, but you think it is an opportunity to win, so YOU keep bringing it up
It's a growing issue that will greatly affect the 2024 national elections. I'm just bringing it to the forums, along with an opinion I've held for many years.
I am very much pro-choice but I think the abortion rights activists frequently fail to understand anti-abortionists. I mean if you believe that abortion is really murder, then you're going to fight like hell to stop it. I get that.

There's no solution here, really, other than education and talking about the issue in the most respectful way possible.
Making 'right to life' a political issue will likely cost the GOP seats as well as the POTUS election. They should have left it to the woman, her doctor, and God years ago. Even most republicans favor some form of choice in this regard.
If you think losing one million babies a year due to a heinous operation that hurts, chases and sucks the brains out of an unborn baby up till one second before birth, you have another think coming if you think a majority of Americans are thrilled with abortions. NOT!!! Besides, the SCOTUS didn't end abortions, it merely took abortion away from federal control and put it back where it constitutionally--to the individual states of which there are 50, some of whom claim abortion is a rite of passage to create another feminazi, and others states support a religious population that loves babies and hates the killing of children whether they're born or unborn. If you're counting on abortion to be the reason someone gets elected because he or she savors it, this United States will go to war. I'd leave it alone.
If Republicans had a brain they would just say that abortion "is a state issue", and not lose as many young voters.

And they would also accept that most voters/adults want abortion available as an option up through the first trimester.

That ship has sailed, though.
If Republicans had a brain they would just say that abortion "is a state issue", and not lose as many young voters.
It remains a national issue, the SCOTUS decision notwithstanding.
I am very much pro-choice but I think the abortion rights activists frequently fail to understand anti-abortionists. I mean if you believe that abortion is really murder, then you're going to fight like hell to stop it. I get that. There's no solution here, really, other than education and talking about the issue in the most respectful way possible.
The solution is state by state, as we now have. Majority rules.
If the abortion issue weakens the political power of gun owners, we have shot ourselves in the foot with it.
Well, relax. the whole world thinks the current dementia patient President weakens political power of all America, considering he has shot himself in the foot numerous times here and ~Heaven help us ~ we'll all be lucky if he loses to a Republican front runner. We won't know that until the Republican convention chooses from a field of many who are going to run for President. America is getting bored with the current lie-a-minute, ninnyhammer administration.
Why do you say "that ship has sailed"?
States can put reasonable limits on abortion, such as 12 or 16 weeks.

True, they can, but I think their political strategy is to be as extreme as possible. I've got a hypothesis or two on why that's the case but that's for another thread.

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