Abortion. The hill the GOP will die on in 2024.

If you think losing one million babies a year due to a heinous operation that hurts, chases and sucks the brains out of an unborn baby up till one second before birth, you have another think coming if you think a majority of Americans are thrilled with abortions. NOT!!! Besides, the SCOTUS didn't end abortions, it merely took abortion away from federal control and put it back where it constitutionally--to the individual states of which there are 50, some of whom claim abortion is a rite of passage to create another feminazi, and others states support a religious population that loves babies and hates the killing of children whether they're born or unborn. If you're counting on abortion to be the reason someone gets elected because he or she savors it, this United States will go to war. I'd leave it alone.
Lol go to war. Great we'll throw your ass in jail. Bring it
You'll end up losing your gun rights over your stupid abortion obsession. That's the irony and the problem with idealogues. You people are only two dimensional thinkers.
Isn't that the gawd damn truth. The gop is, strategically speaking, the dumbest bunch of peckerheads on the planet. :eusa_wall:

This coming May would have been the perfect time to but the abortion issue to bed for good and all by simply letting the people of the states vote abortion up or down. If approved then the finer points of "guardrails", if any, could be worked out later.

Oh but no, legislatures like in TX and OK are too beholden to the holy-rollers to let that happen. As such the issue will be a millstone around the gop's neck and drag the rest of us that have some common sense down with it/them.

I swear, if I was handed a list of red states and told to "move to a free state" TX and OK would be stricken from the list first thing.....Overbearing assholes who don't trust their own citizenry.
If you think losing one million babies a year due to a heinous operation that hurts, chases and sucks the brains out of an unborn baby up till one second before birth, you have another think coming if you think a majority of Americans are thrilled with abortions. NOT!!! Besides, the SCOTUS didn't end abortions, it merely took abortion away from federal control and put it back where it constitutionally--to the individual states of which there are 50, some of whom claim abortion is a rite of passage to create another feminazi, and others states support a religious population that loves babies and hates the killing of children whether they're born or unborn. If you're counting on abortion to be the reason someone gets elected because he or she savors it, this United States will go to war. I'd leave it alone.
Only about half are surgical abortions.
Making 'right to life' a political issue will likely cost the GOP seats as well as the POTUS election. They should have left it to the woman, her doctor, and God years ago. Even most republicans favor some form of choice in this regard.

We're the same party that took on slavery, more than a century and a half ago, and eventually won that cause. History has proven us to have been completely rights about slavery, as we will eventually be proven also to be right about protecting the very lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
We're the same party that took on slavery, more than a century and a half ago, and eventually won that cause. History has proven us to have been completely rights about slavery, as we will eventually be proven also to be right about protecting the very lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
Abortion has been declining for years, especially among young women. The recent uptick was due to the hardships caused by the pandemic.
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Why do you say "that ship has sailed"?
States can put reasonable limits on abortion, such as 12 or 16 weeks.

Even with such limits, you'd still talking about thousands of innocent children beings slaughtered every day.

What level of such gratuitous, murderous savagery do you want sane, decent people to consider acceptable?

Those on then murderous left want to strip Americans of our right to keep and bear arms, on the bullshit premise that decent, law-abiding human beings who own guns are somehow responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year, even the the overwhelming vast majority of us never have and never will use our guns to harm anyone.

Every abortion kills an innocents human being. Every one. Every one who gets an abortion, or has any willing part in carrying one out, is directly responsible for the murder of an innocent child. Every one.

More people die this way, in a week, than die from any firearm-related causes in a year.

What restrictions would it take to bring the death toll from abortions down to the same level as those that can be attributed to the misuse of firearms? Would those of you on the pro-murder side consider any such level of restriction acceptable?

It is pointless to try to compromise with murderous evil.

Lives in a Blue State​

Voted for Biden
Voted for Trump
Source: C.D.C.
The states with the highest share of women who obtained abortions in 2019 were Democratic-leaning.

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Actually it's the radical left that turned "right to life" into a political issue. The right to life is a God given concept inherent in every species that ever existed on earth. Hypocrite animal rights activists would be demonstrating in the streets and attacking abortion clinics if they saw what happens in a "partial birth" abortion. It's likely that women who are routinely abused mentally and physically by mostly left wing men will be secretly relieved that they can't be easily forced into a neighborhood abortion clinic and endure symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives.

I notice that many people keep forgetting that America is a SECULAR nation by default.

The best way is to compromise is along the lines of limited Abortions of 12-16 weeks' time frame which is where 99% of abortions occurs then none except for the extremely rare emergency exceptions after 16 weeks.

But extremists on both sides are behaving like idiots which is why this bullshit goes on and on a sign of a mentally feeble nation.
Abortion has been declining for years, especially for young women. The recent uptick was due to the hardships caused by the pandemic.

The “pandemic” did not cause any such hardships.

It was government greed, lust for power, and outright corruption that caused it, all of it. The overhyped cold/flu outbreak was an excuse, nothing more.
The “pandemic” did not cause any such hardships.

It was government greed, lust for power, and outright corruption that caused it, all of it. The overhyped cold/flu outbreak was an excuse, nothing more.

Big Pharma got rich with a worthless "vaccine"
I notice that many people keep forgetting that America is a SECULAR nation by default.

So what?

Murder is murder, regardless of anyone's religious beliefs.

It is the pro-murder side that has tried to make this into a religious argument, trying to blame Christians for opposing their “right” to murder innocent human beings.

It's not religion that is the source of this opposition. It is plain, basic, human decency.

The best way is to compromise is along the lines of limited Abortions of 12-16 weeks' time frame which is where 99% of abortions occurs then none except for the extremely rare emergency exceptions after 16 weeks.

So, you want us to compromise with murderers, in a way that lets them kill more than 99% of the innocent victims that they are allowed to kill without such a compromise?

Fuck that.
Lol go to war. Great we'll throw your ass in jail. Bring it
So what?

Murder is murder, regardless of anyone's religious beliefs.

It is the pro-murder side that has tried to make this into a religious argument, trying to blame Christians for opposing their “right” to murder innocent human beings.

It's not religion that is the source of this opposition. It is plain, basic, human decency.

So, you want us to compromise with murderers, in a way that lets them kill more than 99% of the innocent victims that they are allowed to kill without such a compromise?

Fuck that.

You will never win this argument as the vast majority wants some abortion allowance in the states better to compromise as this is a SECULAR nation which is what you are ignoring in favor of a religious position which was supposed to be based on a new world outside of this one......

If you and your family and fellow religious believers avoid abortions no problem but don't try to shove your morality onto others.

The big mistake from democrats is pushing abortion on demand which is stupid because about 99% of abortions are in the first 16 weeks while part of the Republican base is allowing limited abortions and another part of the base says zero abortions......
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